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Be an Endless Light; Come Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mosiah 11-17)

Be an Endless Light; Come Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mosiah 11-17)

Mosiah 16:9 He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless... How is it possible to be an ENDLESS LIGHT in a darkening world? The answer comes from the ultimate endless light,...

Come Follow Me Study (Mosiah 7-10) “In the Strength of the Lord”

Come Follow Me Study (Mosiah 7-10) “In the Strength of the Lord”

This week in our video and podcast we did things a bit different. With all of us being quarantined I had the wonderful opportunity to sit on the floor and film with my children all around. What a joy children are:) This week we talk about Ammon’s journey to find...

Be Changed: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mosiah 4-6)

Be Changed: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mosiah 4-6)

Mosiah 5:7 ...For ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters. Change is the key to growth and progression. The life of a butterfly is the best example of being willing to...

Remember, Remember: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mosiah 1-3)

Remember, Remember: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mosiah 1-3)

Mosiah 2:41 , I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into...

Come Follow Me Study (Mosiah 4-6) “A Mighty Change”

Come Follow Me Study (Mosiah 4-6) “A Mighty Change” This week in our video and podcast we will go over the rest of King Benjamin’s words. As King Benjamin is speaking the people are overcome by his words and are filled with joy as they repent and receive a remission of their...

Come Follow Me Study ( Jacob 5-7) “The Lord Labors With Us”

Come Follow Me Study ( Jacob 5-7) “The Lord Labors With Us”

This video and podcast is exciting because we get to dive into the allegory of the olive tree. My favorite part is when the Lord gathers Israel. This week I will share a video that will hopefully get us all excited about our part in the work. We also go over some tips...

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