Mosiah 2:41 , I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.
It is important that we REMEMBER the words of King Benjamin, who was always “only… in the service of God,” and “can answer a clear conscience before God.” (Mosiah 2:15-16) He served his people “with all the might, mind and strength which the Lord hath granted.” (Mosiah 2:11) He begs us to “open your ears that ye may hear, and your hearts that ye may understand, and your minds that the mysteries of God may be unfolded to your view.” (Mosiah 2:9)
Remember, to stay awake, and to endure to the end. “Awake, and hear the words which I shall tell thee; for behold, I am come to declare unto you the glad tidings of great joy.” (Mosiah 3:3) “The time cometh, and is not far distant, that with power, the Lord Omnipotent who reigneth, who was, and is from all eternity to all eternity, shall come down from heaven among the children of men.” (Mosiah 3:5) “The time shall come when the knowledge of a Savior shall spread throughout every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.” (Mosiah 3:20) “None shall be found blameless before God, except it be little children, only through repentance and faith on the name of the Lord God Omnipotent.” (Mosiah 3:21)
Remember not to allow contention in our hearts. “Beware lest there shall arise contentions among you, and ye list to obey the evil spirit.” (Mosiah 2:32) It is the fastest way to harden the hearts and to push the Lord out of our lives. During COVID-19, we have had the opportunity to practice love in our homes, and the opportunity to dismiss all contention, that easily slips in during long periods of close encounters. It gives us the chance to remember to love others as we desire to be loved and to serve them with full purpose of heart. For “when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.” (Mosiah 2:17)
Mosiah 2:31 if ye shall keep the commandments … of God…ye shall prosper in the land, and your enemies shall have no power over you.
Remember that happiness has never come through wickedness and our best combat to the the temptations of the devil are to stay on the path that God has laid before us in protecting love. It has always been dangerous stepping outside of God’s laws, “open rebellion against God,” (Mosiah 2:37) “Therefore if that man repenteth not, and remaineth and dieth an enemy to God, the demands of divine justice do awaken his immortal soul to a lively sense of his own guilt.” (Mosiah 2:38) Which is why we have been given every tool necessary to keep us on the path or to help us return. We must remember to listen to the prophet and apostles, “The Lord God hath sent his holy prophets among all the children of men, to declare these things to every kindred, nation, and tongue.” (Mosiah 3:13) We need to remember to pray constantly and to ask the Lord for help, “The Lord hath heard thy prayers.” (Mosiah 3:4) We need to remember to study the scriptures and to allow their power to penetrate our lives and homes, “I would that ye should remember that were it not for these plates, which contain these records and these commandments, we must have suffered in ignorance, even at this present time, not knowing the mysteries of God.” (Mosiah 1:3) Then most important of all, we must believe, have faith in, and utilize the atonement in our lives, to cleanse us, purify us, and to give us the courage to move forward without heavy weight of guilt. “His blood atoneth for the sins of those who have fallen by the transgression,” “No other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent.” (Mosiah 3:11,17)
Remember to love God with our service to others, obedience to His laws and through gratitude for all that he has given us. “O how you ought to thank your heavenly King!” (Mosiah 2:19) “If you should render all the thanks and praise which your whole soul has power to possess, to that God who has created you, and has kept and preserved you, and has caused that ye should rejoice, and has granted that ye should live in peace one with another.” (Mosiah 2:20) For we are forever “indebted unto him.” (Mosiah 2:23)
Mosiah 3:19 For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.
Taking the time to remember who we are and why we are here is worth the effort. It’s something we need to be constantly reminding ourselves of as we make small decisions everyday. I am always shocked at how the adversary can easily trick us into feelings of despair, hopelessness, or anger. He is watching our every move and then using it against us. That is why the Lord is ALWAYS the best option. The Lord is also aware of the details of our lives, from the smallest-unnoticeable ones to the large-all consuming ones. Yet, his love is dear and infinite, we can fully trust him to lead us in the direction that will bring the greatest happiness not only to us but to others. If we will live worthy of the guidance of the Holy Ghost and practice listening and acting on those prompting, the Holy Ghost will help us to avoid even the smallest lies sent from Satan. We will be able to detect theses weaknesses and then find their entrance point and block it so that it becomes a strength. As we take one day at a time, and ask for guidance, remembering all that the Lord has given us, and remembering the tools we have been given to combat evil, we will be able to walk uprightly along the path to our eternal home without the constant attacks from pests along the way. Our eyes will become single towards God and Satan will have no power over us.
-written by Sherri Jorgensen
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