The hardest part about parenting is that these kids all come different with their sweet spirits….but no handbook. We have to figure it out through trial and error and what works for one child doesn’t work for another….even though they are from the same two parents. Doesn’t make any sense…but that’s how it is. I have a drawer that I keep all my handbooks in. When the dishwasher does something funny…I pull out that handbook. When the dryer malfunctions, I pull out that handbook. But when my kids do something funny or malfunction…it’s just a guessing game! 🙂

That’s why I am forever thankful for the AWESOME handbook we have from Lord, to guide us through raising the youth. With the combination of their own varying personal weaknesses and strengths, social pressures, and an adversary that loves to tempt them to follow the wrong path… it’s difficult for the youth and for us parents. That’s why we have FOR THE STRENGTH OF YOUTH! Hooray!!!! Yes, if you are wondering if I have it in my handbook drawer….I do! 🙂 I blanket my house with them! Because they are awesome!

As a mom, I suffer from “mommy guilt”. Most of us have it. However, when I counsel following For the Strength of Youth…I feel like I am giving my best advise, for I strongly believe if we follow the Lord, we will be blessed! I also know he loves us, and doesn’t give us any guidance just because he can. He is not attempting to cause us undo stress. His only motivation is to protect us from what he knows to well to be the ways of the adversary. He wants to give us the armor we need to protect our youth!

I am also a mom who tries to give the youth a voice. They need to be able to discern for themselves, stand up for truth, and make difficult decisions. I feel confident that when I ask them to read For the Strength for Youth and pray about it, that they will either make the best choice or they already have their minds made up. They quickly learn that “when we are involved in watching, reading, or experiencing anything that is below our Heavenly Father’s standards, it weakens us.” (For the Strength of Youth) on the flip side as “we have the moral courage to stand firm in obeying God’s will, even if you have to stand alone”….it strengthens us….every time!!

We have the most wonderful children in our homes! It’s crazy! I know they aren’t perfect…but they are perfectly ready to fight for truth if they can just remember who they are and stay focused. Every time Russell M. Nelson talks about our youth I stand in awe!

He says they are

“Among the best the Lord has ever sent to the world”

“Nobel Spirits”

Our “Finest Players

To the youth, President Russell M. Nelson Tells them, to “Stand out; be different from the world. You and I know that you are to be a light to the world. Therefore, the Lord needs you to look like, sound like, act like, and dress like a true disciple of Jesus Christ.”

For the Strength of Youth is a guide to help our youth achieve greatness in the eyes of their Heavenly Father!

It’s difficult to follow something if you don’t know what it says…I’m taking one topic a week and discussing it with my family…either during family night or prayer and scripture time. I will post about each topic…if you would like to follow along. 🙂

Here are the other posts on For the Strength of Youth

-Sherri Jorgensen

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