by Todd Bruce | Dec 24, 2019 | Be Better, Christ, Christmas, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Faith, Gifts, Light, light the world, Nativity
Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, my Redeemer and Advocate, lived! He was born a helpless babe in a humble stable. He lived and taught and suffered and died for me and for you! This Christmas season, look to Him and marvel at the gifts He has given you!...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Dec 5, 2019 | -Come, Follow Me, -Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge, -Sherri Jorgensen, Bible, Calling and Election Made Sure, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Light, Light of Christ, light the world, New Testament, Scriptures
2 Peter 1:10 …give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fail: What a perfect concept to focus on this week—How can we make our calling and election sure? Peter spends 8 chapters giving us his best advice. It...
by Craig Conover | Nov 16, 2019 | -Craig Conover, Christ, Light, Light of Christ, Ponder, search, Spiritual Crusade
What does it mean to search diligently in the light of Christ? Logically, it makes sense to search for something that is lost or even searching the scriptures, but how do you search the light of Christ? A simple and yet illuminating story might help us to understand...
by Craig Conover | Sep 24, 2019 | -Craig Conover, Jesus Christ, Light, Spiritual Crusade, truth
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. I love this scripture, it is all encompassing. Everything we want and need is in Christ. We want to get back to the Father, and He is the way. We want...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Sep 4, 2019 | -Sherri Jorgensen, Burdens, Christ, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Jesus Christ, Light, Light of Christ, Trials
“The healing hands of Jesus Christ reach out to all who seek Him. I have come to know without a doubt that believing and loving God and striving to follow Christ can change our hearts, soften our pain, and fill our souls with “exceedingly great joy.” -Dieter F....
by Sherri Jorgensen | Aug 20, 2019 | -Sherri Jorgensen, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Faith, Light, Obedience, Prayer, Trials, Trust
“You must learn to walk to the edge of the light, and then a few steps into the darkness; then the light will appear and show the way before you.” -Boyd K. Packer This is one of the most important aspects of walking by faith: we sometimes have to step into the dark...
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