Don’t think about doing it! Do it! Take time out that works for you and your family! The benefits far outweigh the costs! You might lose 15-30 minutes a day, but you also might instill a love of the scriptures into your children! Just do it!

“A Father who reads scriptures to and with his children acquaints them with the voice of the Lord.” – D. Todd Christofferson

Communication with our Heavenly Father is a gift! We are blessed when we earnestly share our hearts with Him and are equally blessed when we listen and look for answers to those prayers!

“Are you really praying or are you just saying your prayers?” – Juan A. Uceda

Russell M. Nelson is a Prophet of God. His job is to testify of Jesus Christ and be a watchman on the tower, to warn of the coming assaults from the enemy and to prepare us for the second coming of the Saviour. Pres. Nelson is not a perfect man, and neither is the rest of the First Presidency or Quorum of the 12, but they take their job seriously and we need to heed their council in our lives.

“May we heed the eternal truths taught by the Lord’s authorized representatives.” – David A. Bednar

If we follow God’s plan and allow His Spirit to lead and direct our paths, we will go places and see things we cannot imagine. We will grow in ways we cannot now comprehend.

“To reach a goal you have never before attained you must do things you have never before done.” – Richard G. Scott

If you’ve made covenants with God and are striving to keep those covenants, God will recognize your effort and sanctify your efforts. He will bless you and strengthen you as you make the effort to be better. Never forget the power of covenants and effort! Do better and be better!

And He loveth those who have Him to be their God. – 1 Nephi 17:40

We are wandering in a forest at night with a flashlight, but the Prophets and Apostles have a powerful floodlight that can enlighten our path more effectively than we could on our own. But we need to be willing to follow their guidance to benefit from their wisdom.

“I have made it my regular practice to assume I need heavenly help to understand the meaning and the purpose of the words spoken by the prophets.” – Henry B. Eyring

We need to be in tune with the Holy Spirit in order to receive promptings and revelation from God. But if there’s any confusion, if the feeling or thought is good and helps another, do it anyway, no harm will come in serving each other.

“My feelings are not God. God is God. Me feelings do not define truth. God’s word defines truth.” – John Piper


Some people might be naturally inclined to being kind, but for most of us, it is a skill we need to develop. There is no reason under heaven for us to not be kind to one another. We each share the same spiritual heritage and our Heavenly Parents love us all; shouldn’t we treat each other as such? regardless of our or others earthly circumstance.

“Everyone, independent of his or her decisions and beliefs, deserves our kindness and consideration.” – Neil. L Andersen

When we are doing the things that invite the Spirit into our lives and not doing the things that drive the Spirit away, we reach a state where the Spirit is with us continually and can guide us in our efforts. This doesn’t mean we will never sin again, but what we’ve done is built up the strongest of defences against the forces of the adversary and become an effective tool in the hands of the Lord.

We have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually. – Mosiah 5:2

I’m excited about a Gospel that teaches progression. We existed before this earthly life and we will exist after this life, what’s more, we may one day become as our Heavenly Parents if we continue on the covenant path.

“As man now is, God once was; as God now is, man may be.” – Lorenzo Snow

Reading this quote reminds me of the Israelites who balked at being healed by looking at staff of Moses because of the easiness of the way. Sometimes the most important things are the little choices we make each day. If we want access to the powers of heaven, we must be found doing the things we ought to, not out of duty or requirement, but for gratitude and love for our Heavenly Father.

“Prayer is your personal key to heaven.” – Boyd K. Packer

Repentance is and isn’t a big deal. It’s huge in that we can be made whole when we make mistakes or sin. But it’s not a grandiose display in order to prove ourselves. It’s simply asking forgiveness and striving to be better. Sometimes we need to strive a little harder than others and include a priesthood authority but again, it’s simply in the name of striving to be better and being made whole. What could be simpler? Yet, what could be more important?

“Repentance is simply the scriptural invitation for growth and improvement and progress and renewal.” – Jeffrey R. Holland

Can you even imagine the joy that day will bring; When we are reunited with love ones who have been eagerly watching us from above? What a wonderful plan God has provided which allows us to live with Him and our loved ones again. I stand amazed at the love this plan offers to each of us.

