I was looking for something specific that I remember reading while studying Harold B Lee… instead I stumbled upon his section about motherhood!! It sang to my soul the most beautiful song…giving me added encouragement and excitement about my life as a mother!

“Successful motherhood today spans the years and the eternities!”

Oh my goodness….are you getting goose bumps??
All our hard work is so much larger than we actually understand…it’s effects will last FOREVER! NOT  just the “forever” that we can understand here on earth..but beyond…into the ETERNITIES!!
That can feel like a lot of pressure….FEAR NOT! We are not to feel pressure….we should feel EXCITEMENT! If each of us does our best, I truly feel that the Lord will fill in the gaps. He loves us and our families… and will help us!
Beware of social media (even though I love it)!  Being a “super mom” doesn’t mean you take the best pictures and look super awesome on Instagram or Facebook! It simply means you LOVE your kids, and Do your BEST to guide them by example first, and then by instruction to Love the Lord and Follow Him!! We are all Super Moms!! 

“Mother’s are the creators of the atmosphere in the home”

We dictate the emotions in the home…period!!
How we feel… everyone feels!
Pay attention..when your grumpy…suddenly everyone is grumpy!
When your happy…the whole house is happy!
I have said for a long time that we are the HORMONES of the house!
We use to homeschool and travel with my husband for work, and we had the best time! The kids all got along, everyone was happy! Then one day, I had a headache, and I was irratated at everyone for everything. I don’t remember why I was feeling this way. But I do remember thinking that everyone can have one bad day…and this was mine. Of course, it didn’t help that everyone in the car was grumpy as well. Picking at each other, and just driving each other crazy! As I sat there in my bad mood…I couldn’t figure out why everyone had to be grumpy…couldn’t they just let me have a few unhappy moments in peace!? Then it dawned on me…they are grumpy because I am grumpy. I asked Mark to pull over at the next rest stop. I went to the bathroom…to pull myself together. I went in the stall for some peace and offered a prayer. I knew I needed help turning my attitude around. I sat in there until I felt a change of heart. Then I went to the car, apologized for my rotten attitude, and vowed to be happy from then on out. The whole car was quiet for a moment…and then the commotions started again, but this time, smiles reapeared, laughter filled the car, happiness was back! Funny how that works!

“a mother’s heart is a child’s schoolroom”

This is important to understand. We are teaching our children Everyday, with everything we do, say, wear, watch, eat, act, and think! I know that seems overwhelming. But I have noticed, that my kids are paying attention all the time to me. They will write little school papers on things I didn’t even know they knew. When those papers come home..I’m always thankful that I did whatever they wrote about. We are their everything. They need us, they look up to us, they follow us!
This is where it gets a little deep. We are suppose to teach our children to FOLLOW CHRIST!
Unfortunately, word are not enough! Before they are ready to FOLLOW CHRIST…THEY WILL FOLLOW US! If we have Followed Christ…the transition for them to go from us to Him on their own will be much easier!
This is not to say we can’t make mistakes. How will they understand mistakes, if we don’t show them first. WE DON’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT…WE JUST NEED TO BE PERFECTLY TRYING!!

“Make a career of motherhood….let nothing supersede that career”

David O. McKay said it best…
No other success can compensate for failure in the home. The poorest shack in which love prevails over a united family is of greater value to God and future humanity that any other riches. In such a home God can work miracles, and will work miracles.”
I am thankful for my experience with having to work for a bit, and then coming home, because it made me a more purposeful mother. I realized what a gift and sacrifice it is to have me home with the kids!

“A successful mother is one who is never too tired for her sons and daughters to come and share their joys and their sorrows with her.”

This is one of my greatest joys of motherhood…when the kids jump on my bed late at night, and share their life with me. I am thankful for a mother who was always there for me, no matter how late, or how tired she was. Through her example I have been able to mother the same way, and enjoy the blessings of being there for my kids!
Let us put our books aside, turn our music off, lay our phones down, stay home from our evening out….if our children need us!! 🙂


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