These are popular quotes Latterdayhelp has made from the winter of 2022-23 Enjoy!

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“Wherever we live, for all of us who believe in and follow Jesus Christ, one beautiful truth stays the same: we rejoice that He who was called from the beginning, He who was anticipated for centuries, He who was the Only Begotten of the Father, He came—in the meridian of time, in the humblest of conditions—He came. And because He came, the billions who have lived upon this earth will live again and may, if they choose, inherit eternal life, the greatest of all the gifts of God.”
— Neil L. Andersen

Prophets prophesied of Jesus Christ hundreds of years before He was born, many waited for that day when He would come. He was called, chosen, and ordained in the pre-mortal life as the messiah. He came to earth, born from a virgin, lived a perfect life and set the perfect example, suffered the atonement for all mankind, was slain for the sins of the world, and was resurrected on the third day. Because of Jesus Christ we all will also be resurrected, and if we so choose we can become joint heirs with Christ in the kingdom of our Father in Heaven. 

“And when we find Him, will we be prepared as we’re the wise men of old to provide gifts from our many treasures? They presented gold, frankincense and myrrh. These are not the gifts Jesus asks of us. From the treasure of our hearts Jesus asks that we give of ourselves.”

— Thomas S. Monson 

When we find Jesus Christ will we be ready? We will be able to give Him the greatest gift we can offer? The gift of gratitude for His atonement and our willingness to keep His commandments. We will be able to fully give ourselves to Him? 

“This Christmas, mend a quarrel. Seek out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust. Write a letter. Give a soft answer.”

— President Howard W. Hunter 

Use this special and sacred time of year to do some good. Help those that need help. Spread love and joy. Light the world! 

“He is the light of the world and the sure source of comfort, hope, peace, and joy.”

— Henry B. Eyring 

Jesus Christ is the source of peace and rest. He is the source of light, hope, and comfort. Turn to Him when you are in need of those things, for He will provide you with whatever thing you are in need of.

“We add our witness to that of the shepherds that Jesus Christ came to earth.”

— Ronald A. Rasband 

Jesus Christ came to earth, lived a perfect life, died and suffered for our sins, and was resurrected on the third day. Jesus Christ is the son of God. He is our master, savior, and redeemer. He is the only begotten of the father. 

“As we are steadfast in coming unto Christ and are yoked with Him, we receive the cleansing, healing, and strengthening blessings of His infinite and eternal atonement.”

— David A. Bednar 

Come unto Jesus Christ. Become yoked with Him. Through Christ He can heal us, cleanse us, and strengthen us through His atonement. He can provide us with the help we need. 

“When I entered the building, I was filled with warmth as I perceived the faith and joy of the people surrounding me. It was truly “a refuge from the storm.” Three weeks later, I made the baptismal covenant with Heavenly Father and started my journey as a disciple of Christ, although my life has not been perfect along that journey.”

— Reyna I. Aburto 

Church buildings just like temples are holy. They are a place of refuge from this world, a place to feel the spirit of God. Throughout church we can feel the spirit as we meaningfully sing the hymns, worthily partake of the sacrament, and listen to the speakers. We should make the sabbath day a delight and look forward to begin our week with God.

“To have the spirit of Christmas, we must try to love as He loved. His words to you and me are, “Love one another, as I have loved you.”

— Henry B. Eyring 

Jesus Christ is the spirit of Christmas. He is the perfect example on what we should do. This Christmas let us love one another as He has loved us. 

“Fall on your knees!”

— O Holy Night 

Fall on your knees before The Lord just like the shepherds and wise men did. Worship Him as did they. 

“He is making His temples more accessible. He is accelerating the pase at which we are building temples. He is increasing our ability to help gather Israel. He is also making it easier for each of us to become spiritually refined. I promise that increased time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can.”

— Russell M. Nelson

More and more temples are being built and dedicated at groundbreaking speed never seen before. More and more temples are being announced at numbers never seen before. There is only one thing clear from this, the work of The Lord is increasing and accelerating. We must join this work and often go to the temple. 

“Living and loving covenant commitments creates a connection with the Lord that is deeply personal and spiritually powerful. As we honor the conditions of sacred covenants and ordinances, we gradually and incrementally are drawn closer to Him and experience the impact of His divinity and living reality in our lives.”

— David A. Bednar 

Covenants bind us to Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. The covenants we make in the temple are deeply personal and have great power when we keep those covenants. Those sacred covenants overtime draw us closer to Them and give us greater desires to do much good. 

“While each humanitarian organization has its own areas of specialization, we share the common goal of relieving suffering among God’s children. All of this is part of God’s work for His children.”

– Dallin H. Oaks 

As disciples of Jesus Christ we should do the works He did. It is our responsibility to help those that need help, to uplift those that need uplifting. We need to let our light shine and ease the suffering of those around us. 

“My missionary service prepared me to be better husband and father and to be successful in business. It also prepared me for a lifetime of service to the Lord in His church.”

— M. Russell Ballard 

Missionary service will change your life in ways you never thought before. As you dedicate part of your life only to serving God, you will become closer to Him and have joy. Being a missionary gives you a chance to become a better person and prepares you for your future, because through service, through being a living witness and example of Christ through your actions, something changes deep down inside of you. 