“The resurrection of Jesus Christ means that you & I will reunite with loved ones who have been taken by death. Think of it. Your grandparents, parents, siblings, friends, your spouse, your children; imagine hugging them, talking & laughing with them again. Because of Him.” – Hank R. Smith

We are blessed with a knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and that there are Heavenly parents pulling for us and our children. We can lean on them for help, especially when it relates to parenting our and Their children. “Nothing can take the place of home in rearing and teaching children, and no other success can compensate for failure in the home.” – David O. McKay

“The calling to be a parent includes the gift to teach in ways that are right for you and for your children.” – Robert D. Hales

Faith is by definition not perfect, but acting on something despite not knowing can grow that faith. Through exercising faith, we can gain better understanding and insight into the Plan of Salvation, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our roles in life. But it does require effort on our part. Go and do.

“Because of Faith, I have seen a mountain of doubt and despair removed and replaced with hope and optimism.” – Richard C. Edgley

Through the Saviour of the world, we can be made perfect, but only under His terms. We cannot be perfect on our own and we cannot will His Atonement to perfect us either. By His grace are we made whole, but we must allow His grace to fill in the cracks. Resisting growth or betterment resists His grace.

“Instead of focusing on the perfection we think we have to offer, maybe we need to look harder at the cracks in us, for it is within the cracks that we will discover Him. It is there, within the cracks, that He will be working, is we allow Him to.” – Emily Belle Freeman

The trials in our life seem daunting, until we remember that through Lord, Moses and the Israelites crossed a sea on dry ground. Jonah survived being inside a giant fish and the Sons of Mosiah went on a mission to a wild and ferocious people. Lean on the Lord and you will be strengthened and supported in your afflictions too!

“Put God first, regardless of the trials you face.” – Koichi Aoyagi

Effort must be employed in order to be happy, but each person must fight that battle within themselves. Often it’s self-mastery of thoughts, or focusing on what matters, or striving to invite the Spirit of the Lord into your life. Happiness is an inside job, we need to ensure we are doing what we need to, to live after the manner of happiness.

“Happiness is an inside job.” – John Bytheway

We all make mistakes. They do not define us. We can be stronger and wiser for the knowledge gained if we will learn from the mistakes and make the changes needed. The only tragedy is to never learn.

“Consider failure as a tutor not a tragedy. Do no fear it. Learn from it.” – Lynn G. Robbins

Heavenly Father is invested in each of us. He knows what we can become and how to become our best selves. If we allow Him to work thru us, we can become that person, but if we resist and dodge the opportunities given to us, we and the world are lesser for it.

“When we frustrate God’s plan for us, we deprive this world and God’s kingdom of our unique contributions.” – Patricia T. Holland

Adversity isn’t fun, but it helps build and reveal character, and as we struggle through life, it helps to remember that we do not have to struggle alone. God is there for us. He knows our struggles and He is also watching our growth, so keep moving forward and be a little better everyday.

“When the path of life seems to be all uphill, filled with obstacles and hazards that seems insurmountable, don’t be discouraged. These struggles are no t meant to stop us. They are meant to change us.” – Blessed: The Beatitudes and the Christlike Life

I’ve often stated that women are God’s supreme creation, endowed with power, love, and the patience to work with children and meathead husbands. My wife is particularly skilled at that last one. I’m grateful for the women in my life and I marvel at the blessings they bring to me, my children and to the world!

“People wonder what we do for our women. I’ll tell you what we do. We get out of their way and look with wonder at what they are accomplishing.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

Despite all the trials and hardships we face in life, we always have the Saviour. Even when all the pressures and stresses make Him seem so far away, we can Hope. We can hope that He will lead us and guide us and walk beside us. We can hope His atonement will cover our sins and we can hope to live with our Heavenly Parents again. Hope is a powerful tool.

“Remember always that hope is an important part of the gospel plan.” – Ulisses Soares

The Atonement was the single greatest act in the history of mankind. It allows each of us to repent and the opportunity to return to live with our Heavenly Parents. It’s unfathomable to understand the Atonement on a personal level let alone on a scale which includes every person who has lived or will live. I’m grateful to a merciful Saviour who suffered for me so I can be better.

“We do not know, we cannot tell, not mortal mind can conceive the full import of what Christ did in Gethsemane.” – Bruce R. McConkie

Sometimes it’s all too easy to get down on ourselves and struggle to see our worth or potential. But I assure you, our Heavenly Parents know each of us, they know our worth and know what we can become. Don’t ever think that God doesn’t care about you!

“God will never look at you like you’re a waste of time.” – Al Fox Carraway



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