He is the light and the life of the world – Mosiah 16:9 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary

He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.

What a powerful scripture and one we should all memorize. It is impossible to cover all aspects of this scripture in this short commentary, but as I thought about this scripture, I kept thinking, what does this mean to each of us individually? The sun could be warm, bright, and illuminating but only to those willing to open the door and step outside. Likewise, one could hold in their hands the most powerful flashlight on Earth, and only if and when they willingly flip on the switch will they benefit from its light. The power of light for an individual, is how they use it. Virginia U. Jensen in her talk, “Lead, Kindly Light,” she shared a story that demonstrates the light that Christ can provide us even in our darkest hour of need.

When he was just 10 years old, Joshua Dennis spent five days trapped in the pitch-black darkness of an abandoned mine. When rescuers finally heard his faint cry for help and pulled him out of the horrible darkness, he was disoriented, cold, and exhausted. Much to their surprise, he wasn’t afraid. Josh spent his time sleeping, yelling for help, and praying. “Someone was protecting me,” he explained. “I knew people were going to find me.”

Joshua’s simple but profound faith had been nurtured by his parents, who taught him that he had a Heavenly Father who knew where he was at all times. They taught him he had been born with the Light of Christ within him. Truly, Josh had been brought up in light and truth (see  D&C 93:40) so that when he found himself huddled on a ledge 2,000 feet deep in a mine, he had drawn upon that light to sustain and comfort him, to give him courage and hope.

Joshua had faith, put that faith into action, and received the peace and assurance he needed and was brought into Christ’s light. I find it interesting that just like the example of the sun or the flashlight, belief, knowledge, or even faith alone, without action, is not sufficient to allow Christ to illuminate our lives. We vividly learn this from the Inspired version of the Bible, James 2:16-19 JST, that even the devils believe and tremble, and yet they were not justified; their belief alone could not save them.

16 For if a brother or sister be naked and destitute, and one of you say, Depart in peace, be warmed and filled; notwithstanding he give not those things which are needful to the body; what profit is your faith unto such?
17 Even so faith, if it have not works is dead, being alone.
18 Therefore wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead and cannot save you?
19 Thou believest there is one God; thou doest well; the devils also believe, and tremble; thou hast made thyself like unto them, not being justified.

The light and power of Christ can only illuminate our souls when we willingly take faith filled action. President Boyd K. Packer put it this way, “As we fix our gaze on His teachings, we will be guided to the harbor of spiritual safety.” It is our faith, in Christ and in His ability to protect us, that leads us to take the required action of fixing our gaze upon His teachings.

President Joseph F. Smith said, “the thing for us to do is to live according to the light and intelligence that God has revealed to us in this dispensation, that we may be in harmony with the heavenly powers and with heavenly beings, and especially with our Lord Jesus Christ, who stands at our head, who is our lawgiver, our exemplar, and the way of life and salvation to all the world, through whom we may enter into the celestial kingdom of God, and without whom we can never enter that state of glory worlds without end. (D&C 76:112) He is the way, the light and life of the world; (John 14:6 Mosiah 16:9 3 Ne. 9:18 D&C 11:28) and whosoever will obey the commandments He has given, and do the works which he has done, and commanded us to do, shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have in them the light of life. (John 8:12)”

I will close in the words of Paul, “The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light” (Romans 13:12). And with this armor of Christ’s light, we shall come forth bringing many souls unto Him. Thus shining forth until we have filled the whole world with His light that shall never be darkened.


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