“Impressions made by the Holy Ghost are more typical. These impressions can be equally as important as angelic manifestations.”

— Quentin L. Cook 

We are not likely to see an angel, however impressions made by the Holy Ghost are as important as receiving a message from an angel! Regardless if we receive an impression or have an angel minister to us, we must act upon the information we have received.

“I prophesy, in the name of the Lord God of Israel, anguish and wrath and tribulation and the withdrawing of the Spirit of God from the earth await this generation, until they are visited with utter desolation. This generation is as corrupt as the generation of the Jews that crucified Christ; and if He were here to-day, and should preach the same doctrine He did then, they would put Him to death.”

— President Joseph Smith 

The world we live in has increasing wickedness by the day. This generation is the one of the most wicked generations so far, beyond what many have ever seen in history. It is mind blowing how wicked and corrupt this generation is, how accepted this filthiness is. The spirit of God has withdrawn itself from those in this generation that are wicked, just as Joseph Smith has said. I have seen many signs of protesters, saying if Christ returns that they will kill Him again! Joseph Smith was right, this generation is as wicked as the generation of Jews that killed their own God and messiah. They reject Christ’s teachings and would gladly kill Him as did the Jews.

“Valiant members often highlight the importance of inviting the power of the Holy Ghost into their lives through meaningful scripture study, fervent prayer, and proper preparation to participate in the ordinance of the sacrament.”

— David A. Bednar 

We will not be able to survive in coming days without the constant guide of the Holy Ghost. It is critical that we invite the spirit into our daily lives through prayer and scripture study. There is nothing that I would trade for the gift of the Holy Ghost. 

“For example, we fast at the first of each month and contribute at least the equivalent of the uneaten meals to help those in need in our own congregations. The Church also makes enormous contributions for humanitarian and other services throughout the world.”

— Dallin H. Oaks 

The Church of Jesus Christ and its members contribute much to the help of those that are in need. As we do fast offerings or service projects, the focus should be on Jesus Christ. He should be the reason that we do these things. 

“Gospel covenants and ordinances operate in our lives much like a compass. A compass is a device used to indicate the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west for purposes of navigation and geographic orientation. In a similar way, our covenants and ordinances point us to and help us always remember our connection with the Lord Jesus Christ as we progress along the covenant path.”

— David A. Bednar 

The sacred ordinances and covenants we make with Christ don’t just bind us to Him, they also act like a compass. They point us in the direction of what we should do. It helps us remember Jesus Christ and receive of His healing and strengthening power. 

“The body is not evil-It is beautiful and essential-but some passions, if not used properly and appropriately bridled, can separate us from God and His work and adversely impact our testimony.”

— Quentin L. Cook 

Our bodies are not evil, they are gifts from God! We must treat our bodies with respect and take care of them. However the body at times can desire things that will harm itself and your spirit, we must learn to control those feelings. Commandments from the word of wisdom to the law of chastity have been put in place to protect us, breaking the laws of God will separate us from Him and His work.  

“The Church is more than the buildings and the ecclesiastical structure; the Church is us, the members. We are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with Christ at the head and the prophet as His mouthpiece.”

— Reyna I. Aburto

The church is more than the buildings, the temples, the activities. We are the church. Each member of the church that is striving for righteousness makes up the church. Christ is the head of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He speaks through His prophets and apostles.

“Let the lightnings flash and the earthquakes bellow, God is at the helm, and I feel like saying but little for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth and will continue his work until he has put all enemies under his feet, and his kingdom extends from the rivers to the ends of the earth.”

— John Taylor 

When we are facing tempests we do not need to worry or fear. God is steering the ship through the storm, even if things seem to be getting out of hand. His work will roll forth like thunder, God knows what He is doing in our lives and the lives of others. His kingdom will be built upon the earth and nothing can stop the work from progressing. 

“Modern revelation teaches that our Savior, Jesus Christ, is “the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” By this, all the children of God are enlightened to serve Him and one another to the best of their ability.”

— Elder Dallin H. Oaks 

Jesus Christ is the light that shines in the darkness. His light is in everyone, varying to certain degrees with obedience to His gospel. Because of the light within us, we have a responsibility to share our light with the world and serve others. 

“The Book of Mormon teaches that ‘every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.’”

— Dallin H. Oaks 

The things that invite the spirit of God, make us desire to serve others and do good is from God. Everything that is good comes from God and everything that is evil comes from the devil. We need to examine our lives and root out the things that are not from God. 

“Our covenant connection with God and Jesus Christ is the channel through which we can receive the capacity and strength to “heed not.” And this bond is strengthened as we continually hold fast to the rod of iron.”

— David A. Bednar 

Through our covenants we are entitled to strength. We can receive strength to not listen to the wicked and have strength to withstand temptation. As we continue down the straight and narrow path we can strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ.  

“In addition to controlling anger and bridling other passions, we need to lead pure mortal lives by controlling our thoughts, language, and actions. We need to avoid pornography, evaluate the appropriateness of what we are streaming in our homes, and avoid every form of sinful conduct.”

— Quentin L. Cook

We need to live in holiness and cleanliness. We must watch out thoughts, words, and actions so that they may be holy and clean. We must find the things in our lives that are driving away the spirit and cast them out of our lives. We must only do things that invite the spirit. 

