Becoming One in a Marriage with Different Religions

Becoming One in a Marriage with Different Religions

I am sure I will write many posts on this subject since I, myself, crave to hear encouragement, advice, and stories from others who are part-member families of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I cannot lie, I wish I could tell you it is easy…but...
Making Our Homes A Temple

Making Our Homes A Temple

While visiting Utah at a family reunion this past summer, we all decided to spend one of the days on the Salt Lake City temple grounds. I’m always in awe of the peaceful spirit that dwells at the temple. It’s the perfect example of being in the world but not being of...
Lehi and Sariah as parenting and marriage experts: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

Lehi and Sariah as parenting and marriage experts: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

I am thankful for the example of Lehi and Sariah in the book of Mormon, as parents that we can emulate. In the very beginning it says Nephi was born of goodly parents, who taught him of the goodness and mysteries of God. 1Nephi 1:1  I Nephi, having...
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