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Meet the all new AI study tool: TheScriptorian
📜 Introducing TheScriptorian: Your AI Guide to Latter-day Saint Scriptures 📖 Are you ready to elevate your scripture study? Meet TheScriptorian, a groundbreaking AI-powered study tool designed to enhance your understanding of Latter-day Saint scriptures like never...
Swallowed Up in the Will of the Father
Helaman 3:3535 Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their...
Expanding Efforts -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“We are grateful that members and missionaries are now expanding efforts to gather scattered Israel. Growth continues everywhere… — Quentin L. Cook Continue to gather Israel on both sides of the veil. Bring souls unto Christ. Build the kingdom of God. There is no...
Study The Book Of Mormon -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“dear brothers and sisters, studying regularly from this book about Jesus Christ will change your life. It will open your eyes to new possibilities. It will increase your hope and fill you with charity. Most of all, it will build and strengthen your faith in Jesus...
Those That Do Not Love Him Do Not Keeps His Commandments -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Fourth, keeping the Lord’s commandments requires more than obedience. We are to love God with all our heart, might, mind, and soul. Those who do not love Him do not keep His commandments. And so they will not have the gift of peace in this life and in the world to...
Decisions Of Character
“Decisions of character are made by remembering the right order of the first and second great commandments!” — Lynn G. Robbins On these two great commandments hang all the others, the key for us is to ensure they take their rightful place in our lives, and the...
The Lord Sometimes Withholds Blessings
“I have learned that the Lord sometimes withholds blessings from us to eventually deliver undeniably discernible miracles.” — Steven J. Lund The straight and narrow path might just come with bumps, hills, valleys and fog, but as we hold to the Gospel of Jesus Christ,...
Breaking Chains: How Prayer Transformed My Battle with Anxiety, Depression, and Burnout
A good friend of mine, who will remain anonymous, wrote this post, and it was excellent. I know you all are going to enjoy it. Breaking Chains: How Prayer Transformed My Battle with Anxiety, Depression, and Burnout Anxiety, depression, burnout. These buzzwords echo...
I struggle with managing my time, the demands on my time, and the resources available to us. I travel a lot, more now that school is back in session, and finding time to attend church has been so difficult for me! Even the temple and I miss both so much! However the...
What The Savior Will Ask
“At the final day, the Savior will not ask about the nature of our callings. He will not inquire about our material possessions or fame. He will ask if we ministered to the sick, gave food and drink to the hungry, visited those in prison, or gave succor to the weak.”...
The Atonement Of Christ
“The atonement is not a doctrine that lends itself to some singular approach, like a universal formula. It must be felt, not just analyzed. …the atonement of Jesus Christ is the most supernal, mind-expanding, passionate doctrine this world or universe will ever know.”...
Trust God And Stop Worrying
“Not once in the Bible does it say worry about it, stress over it, or figure it out. But over and over it clearly says trust God.” — Shejourneyswithin Nephi was commanded to go and do, as in, go and do something, not go and do nothing. He acted and trusted in God not...
Popular Latterdayhelp Quotes Spring 2023
These are popular quotes Latterdayhelp has made from the Spring of 2023 Enjoy! Download Our App: App.spiritualcrusade.com Link to Latterdayhelp on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/latterdayhelp/ Link to Latterdayhelp on...
Act On His Teaching -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“As we consistently act on His teaching, we gain a testimony of Him; we build a relationship with Him and our Heavenly Father. We begin to become like Them.” — Bonnie H. Cordon Act on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Apply them to your life and strive for improvement....
Trials of This Life Prepare Us for the Next
“I do not know why we have the many trials that we have, but it is my personal feeling that the reward is so great, so eternal and everlasting, so joyful and beyond our understanding that in that day of reward, we may feel to say to our merciful, loving Father, ‘Was...
Don’t let fear stop you
Fear can get inside any of us and cause us to do things that we normally wouldn’t do or stop us from doing things that we want to do. We are all destined for greatness and we can’t let fear get in our way from stepping into that greatness. So, next time fear stares...
Look Unto The Doctrine Of Christ -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The Lord had promised to heal all who were bitten by poisonous snakes if they would simply look upon it. In holding up the doctrine of Christ before us, the Lord’s prophet is doing the same…” — Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt Look unto Jesus Christ and His doctrine. He is the...
Never Ignore The Counsel Of The Prophet -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“When parents ignore the counsel of the living prophet, they not only lose the promised blessings for themselves but even more tragically teach their children that what a prophet says is insignificant or that prophetic counsel can be picked through in a smorgasbord...
He Will Provide Needed Help -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“While the Lord expects us to “do all things that lie in our power,” remember that He will provide needed help in all these things as we trust in Him.” — Elder W. Mark Bassett We cannot be perfect in this life and that’s alright! Perfection comes not in this life but...
Press Forward In Faith And Walk In Meekness -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“I testify that as we press forward in faith and walk in the meekness of the Lord’s Spirit, we are blessed with power, guidance, protection, and peace.” — David A. Bednar Press forward in faith. Walk with God and in His spirit with humility and meekness. As you do so...