“Patriarchal blessings are a guideline or similar to a road map that indicates the paths that may be traveled and destinations that may be reached if we stay within those paths. They may bring comfort and joy and encouragement when we have need to look, to listen, and to feel of the contents of these blessings so that we may go forward on life’s journey, not alone, but with the accompanying Spirit of our Father in Heaven.”

— Elder Richard D. Allred 

Patriarchal blessings are like a roadmap of parts of your life, it shows you your possibilities. We can receive guidance through our blessing to know what to do in life. It is our own personal scripture that applies to our lives. 

“Without the Savior’s atonement, the eternal principle of justice would require punishment. Because of the Savior’s atonement, mercy can prevail for those who have repented, and it can allow them to return to the presence of God. We would do well to ponder this wonderful doctrine.”

— Quentin L. Cook 

Christ did what no man could do, atone for mankind’s sins, pains, and sicknesses. He understands all things because He has experienced all things. Because Christ atoned we can change from past ways, we can become a new person without sin. 

“Please note that the ability to resist the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary is promised to those individuals who “hold fast to” rather than merely “cling to” the word of God.”

— Elder David A. Bednar 

If we hold fast to the rod of iron on the straight and narrow path, we will have the ability to resist temptation. We will have the strength against the fiery darts.  We must truly hold fast rather than cling to the iron rod. 

“None can return to God by his or her own good works alone; we all need the benefit of the Savior’s sacrifice. All have sinned, and it is only through the atonement of Jesus Christ that we can obtain mercy and live with God.”

— Quentin L. Cook

We cannot return home by our works alone. We need the atonement and great sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He is the only way back to our Heavenly Parents. He is the only way we can be clean and enter into the presence of Heavenly Father. 

“I testify of Jesus Christ, whose light and spirit guide all of the children of God in helping the poor and distressed throughout the world. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.”

— Dallin H. Oaks 

Jesus Christ is the light in this darkening world. He is the only way to have relief and peace in this life, and eternal life in the world to come. He is the source of all joy. Come unto Him and become perfected! Partake of the fruit from the tree of life! 

“Jesus might point out that your covenants with Him-made when you were baptized and renewed each time you partake of the sacrament-give you a special connection with Him. The kind of connection the scriptures describe as being yoked together so that, with His help, you can carry any burden.”

— Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

Covenants bind us to Jesus Christ and give us a unique and important connection with Him. This connection enables us to be yoked with Christ and have Him with us every step of the way. With Him we will be able to face any trial. We can renew our covenants with Christ as we partake of the sacrament.  

“While some challenges may come because of willful disobedience, we know that many of life’s challenges come because of other reasons. Whatever the source of our challenges, they can be a golden opportunity to grow.”

— Isaac K. Morrison 

Life is suppose to be hard! This life is a time of testing a learning, we will have to face terrible and difficult things but because of these things, we will gain knowledge and become like Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. Our challenges, trials, and temptations are a chance for us to grow and choose God over this corrupted and exhausting world. 

“As I have looked back over my life, I have been able to see certain experiences that made a significant difference. One of those experiences is how we my full-time missionary service as a young man in England blessed my life and shaped my spiritual destiny.”

— M. Russell Ballard 

Missionary service will make a difference in your life. As you serve and preach the gospel of Christ, you will change in ways you wouldn’t have been able to, if you never served. Being a missionary is a great blessing and you will receive many blessing for being a missionary. It is the opportunity of a lifetime! 

“If men do not comprehend the character of God, they do not comprehend themselves.”

— Joseph Smith 

We must understand the character of God to understand ourselves. We are created in His image and we have the ability to become like God. If we do not understand Him, we will not be able to understand ourselves. 

“He has instructed us to build places of worship where we receive knowledge and the ordinances of salvation and exaltation; make and keep covenants that bind us to Jesus Christ; are endowed with “the power of godliness”; and gather together often to remember Jesus and strengthen each other in Him. The Church organization and its buildings exist for our spiritual benefit.”

— Reyna I. Aburto

Throughout time Jesus Christ has asked His people to build temples. The Israelites had a tabernacle and Solomon built a temple unto the Lord, after that temple was destroyed it was eventually rebuilt. These sacred buildings is where we make covenants with God, and preform proxy-ordinances for those that are no longer on this earth. These are places of worship, places we can feel the presence of God and receive knowledge. 

“Let me suggest that holding fast to the word of God entails remembering, honoring, and strengthening the personal connection we have with the Savior and His Father through the covenants and ordinances of the restored gospel and prayerfully, earnestly, and consistently using the holy scriptures and the teachings of living prophets and apostles as sure sources of revealed truth.”

— Elder David A. Bednar 

We must hold fast to and study the word of God. Holding fast to the word of God is how we strengthen our personal connection with Jesus Christ. It is how we can be sure that we are headed towards right path back to our Father in Heaven. 

“I testify that our bitterness has since dispersed as we exercised faith in the Lord. Our experience continues to be hard, but we have learned with the Apostle Paul that we ‘can do all things through Christ which [strengthens us]’ if we focus on Him.”

