17 Quotes by Michelle Craig; Spiritual Capacity

17 Quotes by Michelle Craig; Spiritual Capacity

As Jesus Christ’s faithful disciple, you can receive personal inspiration and revelation, consistent with His commandments, that is tailored to you. Four ways to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation. Be Intentional about Creating Time and Space to...
Elk Valley Latter Day Saint: August 21- August 31, 2019

Elk Valley Latter Day Saint: August 21- August 31, 2019

I’ve been thinking lots about service and society. How we are cautioned against helping others for fear of being taken advantage of. You hear stories of people who make a living out of panhandling and so we avoid helping anyone. I hope that we rise above such cynicism...
Elk Valley Latter Day Saint: July 25th – August 20th, 2019

Elk Valley Latter Day Saint: July 25th – August 20th, 2019

Don’t think about doing it! Do it! Take time out that works for you and your family! The benefits far outweigh the costs! You might lose 15-30 minutes a day, but you also might instill a love of the scriptures into your children! Just do it! “A Father who reads...
Remember, You Are Not Alone: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Acts 1-5)

Remember, You Are Not Alone: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Acts 1-5)

 Last week we ended with the last testimonies of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, with the resurrection of Christ. As wonderful as it was that HE LIVED, he was still gone from the apostles mortal view. They were used to walking and talking to Jesus. He had been side...
Full of Purpose, Heart and Mind: Mosiah 7:33 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

Full of Purpose, Heart and Mind: Mosiah 7:33 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

I was reading a book about the travels of Lehi from the point that they left Jerusalem until they sailed to the Americas. The authors spent years and years in following the passages written by Nephi to chart the course that the family took in the desert...
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