Most Recent Study Helps

Come Follow Me – Kids Sharing Time – Doctrine and Covenants 3-5😂
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JykjD0-lq9I Come Follow Me - Kids Sharing Time - Doctrine and Covenants 3-5 YouTube by: Debbie Olson This week the kids share what they learned from Doctrine and Covenants 3-5! Check us out at https://spiritualcrusade.com/ YouTube and...

Understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mormon 1-6)
3 Nephi 27:13-14 Behold I have given unto you my gospel, and this is the gospel which I have given unto you—that I came into the world to do the will of my Father, because my Father sent me. 14 And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after...

My wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil – Doctrine and Covenants 10:43 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary
My wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil - Doctrine and Covenants 10:43 - Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary Doctrine and Covenants 10:4343 I will not suffer that they shall destroy my work; yea, I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the...
All Study Helps
Come, Follow Me, Book of Mormon Study (Alma 17-22) “I will make an instrument of thee”
https://youtu.be/F2j1Y1OKwvM Come, Follow Me, Book of Mormon Study (Alma 17-22) “I will make an instrument of thee”Video and Podcast by: Sherri Jorgensen I am so excited about what we learn from these chapters! This week in our video and podcast we are going to talk...
Power of Faith: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Alma 13-16)
Alma 13:10 ...it was on account of their exceeding faith and repentance, and their righteousness before God, they choosing to repent and work righteousness rather than to perish The power of faith is a challenge that we could focus on every week. As you look for the...
Come Follow Me Study (Alma 13-16) “ Enter into the Rest of the Lord”
I love the theme of deliverance!! In this week we see a physical deliverance as Alma and Amulek are delivered out of prison and we see a spiritual deliverance as Zeezrom is spiritually delivered from his pain and anguish of his past life. This week I also say my...
He that will not harden his heart—is given the greater portion of the word – Alma 12:10 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary
Tablet version He that will not harden his heart—is given the greater portion of the word - Alma 12:10 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary And therefore, he that will harden his heart, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word; and he that will not...
Lift Up Your Head and Rejoice; Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Alma 8-12)
Alma 8:14-15... while he was journeying thither, being weighed down with sorrow, wading through much tribulation and anguish of soul, because of the wickedness of the people who were in the city of Ammonihah, it came to pass while Alma was thus weighed down with...
Come Follow Me Study (Alma 8-12) “Jesus Christ Will Come to Redeem His People”
These chapters are so incredible because they teach us so many important truths! In this weeks video and podcast we are going to see missionary companionship at its finest as Amulek joins Alma in teaching the people. And from them we are going to learn about...
Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts? – Alma 5:14 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary
Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts? - Alma 5:14 - Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye...
Sing Redeeming Love: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Alma 5-7)
Alma 5:26... if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now? The redeeming power of Christ to pull us through the toughest moments is the climax of the supreme plan of salvation. “There...
Pray For Strength: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mosiah 29-Alma 4)
Alma 2:30... Alma, being a man of God, being exercised with much faith, cried, saying: O Lord, have mercy and spare my life, that I may be an instrument in thy hands to save and preserve this people. Over and over the scripture teach us that the Lord will be our...
Come Follow Me Study (Alma 5–7) “Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change in Your Hearts?”
I love these chapters so much! In these chapters Alma is going to ask some incredible questions that allow us to really look deep inside and see where we are at on our spiritual journey. Come join our video and podcast and take a deeper look at these chapters...
Come, Follow Me Youth – Mosiah 29–Alma 4 – “They Were Steadfast and Immovable”
https://youtu.be/40nuJG6Sjhg Come, Follow Me Youth - Mosiah 29–Alma 4 - “They Were Steadfast and Immovable” Video by: Ashlyn and Cessilee Conover We have some great scriptures to talk about from this week’s reading. Come check out our website. We post new content...
They were steadfast and immovable – Alma 1:25 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary
They were steadfast and immovable - Alma 1:25 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with...
If the Atonement of Christ was foremost in the minds of ward and branch leaders
Surely, if the Atonement of Christ was foremost in the minds of ward and branch leaders, no new or reactivated member would ever be neglected. Because every soul is so precious, leaders will counsel together to see that each one is taught the doctrines of the gospel...
Become a New Creature: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge ( Mosiah 25-28)
Mosiah 27:25 And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God,...
Come Follow Me Book of Mormon Study (Mosiah 29–Alma 4) “They Were Steadfast and Immovable”
This week in our video and podcast we are going to see the beginning of the reign of the judges. We are also going to be introduced to two anti-Christ’s, Nehor and Amlici. Alma decides to give up being the chief judge and goes to preach to the people because of all...
Come, Follow Me Youth – Mosiah 25–28 – “They Were Called the People of God”
https://youtu.be/-ubPDC8kC9U Come, Follow Me Youth - Mosiah 25–28 - “They Were Called the People of God” Video by: Ashlyn and Cessilee Conover We have some great scriptures to talk about from this week’s reading. Come check out our website. We post new content every...
Whosoever putteth his trust in Him – Mosiah 23:22 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary
Background image by: Chandra Delite Photography www.chandradelitephoto.com Whosoever putteth his trust in Him - Mosiah 23:22 - Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day. Yea,...
Come Follow Me Book of Mormon Study (Mosiah 25-28)
This week in our video and podcast we are going to see Alma the younger and the sons of Mosiah completely turn their lives around and become great missionaries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXNwkZB4ids Social Media Links YouTube Channel:...
Be Cheerful and Patient: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge ( Mosiah 18-24)
Mosiah 24:15 And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the...
He is the light and the life of the world – Mosiah 16:9 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary
He is the light and the life of the world - Mosiah 16:9 - Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more...