— Isaac K. Morrison

We must focus on Christ. He gave us the atonement and set the perfect example. Through Him we can do all things. He is our light and strength. Jesus Christ is always the answer to every problem. 

“Our prophet has promised those who make time for the Lord and study His gospel daily will receive an increase of His spirit.”

— Randall K. Bennett 

It is important to pray and study the scriptures daily. It is important as well to often go to the temple and meditate, to spend time with our Savior. Those that make time for Christ will have an increase of His spirit in their lives.

“Prophets have foreseen our day, when there would be wars and rumors of wars and when the whole earth would be in commotion. As followers of Jesus Christ, we plead with leaders of nations to find peaceful resolutions to their differences.”

— President Russell M. Nelson 

A sign of the last days is that there will be wars and rumors of wars, that the entire world will be filled with commotions. We are in those last days. Because of the world we live in, there is much contention and commotion. It is critical for us and the leaders of nations to become peacemakers and solve problems through peaceful solutions. We must be peacemakers. 

“I believe the Savior Jesus Christ would want you to see, feel, and know that He is your strength. That with His help, there are no limits to what you can accomplish. That your potential is limitless. He would want you to see yourself the way He sees you. And that is very different from the way the world sees you.”

— Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

Jesus Christ is our strength. I hope you will pray to see and feel that Christ truly is your strength. Through Him, the promised messiah, the impossible becomes possible. The sick are healed in His name. Though His power, the lame walk, the dumb speak, the blind to receive their sight, and much more. Truly ask Him to see yourself the way He sees you. Truly you are worth so much to Christ, so much that He died and suffered for you. Ponder this stunning knowledge! 

”We can be of good cheer and be filled with peace in our tough times. The love we feel because of the Savior and His atonement becomes a powerful resource to us in our trying moments.”

— Isaac K. Morrison

We can have peace during trials. We can also have happiness during trials. How is this possible? All things as possible to them that believe. Our love for Christ and knowing that He is with us and knows exactly how the suffering feels, gives us peace and happiness. It gives us relief and hope. 

“If we abide in Christ, then He will abide in and walk with us. Surely, “in the days of trial his Saints he will cheer, and prosper the cause of truth.”’

— David A. Bednar 

If we draw near to Jesus Christ, He will draw near to us. If we abide in Him, He will abide in us. Walk with Christ and He will walk with you. We must always take the first step and then Christ will follow through. 

“The Lord knows you. When you are serving your mission, you will have experiences that will help you come to know Him better. You will grow spiritually in serving Him. In His name, you will be sent on errands to serve others. He will give you experiences with promptings from the Holy Ghost. The Lord will authorize you to teach in His name. You can show Him that He can trust you and can rely on you.”

— M. Russell Ballard

Through missionary work we will become more like Christ and know Him better. Our experiences help us to become like Him. He will send you to serve others and do His work, to find those that are seeking the truth. 

“The Savior would declare, in no uncertain terms, that you are a daughter or son of the Almighty God. Your Heavenly Father is the most glorious being in the universe, full of love, joy, purity, holiness, light, grace, and truth. And one day He wants you to inherit all He has.”

— Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

You are a child of God, a child of Heavenly Parents. This identity is extremely important to remember because the adversary seeks to distract you from who you are. As we remain righteous and seek to become like our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ, we will inherit all that They have! 

“We call upon people everywhere to pray for those in need, to do what they can to help the distressed, and to seek the Lord’s help in ending any major conflicts.”

— Russell M. Nelson

True disciples of Christ help those that are in need, we should do all we can to help others. As disciples of Christ, we should do all that Christ did. We must seek to uplift others and become peacemakers. Do what He did! 

“Reflecting on my own experiences, I realize I have learned some of my best lessons during the hardest times in my life, times that took me out of my comfort zone.”

— Isaac K. Morrison 

Trials suck in the moment but they are necessary for us to learn and become more like God. When we start to respond to trials in a positive way, we grow more and become more like God than with a negative attitude. It is hard to not respond with a negative attitude but over time, it will become a little easier to have a more positive attitude. 

“At the heart of God’s plan for your happiness is your power to choose. Of course, your Heavenly Father wants you to choose eternal joy with him and He will help you to achieve it, but He would never force it upon you.”

— Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

You are free to keep or break the laws and commandments of God. However that doesn’t mean it won’t have conquenses for your actions. By choosing what Christ wants us to, we will receive eternal life and joy. Wickedness was never happiness. 

“I testify that my mission is where I came to know that my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ, know and love me.”

— M. Russell Ballard 

President M. Russell Ballard has learned much from missionary service, including knowing Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ truly love him. Missionary service will help you learn important things about yourself, God, and other people. Missionary service is important! 

“My dear friends, let us have the faith of a child and rejoice in knowing that even our smallest efforts are making a significant difference in God’s kingdom.
Our purpose in His kingdom should be to bring each other to Christ.”

— Reyna I. Aburto 

We are commanded to be like little children. Have the faith of a child! Rejoice in your efforts, big or small, that help build the kingdom of God. Our smallest to greatest efforts make important differences in building His kingdom. 

“As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I now call upon you young men—and those young women who desire to serve a mission—to begin right now to talk with your parents about serving a mission. I also invite you to talk with your friends about serving a mission, and if one of your friends is not sure about serving, encourage them to talk with their bishop.”

