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Listen to Renee Roberts as she teaches the how tos of living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Most Recent How To

How To Pray Without Ceasing
In the scriptures it says to “pray without ceasing.” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17) Now some people may think that praying without ceasing is just praying the entire day which is impossible because we all have things to do. So what is praying without ceasing? ...
All How To’s
How To Pray Without Ceasing
In the scriptures it says to “pray without ceasing.” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17) Now some people may think that praying without ceasing is just praying the entire day which is impossible because we all have things to do. So what is praying without ceasing? ...
How To Build Your Foundation On Christ And Why You Need To
“In like manner, it is now time that we each implement extraordinary measures—perhaps measures we have never taken before—to strengthen our personal spiritual foundations. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. My dear brothers and sisters, these are the...
How to Be a Good Missionary
I’ve been reading in Mosiah 23 and 24 this week about how the Lamanites enslaved the people of Alma, and how this happened even though the people of Alma and were trying to do what’s right. Hard things happen to everyone in life. But the people of Alma continued...
How To Receive Pure Truth
“There really is absolute truth—eternal truth. One of the plagues of our day is that too few people know where to turn for truth” — President Russell M. Nelson, Oct. 2021 General Conference In this day and age, the return of Jesus Christ is not far off. Very...
How Can We Hear Him?
Doctrine and Covenants 18:36,“Wherefore you can testify that you have heard my voice and know my word.” When we can say that we have heard his voice and know his word we will be better disciples, better and more often able to hear Him”.Our Prophet Russell M. Nelson...
How To Resist The Temptation Of Pornography
Downloaded Our App: App.spiritualcrusade.comFollow Latterdayhelp on Social Media! Link to Latterdayhelp on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/latterdayhelp/Link to Latterdayhelp on Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/Latterdayhelp/Link to Latterdayhelp on...
How to Find Strength in Weakness
Nobody likes feeling weak. We all know it. But weakness, vulnerability, and imperfection are an intrinsic part of this mortal journey. There's no getting out of it. There is, however, great purpose to our experience of profound inadequacy, insufficiency, or weakness....
Becoming Closer To God Parts 1-3
All topics and Images were made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find him on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. This post is part of the LDS Topics series made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find more parts of the series on this website or on Instagram. Link to Latterdayhelp on...
What Is Zion And How Can I Prepare To Go?
All topics and Images were made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find him on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. This post is part of the LDS Topics series made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find more parts of the series on this website or on Instagram. Link to Latterdayhelp on...
How to Live with Courage
How to find strength and courage amid the storms of life.
How to Be Still
For the past several years, as I've prayed and fasted over an issue I'm trying to deal with in life, I keep receiving the following impression: Be Still. Now, it's just not in my nature to be still. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem being physically still. I...
How to Set Inspired Goals
Another year has started and most of us are probably in one of three positions: we don't set New Year's goals anymore, or we did and are already lagging behind on keeping them, or we haven't quite gotten to setting them yet despite being halfway through January. For...
How To Distinguish Between Good and Evil
As a child, the answer to this question seems easy. Life and life choices are largely black and white. But as we age and our lives grow more complex, distinguishing between right and wrong can feel a lot more complicated. Especially when there are two competing...
How to Forgive, part 2: Actually Doing It
Hey everybody! Welcome back to another month's How To post. As we promised last month, we are focusing today on the nuts and bolts of actually forgiving another person when it's really, really hard. As a side note, self-forgiveness is a discussion for another time, so...
How to Forgive, part 1: Why to Forgive and What Forgiving Means
Welcome to another How-To installment on Spiritual Crusade! Today we are exploring how to forgive. The first step is understanding why we should even bother. We all know forgiving others is a commandment. It's not exactly in the Big Ten, but surely it's implied in the...
How to Step Forward in Faith
Have Faith. Yeah. Sounds great. Good plan. But what exactly does that mean? And how do I step forward into the darkness when I can’t see the light at the end of my personal, trouble-filled tunnel? Life is full of tough trials. Goodness knows we’re aware of that...
How to Trust the Lord
I am super excited to join the Spiritual Crusade Team for this How-to Series. We’ll be focusing on how to live basic principles (like being humble, forgiving, standing for right), commandments (The Big Ten, The Word of Wisdom, The Law of Tithing), and ordinances...