All topics and Images were made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find him on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. This post is part of the LDS Topics series made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find more parts of the series on this website or on Instagram.

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What Is Zion And How Can I Prepare To Go?

(Made by @Latterdayhelp) 

“Many a time have I listened to the voice of our beloved Prophet, while in council, dwell on this subject [the removal of the Saints to the Rocky Mountains] with delight; his eyes sparkling with animation, and his soul fired with the inspiration of the Spirit of the living God. It was a theme that caused the bosoms of all who were privileged to listen, to thrill with delight; intimately connected with this, were themes upon which prophets, patriarchs, priests and kings dwelt with pleasure and delight: of them they prophesied, sung, wrote, spoke and desired to see, but died without the sight. My spirit glows with sacred fire while I reflect upon these scenes, and I say, O Lord, hasten the day!”

(B.H. Roberts, The Life of John Taylor, 179–180.)

Zion is often mentioned in the scriptures. The early pioneers thought they were going to Zion but, they were mistaken. Zion has to be established in the last days because the earth is going to become extremely wicked. Zion means the “pure in heart.” (D&C 97:21). There was a time were Zion existed in the scriptures. It was a city built by Enoch and his people and they were eventually take up unto heaven because of their righteousness.(D&C 38:4; Moses 7:18–21, 69)

In these latter days, a city named Zion will be built. Many places were called Zion because of how righteous and good the people were. Zion will most likely be built in the Rocky Mountains.

“This Church will fill North and South America—it will fill the world. … It will fill the Rocky Mountains.(Painesville(Ohio) Telegraph 18 Jan. 1831; and Wilford Woodruff Discourse in Conference Report Apr. 1898 p.57.) 

More evidence for this is Brigham Young reminded his associates that it was important that “the House of the Lord should be reared in the Tops of the Mountains.”
(John D. Lee Diary,13 Jan. 1846, church archives.) 

No matter where Zion will actually be in these latter days, only those that have charity, (The pure love of Christ) and those that are worthy enough for an angle to visit you will be able to go to Zion. No one will be able to harm those in Zion. If we desire to live in Zion, we need to do and be better. We must live worthy for angles to show us they way. ,“If ye are prepared ye shall not fear” (D&C 38:30).

If we prepare to meet God and to live in the holy city called Zion, we should not fear. 
D&C45:68 says, “And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety.”
This world is going to get really worse and I BET you that next year will be even worse. I promise you that if we keep God’s commandments and if we prepare to meet God, we will be worthy for angles to minister unto us and show us the way. I say these things in the sacred name of our savior Jesus Christ, amen. 

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