— M. Russell Ballard

Those that want to serve missions should begin to prepare right now! Those that are in their youth should begin talking to their parents about missionary service. Those that are able to start working on their mission papers should talk with their Bishop to begin the process. Missionary service will bless your life and the lives of others forever!

“But when you earnestly seek the truth—eternal, unchanging truth—your choices become much clearer. Yes, you still have temptation and trials. Bad things still happen. Puzzling things. Tragic things. But you can manage when you know who you are, why you are here, and when you trust God.”

— Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

The truth will set you free. By truly seeking for the truth our choices between good and evil will help us choose good. This will not however stop us from experiencing temptation or trials but truth is very valuable. Truth will help you stay on the path. 

“The hard things in our lives should come as no surprise once we have entered the strait and narrow path. Jesus Christ learned “obedience by the things which he suffered.” As we follow Him, especially in our difficult times, we can grow to become more like Him.”

— Elder Isaac K. Morrison 

Life is still going to be hard when we choose to follow Christ. Regardless of what we do life will always be hard. However Christ can give us strength. As we follow Him, especially during trials, we become more like Him. 

“Commit to yourselves and to your Heavenly Father that you will serve a mission and that from this time forward you will strive to keep your hearts, hands, and minds clean and worthy. I invite you to gain a solid testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.”

— M. Russell Ballard 

Commit to serve a mission. Commit to keep the commandments. Make and keep righteousness commitments and you will be blessed. 

“Your testimony is a most precious possession, often associated with deep spiritual feelings. These feelings are usually communicated quietly and described as a “still small voice.” It is your belief or knowledge of truth given as a spiritual witness through the influence of the Holy Ghost. Acquiring this witness will change what you say and how you act.”

— Gary E. Stevenson 

Your testimony is precious. Strengthen it often, help it grow. Seek to spend time with God and feel of His spirit and love. One of the most precious and important things you will ever have is your testimony. 

“I say to the Latter-day Saints, all we have to do is learn of God. Let the liars lie on, and the swearers swear on, and they will go to perdition. All we have to do is go onward and upward, and keep the commandments of our Father and God; and He will confound our enemies.”

— President Brigham Young 

Whatever persecution and opposition we are facing or are going to face, we need not tremble and fear. You are facing opposition and persecution because you are causing damage to the forces of darkness. Satan doesn’t like it when you start to make dents in his kingdom, and he will do whatever it takes to stop you. Don’t stop. Let the bells of hell ring for the work will not stop. Move onward, forward, and upward. Keep the commandments of almighty God. By doing this He will confound our enemies, He will in due time give us power over them.

“Is it wrong to have rules? Of course not. We all need them every day. But it is wrong to focus only on rules instead of focusing on the Savior. You need to know the whys and the hows and then consider the consequences of your choices. You need to put your trust in Jesus Christ. He will lead you the right way. He is your strength.”

— Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

We must never only focus on the rules. That’s what the pharisees did and look at where they ended up. They rejected the son of God and made sure He was murdered. They didn’t recognize Him because they were so caught up on the rules and laws of God. We should only focus on Jesus Christ and consider why His laws and rules have been established. 

“Brothers and sisters, the gospel of Jesus Christ has never been needed more than it is today. Contention violates everything the Savior stood for and taught. I love the Lord Jesus Christ and testify that His gospel is the only enduring solution for peace. His gospel is a gospel of peace.”

— Russell M. Nelson

The gospel of Christ is needed now more than ever before. We need to do all we can to share His gospel with everyone. The gospel of Christ is the only permanent solution for peace. 

“I testify that we grow in our discipleship when we exercise faith in the Lord during difficult times. As we do so, He will mercifully strengthen us and help us carry our burdens. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

— Isaac K. Morrison

We all will experience difficult times in life. However as we exercise faith in Jesus Christ, we can grow in being a disciple of Christ during difficult times. When we exercise faith in Him, He will strengthen us. He will uplift us. He will help us through all things. He will not forget you, for Christ suffered all things and died for you. He loves you.

“Do we not all have afflictions that can be brought to the Savior’s feet? While some of us have physical challenges, many more battle with emotional strife, others struggle to nurture social connections, and we all seek respite when our spirits are challenged. We are all afflicted in some manner.”

— Renya I. Aburto 

We all have afflictions. We all have suffered, are suffering right now, or will suffer at some point in time. The good news is that there is no affliction that we cannot bring to the Savior’s feet. He has already experienced those hard times and can help us if we turn to Him. 

“His gospel is the only answer when many in the world are stunned with fear. This underscores the urgent need for us to follow the Lord’s instruction to His disciples to “go … into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” We have the sacred responsibility to share the power and peace of Jesus Christ with all who will listen and who will let God prevail in their lives.”

— Russell M. Nelson 

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only answer. It is they only way to gain hope and peace currently and for the future. This is one of the reasons missionary work is so critical. You have a sacred responsibility to share the gospel and truth. 

“You bear your testimony when you share spiritual feelings with others. As a member of the Church, you have opportunities to bear your spoken testimony in formal Church meetings or in less formal, one-on-one conversations with family, friends, and others.”
— Garry E. Stevenson 

There are many ways to share your testimony with others. There are also many opportunities to bear you testimony if you look for them. When you share your testimony, you invite others to come unto Christ. You share you light. 

