Most Recent Spiritual Crusade News

President Nelson Rededicates Washington D.C. Temple
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Monday, August 15, 8 O’clock News MST| No.109 “We are very grateful,” President Nelson said. “This temple will stand now for another generation or two.” As President Nelson walked on the grounds of the renovated temple, he...
All Spiritual Crusade News
President Nelson Rededicates Washington D.C. Temple
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Monday, August 15, 8 O’clock News MST| No.109 “We are very grateful,” President Nelson said. “This temple will stand now for another generation or two.” As President Nelson walked on the grounds of the renovated temple, he...
Tithing declaration replaces tithing settlement
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Thursday, August 11, 10 O’clock News MST| No.108 “This change emphasizes that the primary purpose of this interview is to provide members with an opportunity to declare their tithing faithfulness, not to ‘settle’ an...
Orem Utah Temple caught on fire overnight
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Monday, July 26 20 O’clock News MST| No.107 “The source of the fire is not yet known, but it is believed that the fire started on the third floor of the temple,” Church spokesman Doug Andersen said. “Foam was used to...
Temple District In Nauvoo is recognized with Award of Excellence
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Monday, July 14th 13:30 News MST| No.106 The Temple District in Historic Nauvoo, Illinois, has been recognized with the American Association for State and Local History’s Award of Excellence. The Award is a...
New Testament ‘Come Follow Me’ is now available online for 2023
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Monday, June 27th 11:00 O’clock News MST| No.105 The Come Follow Me for 2023 will be focusing on the Nee Testament. The new manuals for are now available digitally. The manuals can be found in the Gospel Library...
The Church releases a statement on the importance of water conservation
BREAKING NEWS - TEMPLE SQUARE, UTAH Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Thursday, June 23rd 14:00 O’clock News MST| No.104 Much of the American West is facing a critical drought and it is expected to be worse than last year. The Church of Jesus Christ of...
Season 5 of The Book of Mormon Updates
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Saturday, June 18th 15:00 O’clock News MST| No.103 “The Book of Mormon itself, and the Book of Mormon Videos are produced with the express purpose of bringing people closer to their Lord Jesus Christ,” Elder Rasband said in...
Gunman at Hill Cumorah was shooting near the visitors’ center
BREAKING NEWS-SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Thursday, June 9th 10:30 News MST| No.102 “This afternoon (Wednesday, June 8, 2022), several shots were fired at or near the Hill Cumorah Visitors’ Center in Palmyra, New York,”...
12 More Temples across the globe are being moved to normal operations
BREAKING NEWS - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Thursday, June 2nd 14 O’clock News MST| No.101 The Church of Jesus Christ has 172 dedicated temples worldwide. 85.6% of those temples have started to move to normal operations after...
Elder Bednar answers many questions from the media at the National Press Club
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Monday, May 30th 10 O’clock News MST| No.100 After speaking about the tragic Texas school shooting and about the Washington D.C. temple at the National Press Club, the media asked Elder David A. Bednar, an apostle of Jesus...
Elder David A. Bednar speaks on the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting
BREAKING NEWS - 529 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20045 Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Thursday, May 26th 16 O’clock News MST| No.99 “We mourn with those who mourn and pray for all those impacted by this senseless act of violence. My prayer and my blessing is...
Site has been announced for the Montpelier Idaho Temple after less than 7 weeks of the temple being announced
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Saturday, May 21st 11 O’clock News MST| No.98 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has given the site for the Montpelier Idaho Temple, less than 7 weeks after the new temple was announced by President Russell M....
Young adults and youth lead tours at a replica of the tabernacle in the Old Testament, how it points to Christ
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Thursday, May 19th 16 O’clock News MST| No.97 “There are roots that go back to the ancient tabernacle, and there’s a consistency over time of what Heavenly Father is trying to teach us, and the way He’s trying to teach us....
Young Adults take home a message of their true identity and overfill the Conference Center
Photo credits: @taryn.m.banks on Instagram @calebchilcutt is the person holding the ring, ‘proposing’ to Sister Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Monday, May 16th 15 O’clock News MST| No.96...
Watch 2 apostles of Jesus Christ lead a virtual tour of the Washing D.C. Temple
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Saturday, May 14th 9 O’clock News MST| No.95 “A temple is the most sacred place of worship in our Church, and we are delighted that you would join us for a tour,” Elder Renlund says in the video. The Church of Jesus...
The prophet and his wife will speak on May 15 for the Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Thursday, May 12th | 15 O’clock News MST| No.94 Russell M. Nelson, The prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Sister Wendy W. Nelson will speak to young adults ages 18 to 30 in a devotional...
Wheelchair donations from The Church are changing lives across the globe
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Saturday, May 7th | 9 O’clock News MST| No.93 “It is indeed a great blessing to have both the opportunity and the responsibility to be the Lord’s agents for this wonderful humanitarian program. In turn, we also act as...
Blood drives from The Church receive almost 1 million units for the American Red Cross
BREAKING NEWS- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Saturday, April 30th | 14 O’clock News MST| No.92 “That is a significant number and an impressive impact. So that’s almost 3 million people whose lives have been affected in such a...
More than 100 temples are now in phase 4, returning to normal after COVID restrictions
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Thursday, April 28nd | 19 O’clock News MST| No.91 Two years ago, The Church closed all of it’s operating temples because of the COVID pandemic and then they followed with cautious, phased reopenings. The temples owned...
The Third Saints Volume Releases Today
BREAKING NEWS Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Friday, April 22nd | 10 O’clock News MST| No.90 “The more I study Church history, the more I learned that whatever we’re experiencing today, the Saints in the past have experienced something similar,” Hales...