Doctrine and Covenants 18:36,“Wherefore you can testify that you have heard my voice and know my word.” When we can say that we have heard his voice and know his word we will be better disciples, better and more often able to hear Him”.

Our Prophet Russell M. Nelson has challenged us to find out how we can better hear the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many ways we can hear his voice but YOU need to find out how to personally hear him. Our Father in Heaven and his son speak to you in ways that only you can understand. In these last days, soon it will be impossible to survive spiritually without the constant guide of the Holy Ghost. If we don’t have the Holy Ghost with us at all times, we will not be able to know the truth and we will become deceived. The Holy Ghost needs to be with us at all times so we can also receive personal revelation. You can ask God anything and eventually you can receive the answer. Without the Holy Spirt, we would never know if we truly found our answer.

God has the ability to speak to us face to face but it is very rare. Instead he puts thoughts into our mind or gives us a certain feeling to do something. Paying attention to these feelings and thoughts are important because they are some of the ways we can hear him. Another thing that we can do to hear him is to slow down from our world. Our world is a very busy place and usually it is hard to hear that still small voice. Put your phone away, think, and listen for the Holy Ghost.

“As Disciples of Jesus Christ, our efforts to hear him need to be more intentional.”
-President Nelson

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