“Why should we worry about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?”

— Brigham Young 

We should not worry about what others think about us. God’s opinion and our knowledge of His opinion about us is what matters. It doesn’t truly matter what anyone thinks about you. It doesn’t truly matter if people believe lies about you. We should always look to the opinion and view of God instead of imperfect people. 

“Jesus Christ has very high standards for His followers. And the invitation to earnestly seek His will and live by His truths is the highest standard possible.”

— Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

Those that follow Jesus Christ are given a strict guideline. The commandments of God are strict in order to help us become perfected and like Him. By seeking the will of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, and by living their commandments, we will live the highest standard of righteous living. 

“My dear sisters and brothers, let us follow Jesus Christ’s invitation to bring ourselves and our afflictions to Him. When we come to Him and bring those we love to Him, He sees our faith. He will make them whole, and He will make us whole.”

— Reyna I. Aburto

Bring all of your worries and afflictions to Jesus Christ. He will strengthen you and help you. He will give you peace. He sees your faith and will make you whole again. 

“Today I reaffirm strongly that the Lord has asked every worthy, able young man to prepare for and serve a mission. For Latter-day Saint young men, missionary service is a priesthood responsibility.”

— Russell M. Nelson

The Lord has asked that every worthy and able young man to serve a mission and to prepare to do so. This is a priesthood responsibility. It is a great privilege. No, it will not be easy but it will be worth it. 

“I cannot understand why the Christian world does not accept this book [The Book of Mormon].”

— Gordon B. Hinckley 

It is puzzling that many Christians do not accept The Book of Mormon. That book testifies of the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the second witness that Jesus Christ is the promised messiah, that He lives. Why would you accept one witness of Christ instead of two? In a court of law you need at least two witnesses. 

“Another way you share your testimony is through righteous behavior. Your testimony in Jesus Christ isn’t just what you say—it’s who you are.
Each time you bear vocal witness or demonstrate through your actions your commitment to follow Jesus Christ, you invite others to “come unto Christ.”

— Gary E. Stevenson 

We can share our testimony though our behavior and actions. What we do or don’t do shows others who we are. We can act with the spirit of Christ to share the light of Jesus Christ. 

“In our lives that are often filled with questions, worries, pressures, and opportunities, our Savior’s love for us individually and as His covenant children and also His teachings and laws are available daily resources that we can depend on to be a “light which shineth, … enlighten[ing our] eyes [and] quicken[ing our] understandings.”

— Tracy Y. Browning 

The scriptures and words of apostles and prophets are available to us daily. We can use resources created by the church and others to bring the light of Christ more abundantly into our lives. 

“If you don’t feel like praying, pray until you do!”

— Brigham Young 

If you don’t feel like praying then do it anyways! The spirit of the devil tells man not to pray, and the spirit of God tells man to pray. Pray always, for if you do not the devil will remove you from your place. 

“Members of the Church stand as witnesses of God at all times, in all things, and in all places. Opportunities to do this in the digital universe using inspiring content of our own or sharing uplifting content prepared by others are endless. We testify when we love, share, and invite, even online. Your tweets, direct messages, and posts will take on a higher, holier purpose when you also use social media to show how the gospel of Jesus Christ shapes your life.”

— Gary E. Stevenson 

We can use technology for good. We can use it to further build the kingdom of Christ upon the earth. We testify of Jesus Christ when we share spiritual content and invite others to come unto Christ online. Use social media and technology to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ! 

“When you are released from your mission, remember that you are not released from activity in the Church. Build upon the good habits you learned on your mission, continue to strengthen your testimony, work hard, pray, and be obedient to the Lord. Honor the covenants you have made. Continue to bless and serve others.”

— M. Russell Ballard 

When you are no longer an official missionary for the church, you are not released from activity in the church. The Lord may still have other callings for you to fulfill. Use what you have learned on your mission in other callings in the church! 

“I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are lead by Him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self security. Let every man and woman know, by the whispering of the Spirit of God to themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates, or not.”

— Brigham Young 

Do you truly know if what the prophet and apostles are saying are true? Have you asked Heavenly Father to know for yourself? We need to know for ourselves through the Holy Ghost to know if our church leaders are being lead by God. 

“As I attempt to explain why we generally do not use the iconography of the cross, I wish to make abundantly clear our deep respect and profound admiration for the faith-filled motives and devoted lives of those who do.”

— Jeffery R. Holland 

We have deep respect those that use the cross even though we don’t use it ourselves. It is a symbol of the atonement of Jesus Christ which is a very sacred thing. However as apart of The Church of Jesus Christ, we focus more on the resurrection of the messiah instead of His suffering. For He is no longer dead, but is risen from the dead. 

“The words and teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in scripture and messages from His chosen prophets and His Spirit received through daily prayer, regular temple attendance, and the weekly ordinance of the sacrament can help to restore peace and provide the necessary gift of discernment that brings Christ’s light and His understanding to the corners of our life and in a world that may be cloudy.”

