Everything I Need To Know, I Learned From Nephi!: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

Everything I Need To Know, I Learned From Nephi!: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

Everything I need to know, I learned from Nephi:— written by Clair, age 13 Obey your parents: when Lehi asks his sons to go back to Jerusalem Nephi obeys. Unlike his brothers, Nephi doesn’t hesitate, he just obeys his father’s command because he trusts his father. And...
Handbook for Raising Teens: For the Strength of Youth

Handbook for Raising Teens: For the Strength of Youth

The hardest part about parenting is that these kids all come different with their sweet spirits….but no handbook. We have to figure it out through trial and error and what works for one child doesn’t work for another….even though they are from the same two...
12 quotes from the Worldwide Devotional for Youth by President Russell M. Nelson, 2018.

12 quotes from the Worldwide Devotional for Youth by President Russell M. Nelson, 2018.

You are the hope of Israel, “children of the promised day”! Now, we would like to talk with you about the greatest challenge, the greatest cause, and the greatest work on earth. And we want to invite you to be part of it! Take your questions directly to your Heavenly...
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