Everything I need to know, I learned from Nephi:— written by Clair, age 13

Obey your parents:

when Lehi asks his sons to go back to Jerusalem Nephi obeys. Unlike his brothers, Nephi doesn’t hesitate, he just obeys his father’s command because he trusts his father. And he doesn’t even sass them!

Obey the Lord:

I’m not sure I can even name all of the times Nephi obeyed the Lord. Needless to say, there were a lot.

Trust in the Lord:

When Nephi’s brothers tied him up on the boat, Nephi did not lose faith in the Lord. He trusted the Lord and knew the Lord would do his part. This is amazing, especially since Nephi was quite literally in mortal peril.

Forgive always, and forgive fast:

After Nephi’s brothers  FINALLY untied him on the boa, (just to save themselves,) Nephi held no grudges. He simply forgave them and moved on.

Keep a journal:

The Lord asked Nephi to write a journal, or more literally the history of his people. Nephi did this even though he had to scratch it all into pieces of metal.

Follow the prophet:

Nephi’s Prophet was his father. This would be kind of hard, because no mortal is perfect and Nephi would have known many of Lehi’s faults. However, Nephi never questioned what his father asked him to do. Nephi honored and obeyed his father, aka “the prophet “ his whole life.

Don’t procrastinate:

Whenever the Lord asked Nephi to do something, he did it then and there. He didn’t put it on some mental or even metal to do list that he would get to “ when he had time” and wasn’t breaking bows with his massive biceps. NO! He did it then and there. He got up and acted.

Read the Book of Mormon:

Nephi commands us to read the Book of Mormon and liken it unto ourselves, just like he did with the brass plates.

Find out the truth for yourself ( build your own testimony):

When Nephi heard his father (the prophet) talk about the Tree of Life, Nephi went and inquired of the Lord to know of its truth and when he did, he came back and shared his own personal testimony with others.

I am so grateful for all the things Nephi has taught me and everything I have gained from him and his lessons. I don’t really remember the first time I read the Book of Mormon all the way thru by myself. I think it was when I was almost 12 but I’m not sure. However, President Nelson recently challenged the sisters of the church to read the Book of Mormon by the New Year. As I have been participating and reading my Book of Mormon for this challenge I have been struck by the amount of times I have personally related to the Book of Mormon and the amount of times the Book of Mormon mentions our day. The lessons Nephi and others teach in the Book of Mormon, and the truths it has testified over and over to me, still stick close to my heart and I find myself relying on and sharing these truths with others. I have found in my life the truth of this book and guidance from it. I have found a rock in my Savior Jesus Christ our Redeemer. He walked this world and suffered for our sins. He died on the cross according to God’s will. He was the greatest example of perfection, and following God that there has ever been. Christ is willing and able to save us from our sins if we are willing to come unto him. He loves us and He will always love us. I promise He is willing to be there for all of us. I know that our Lord lives and that this is the true church of God. It is the only true church on the earth today. I know that if we are willing to put in the time, the Lord will bless us endlessly. I bear my testimony to you and say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

-Clair, age 13

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