— Tracy Y. Browning 

The teachings of Jesus Christ and modern prophets can bring peace into our lives. It can uplift us and push back the darkness. Jesus Christ is the light and His words, either from His mouth or the mouth of His servants, is light, or in other words truth and intelligence. 

“Show and prove to the world, to angels and to God, that you are on the side of truth and right, of honest, purity and integrity, and that you are for God in His kingdom.”

— President John Taylor 

Don’t just say you will choose the right, do it! Show your faith. Act according to your faith. Prove to God and angels that you are a follower of righteousness. Show that you on on God’s side. 

“I pray that you young men and young women and your parents will see and know how missionary service will forever bless your life.”

— M. Russell Ballard 

Missionary service is a great responsibility. It will bless your life and the lives of others forever, in ways that you would never have thought of before. You will change lives, you will uplift the broken hearted and help those that need your help. 

“By the fourth and fifth centuries, a cross was being introduced as a symbol of generalized Christianity, but ours is not a “generalized Christianity.” Being neither Catholic nor Protestant, we are, rather, a restored church, the restored New Testament Church. Thus, our origins and our authority go back before the time of councils, creeds, and iconography. In this sense, the absence of a symbol that was late coming into common use is yet another evidence that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a restoration of true Christian beginnings.”

— Jeffery R. Holland 

The cross was at one point introduced to general Christianity, but The Church of Jesus Christ is not apart of general Christianity. The church of Christ holds a fulness of His gospel. His church has been restored to the earth, which means The Church of Jesus Christ isn’t just another Christian church, it is THE literal church of Jesus Christ. This is one of the reasons why Jesus Christ’s church does not use the cross as a symbol.

“All missionaries teach and testify of the Savior. The spiritual darkness in the world makes the light of Jesus Christ needed more than ever. Everyone deserves the chance to know about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Every person deserves to know where they can find the hope and peace that “[pass] all understanding.”

— Russell M. Nelson 

Missionaries are representatives of Jesus Christ and His church. They testify of Christ and teach of Him. Everyone, regardless of who they are deserve a chance to hear about Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 

“We are in a great school, and we should be diligent to learn, and continue to store up the knowledge and of earth, and read good books, although I cannot say that I would recommend the reading of all books, for it is not all books which are good. Read good books, and extract from them wisdom and understanding as much as you possibly can, aided by the Spirit of God.”

— Brigham Young 

This life is a great school, we are tested and hopefully learn new things everyday, and make changes in our lives daily. We need to learn as much as we can on this earth, and to do prepare to meet God. 

“Another reason for not using iconized crosses is our emphasis on the complete miracle of Christ’s mission—His glorious Resurrection as well as His sacrificial suffering and death. In underscoring that relationship, I note two pieces of art that serve as backdrops for the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in their sacred weekly temple meetings each Thursday in Salt Lake City. These portrayals serve as constant reminders to us of the price that was paid and the victory that was won by Him whose servants we are.”

— Jeffery R. Holland 

The cross is a symbol of the atonement and death of Christ however it doesn’t show  the entire mission of Christ. His mission also includes His resurrection and the cross does not depict that. 

“How many wounded individuals do we have among us? How often do we judge others based on their outward appearance and actions, or lack of action, when, if we fully understood, we would instead react with compassion and a desire to help instead of adding to their burdens with our judgment?”

— Sister J. Anette Dennis 

If we truly could see what everyone around us is going through, we would have much compassion towards those individuals. If we fully understood we would judge less and try to help more. There are many people that need our help that we can’t see. Always act with kindness. 

“Friends, Jesus Christ is both the purpose of our focus and the intent of our destination. To help us to remain fixed and heading in the right direction, the Savior invites us to see our lives through Him in order to see more of Him in our lives.”

— Tracy Y. Browning 

Jesus Christ is the purpose and focus of our end goal. It is only through Him that we can enter into the presence of God. He is the only way. We need to keep our focus upon Him and always remember Him. Live your life through Christ.

“My beloved brothers and sisters, I promise that as you more fully understand what a testimony is, and as you share it, you will overcome obstacles of uncertainty and fear, enabling you to nurture and keep this most precious possession, your testimony.”

— Elder Gary E. Stevenson 

Understand what a testimony is and how to share it. Your testimony will be one of the most valuable things to you when you get one. As you share your testimony with others, you will better be able to overcome obstacles of fear and uncertainty.

“We are commanded to love others, not to judge them. Let’s lay down that heavy burden; it isn’t ours to carry. Instead, we can pick up the Savior’s yoke of love and compassion.”

— J. Anette Dennis 

Love one another and do your best to not judge. Help others and yourself to lay down your burdens and to become yoked to Christ. His burden is easily and light and He will give you rest to your soul. 

“In a remarkable way, the Lord’s prophet is drawing us closer to our Savior, including through sacred temple ordinances and covenants coming closer to us in more places. We have a profound opportunity and gift to discover new spiritual understanding, love, repentance, and forgiveness with each other and our families, in time and eternity.“

— Gerrit W. Gong

Temple ordinances and covenants draw us closer to Jesus Christ and bind us to Him. Through revealed changes to temple ceremonies, we can draw even closer to Christ. Being at the temple will help us give up the things of this work for Christ. It will help us endure temptations and trials. 

