Hear his voice and harden not your hearts – Jacob 6:6 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize

Yea, today, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts; for why will ye die?

My friends, I hope that you can enjoy the simplicity of this scripture and yet the power that it teaches. First, it asks a very important and time bound question, “today, if ye will hear his voice,” or in other words, Christ is speaking to you, and not tomorrow, not later, but today; and the question is, do you hear Him?

How do we hear His voice? We hear His voice from the mouth of His prophets and apostles, we hear His voice from the pages of holy writ, and we hear His voice spoken to our hearts by the Holy Ghost and by the Light of Christ through our conscience.

Stephen R. Covey shared this insightful paragraph about hearing Christ:

“We need to teach our children that the Lord speaks to us in many ways, but more particularly through his servants, the prophets, ancient (scriptures) and modern (conferences, writings), and through his still, small voice. We teach them that their heart is the ear of the spirit and that their conscience is His voice. President David O. McKay taught that for those in the Church in the line of their duty, the Holy Ghost normally speaks through the conscience. To a group of seminary and institute people, Elder Bruce McConkie of the Council of the Twelve once used a radio analogy, suggesting that the transmitter is the Holy Ghost, we are the receivers, and the Spirit of Christ represents the radio waves. Moroni taught that the gifts and powers of the Spirit come by and through the Spirit of Christ. (Moro. 10:7–17.)”

Background image by: Iwona Podlasinska

Ultimately, Christ is speaking to us everywhere and all the time, He is literally knocking at the door, will we hear Him? And if we do hear Him, will we harden our hearts or quench His voice and die, or will we open the door unto Him and receive all the blessings and glory that will be bestowed upon us.

Revelation 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

The choice is ours, and we have the power to choose to hear and to obey or to reject and die. Brigham Young put it this way:

Let truth bear sway, and true integrity shed a charm around your whole being. Rise up for the right in the strength of your own ability. God has bestowed upon you the power to reject the evil and receive the truth; the good, the light, and the virtuous. Cleave to God with all your hearts, that we may be ready for the day that is fast approaching.

Cleave to God, is same as softening our hearts and obeying His voice. So, will you be ready for that day that is fast approaching?

Let us learn from President Heber C. Kimball how to hear and obey and allow God to change and transform us.

Brethren and sisters, I exhort you above all things to hold fast to your integrity, seek for righteousness and cleave unto it… There is no person in this Church who can increase in the knowledge of God, in the spirit of revelation, in the gift of prophecy, in visions or in dreams, unless they cleave unto God with full purpose of heart, but by being faithful these gifts will be multiplied unto the Saints.

I choose to hear, obey, and be changed, what will you choose and what action will you take today?


Background image by: Hilton Chen https://flic.kr/p/2iEb1YB
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