My name is Spencer and I am the owner of Latterdayhelp. You can find the social media accounts only on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. Latterdayhelp is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. I have always been excited about helping others and that is why I have made the Latterdayhelp organization. I also created Latterdayhelp because I had a feeling to do so that didn’t go away. I eventually gave into the Holy Ghost and decided to make Latterdayhelp and post church related content on the Latterdayhelp social media platforms. I have faced opposition from people making fake accounts of me on social media to people spreading false rumors about me and trying to shut down Latterdayhelp. Just like the prophets of old, we all will face opposition if we try to do what is right. I can testify that God is with us no matter what and he will always stand with us when we choose the right even if it appears that we stand alone.


I love your content! its a light in this world!🕯️💡
Lety Corrales

Follows Latterdayhelp on Social Media

Your account is amazing, I love your page, the daily quotes and the captions are great because it’s definitely a good reminder to wake up to.

Longtime friend and follower of Latterdayhelp

I am very thankful for you and for the work you have and are doing to build up the kingdom of God on earth. Your light shines brighter than the sun and you help push back the increasing efforts of the adversary. May God bless you and be with you always.

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