“Just as Jesus knows each of us by name, one way we can come to better know Jesus is by learning His many names. Like the names of Israel and Peter, many of Jesus’s names are titles that help us understand His mission, purpose, character, and attributes. As we come to know Jesus’s many names, we will come to better understand His divine mission and His selfless character.”

— Johnathan S. Schmitt

Learn of the many names of Jesus Christ. Learn and understand why He has been given each name. This can help you learn to better know Him. By better knowing Jesus Christ we can become more like Him. 

“Just as we are today, God’s ancient people were invited to see their lives through Him in order to see more of Him in their lives.”

— Tracy Y. Browning

Try to see your life and live your life through Jesus Christ. Act as He would act. Say the things He would say. As we look for Jesus Christ in our lives, we will see Him more in our lives. 

“Perhaps you are feeling as though you were in the midst of darkness. Does your soul ache for illumination? If so, please try the virtue of the word of God.”

— Mark D. Eddy

The word of God can light the way in paths of darkness. God speaks to us through the scriptures, because they are His words. His words act as a light when we feel surrounded by evil and darkness. 

“As we take up our crosses and follow Him, it would be tragic indeed if the weight of our challenges did not make us more empathetic for and more attentive to the burdens being carried by others. It is one of the most powerful paradoxes of the Crucifixion that the arms of the Savior were stretched wide open and then nailed there, unwittingly but accurately portraying that every man, woman, and child in the entire human family is not only welcome but invited into His redeeming, exalting embrace.”

— Jeffrey R. Holland

As we have trials and learn from our experiences, hopefully we learn to have compassion for those that we see that are suffering. I pray that those that see others in need will act. Jesus Christ carried the biggest burden of all so that we would not have to suffer alone. All are invited to come to Christ Jesus and receive His eternal healing and helping power. 

“Mobs will not decrease, but will increase until the whole government becomes a mob.”

— Joseph Smith

Mobs will not decrease. The persecution of the Saints has never fully left and will only increase. Joseph Smith said the government itself, will eventually become a mob. The government is corrupted and is removing the laws of God from the land. Soon the government will become a mob. 

“Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God.”

— Joseph Smith

We exist because of happiness! We are all seeking for happiness in life and it is the object and design of our existence. The work and glory of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is to being to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. By gaining immortality and eternal life, we gain happiness! In order to gain happiness we must go and stay on that path that leads there. 

For a year, she fasted, prayed, spoke a lot with the Lord about her father. Finally, she was ready. Her father’s temple work was completed. Later, she said, “In my sleep my dad appeared to me in a dream, all dressed in white. He had changed. He said, ‘Look at me. I am all clean. Thank you for doing the work for me in the temple.’” Her father added, “Get up and go back to the temple; your brother is waiting to be baptized.”

— Gerrit W. Gong

Temple work for those that have died, that didn’t have the chance to make covenants, is very important. Everyone deserves that opportunity, even if we don’t think they’re deserve it. How merciful is our God! For He grants this opportunity to those beyond the veil of mortality. 

“I plead with you to experience the virtue of the word of God, particularly through The Book of Mormon, every day of your life.”

— Mark D. Eddy

Experience firsthand the virtue of the world of God. The word of God is what will give us revelation and peace. The scriptures are the words of God, and by studying then we gain revelation and know what God wants us to know. The Book of Mormon is a special book of scripture. It was specifically written for our day by many ancient prophets. 

“When men stop praying for God’s spirit, they place confidence in their own unaided reason, and they gradually lose the spirit of God.”

— President Heber J. Grant 

The promise in the sacramental prayer is that His spirit will always be with us. However do you ask for the Holy Ghost to be with you always? If you do not ask you will not receive. If we do not ask for the spirit of God, we will eventually loose the spirit. 

“When we bring our offering to the Savior, we are being invited to see more of Jesus Christ in our lives, as we humbly submit our will to Him in recognition and understanding of His perfect submission to the will of the Father.”

— Tracy Y. Browning 

Sacrifice for Jesus Christ. Sacrifice your time to be with Him. By sacrificing for Christ we will be able to see more of Him in our lives. 

“Essential to the plan is our Savior, Jesus Christ. Without His atoning sacrifice, all would be lost. It is not enough, however, merely to believe in Him and His mission. We need to work and learn, search and pray, repent and improve. We need to know God’s laws and live them. We need to receive His saving ordinances. Only by so doing will we obtain true, eternal happiness.”

— Thomas S. Monson 

Jesus Christ is essential to the plan of happiness. Without His perfect life, atonement, and resurrection, the plan would not work. We need to repent and improve each day. We need to progress in the plan of happiness as much as possible. 

“I testify that our Heavenly Father has given us the word because He loves us perfectly and wants each of us to return home to live with Him forever. I testify of “the Word … made flesh,” even Jesus the Christ, and of His power to save and to redeem us. I know that His virtue flows through the words of His prophets, both past and present.”

— Mark D. Eddy

Heavenly Father has given us Jesus Christ  because of His love, and Jesus preformed the atonement on our behalf because of His love. Because of Christ we have a chance to return back home. Jesus Christ is known as the word, and as we study the teachings of Christ, and the words in the scriptures, we gain more light and peace. 

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