8 Quotes By M. Russell Ballard – “Missionary Service Blessed My Life Forever.”

8 Quotes By M. Russell Ballard – “Missionary Service Blessed My Life Forever.”

Thank you, President Nelson, for sharing again that counsel regarding missionary service. Brothers and sisters, several years ago while I was speaking in general conference, the sight in my left eye was suddenly compromised by something called macular degeneration,...
7 Quotes By Reyna I. Aburto – “We Are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”

7 Quotes By Reyna I. Aburto – “We Are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”

After receiving an invitation to “come and see,” I attended The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the first time at the age of 26. I had recently separated from my first husband. I had a three-year-old boy. And I felt powerless with fear. When I entered...
5 Quotes By Gary E. Stevenson – “Simply Beautiful-Beautifully Simple.”

5 Quotes By Gary E. Stevenson – “Simply Beautiful-Beautifully Simple.”

Below you will find the full talk with our memes/picture quotes inserted into the text. We have also made the text bold that applies to each of the memes. Download our new app: app.spiritualcrusade.com Enjoy!! I offer a warm welcome to each of you participating...
8 Quotes By Erich W. Kopischke – “Addressing Mental Health.”

8 Quotes By Erich W. Kopischke – “Addressing Mental Health.”

Even though our family has enjoyed rich blessings while joyfully walking the covenant path, we have also faced exceedingly high mountains. I wish to share some very personal experiences regarding mental illness. These include clinical depression, severe anxiety,...
12 Quotes By Ronald A. Rasband-“The Things of My Soul.”

12 Quotes By Ronald A. Rasband-“The Things of My Soul.”

My brothers and sisters, as I stand in our beloved Conference Center once again, I am reminded of the words of the Apostle Peter: “Lord, it is good for us to be here.” My thoughts today are centered on the words of the prophet Nephi, who kept the record of his people...
6 Quotes by Gary E. Stevenson – Simply Beautiful—Beautifully Simple

6 Quotes by Gary E. Stevenson – Simply Beautiful—Beautifully Simple

Simply Beautiful—Beautifully Simple By Elder Gary E. Stevenson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles May we keep the gospel simple as we take upon us our divinely appointed responsibilities. Introduction I offer a warm welcome to each of you participating in this...
The church for ‘Come Follow Me’ 2022 has rewritten ‘Old Testament stories’ and redone artwork just in time

The church for ‘Come Follow Me’ 2022 has rewritten ‘Old Testament stories’ and redone artwork just in time

BREAKING NEWS- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAHAuthor: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Thursday, December 30th | 9 O’clock News MST| No.60 “Several years ago, looking forward to the Old Testament focus of ‘Come, Follow Me’ in 2022, the Scriptures Committee felt it was time to...
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