General Conference
All General Confernce Posts
When Taking Conference Notes
“When I take notes at conference. I do not always write down exactly what the speaker is saying. I note the personalized direction the spirit is giving me.” — Robert D. Hales It’s General Conference weekend! It’s time for wonderful stories, better quotes, silly quips,...
10 Quotes By David A. Bednar – “Put On Thy Strength, O Zion”
Parables are a defining feature of the Lord Jesus Christ’s masterful approach to teaching. Simply defined, the Savior’s parables are stories used to compare spiritual truths with material things and mortal experiences. For example, the New Testament Gospels are...
11 Quotes By Gerrit W. Gong – “Happy And Forever”
Friends, dear brothers and sisters, do you remember believing, or wanting to believe, in happily ever after?Then life happens. We “grow up.” Relationships get complicated. This world is noisy, crowded, pushy, with pretense and posturing. Yet, in our “deep heart’s...
7 Quotes By Steven J. Lund – “Lasting Discipleship.”
During this past summer, over 200,000 of our young people all over the world grew in faith at one of the hundreds of weeklong sessions of For the Strength of Youth, or FSY, conferences. Coming out of pandemic isolation, for many it was an act of faith in the Lord to...
6 Quotes By Joseph W. Sitati – “Patterns of Discipleship.”
This morning our two children and three grandchildren in North America, and about half of the world, saw the brightness of the sun rising majestically in the east. The other three children and seven grandchildren in Africa, and the other half of the world, saw...
6 Quotes By Jeffrey R. Holland – “Lifted Up upon the Cross.”
Years ago, following a graduate school discussion on American religious history, a fellow student asked me, “Why have the Latter-day Saints not adopted the cross that other Christians use as a symbol of their faith?” Inasmuch as such questions about the cross are...
5 Quotes By Sister J. Anette Dennis – “His Yoke Is Easy and His Burden Is Light.”
The story is told of a man named Jack who had a beloved bird-hunting dog named Cassie. Jack was so proud of Cassie and often bragged about what a skilled dog she was. To prove this, Jack invited some friends to watch Cassie perform. After arriving at the hunting club,...
8 Quotes By Russell M. Nelson – “Preaching the Gospel of Peace.”
My dear brothers and sisters, welcome to general conference! I have looked forward to this day with great anticipation. I pray for you every day. I have also prayed that this conference will be a time of spiritual rejuvenation for each one of you. Since last...
8 Quotes By M. Russell Ballard – “Missionary Service Blessed My Life Forever.”
Thank you, President Nelson, for sharing again that counsel regarding missionary service. Brothers and sisters, several years ago while I was speaking in general conference, the sight in my left eye was suddenly compromised by something called macular degeneration,...
7 Quotes By Reyna I. Aburto – “We Are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
After receiving an invitation to “come and see,” I attended The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the first time at the age of 26. I had recently separated from my first husband. I had a three-year-old boy. And I felt powerless with fear. When I entered...
10 Quotes By David A. Bednar – “But We Heeded Them Not.”
My wife, Susan, our three sons and their wives, all of our grandchildren, and Elder Quentin L. Cook, my seatmate in the Quorum of the Twelve for almost 15 years, all readily will attest to the fact that I do not sing well. But in spite of my lack of vocal talent,...
10 Quotes By Neil L. Andersen – “Following Jesus: Being a Peacemaker.”
My dear brothers and sisters, as we experience sobering days of commotion, contention, and, for many, deep suffering, our hearts are filled with overwhelming gratitude for our Savior and the eternal blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We love Him and we...
Overcome the World, Through Christ
“Find rest from the intensity, uncertainty, and anguish of this world by overcoming the world through your covenants with God.” Pres. Nelson
Every worthy and able young man should prepare for and serve a mission
“Today I reaffirm strongly that the Lord has asked every worthy, able young man to prepare for and serve a mission. For Latter-day Saint young men, missionary service is a priesthood responsibility.” President Russell M. Nelson There it is if anyone doubts whether...
Grow Closer To God And Jesus Christ Every Day -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“My dear brothers and sisters, may you focus on the temple in ways you never have before, I bless you to grow closer to God and Jesus Christ every day. I love you. May God be with you until we meet again.” — Russell M. Nelson We need to do daily things that will bring...
Let us share the hope that is in us
“We can demonstrate faith in God and always be ready to respond to those who ask about “the hope that is in [us].” President Russell M. Nelson We have the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. Let us be vigilant in sharing and testifying of Christ to...
7 Quotes By Eduardo Gavarret – “A Mighty Change Of Heart: I Have Nothing More To Give You.”
On Friday, October 28, 1588, having lost its rudder to being governed solely by oar, the ship La Girona, belonging to the great Spanish Armada, collided with the rocks of Lacada Point in Northern Ireland. The ship capsized. One of the castaways struggling to survive...
May This Conference Be A Time Of Peace And Spiritual Feasting
“May this conference be a time of peace and spiritual feasting for you. May you seek and receive personal revelation during these sessions.” — Russell M. Nelson Conference time is coming up! It’s a few of my favourite times of the year! In the coming days, prepare...
Let us share the power and peace of Jesus Christ
“We have the sacred responsibility to share the power and peace of Jesus Christ with all who will listen and who will let God prevail in their lives.” President Russell M. Nelson We have the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. Let us be vigilant in...
Jesus Christ’s Gospel dispels fear
“His gospel is the only answer when many in the world are stunned with fear.” President Russell M. Nelson Fear and faith cannot be present at the same time. If we have fears in our lives, then it is time to invite more of Jesus Christ’s influence into your life. Grab...