“The Gathering is Now, And It Is Real”: Hope of Israel (Quotes by Russell M. Nelson)

“The Gathering is Now, And It Is Real”: Hope of Israel (Quotes by Russell M. Nelson)

I am STILL in awe of the youth devotional that Russell M. Nelson gave to the youth, our children. It’s full of messages about who God told him our children are. I have been sharing my favorite quotes from “Hope of Israel” with my children as often as I can. I figure...
Cultivate Your Garden of Faith: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mathew 13; Luke 8; 13)

Cultivate Your Garden of Faith: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mathew 13; Luke 8; 13)

Mathew 13:3 …Behold, a sower went forth to sow; 4 And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: 5 Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no...
President Russell M. Nelson Teaches Us to Follow the Lord with Exactness

President Russell M. Nelson Teaches Us to Follow the Lord with Exactness

“The only thing that really matters is that you and I are doing exactly what we committed–even covenanted–premortally with our Heavenly Father we would do while we are here on earth.” – Russell M. Nelson President Russell M. Nelson teaches us to...
Follow the Path Cleared Of All Dangers: Alma 37, Part 2 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

Follow the Path Cleared Of All Dangers: Alma 37, Part 2 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

Alma 37 is so jammed with goodness…I can’t seem to get enough. Part one finished with the Lord fulfilling all His promises, which is a super awesome blessing if we are following him, and a super scary consequence when we fall in the destruction zone. One...
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