“You must learn to walk to the edge of the light, and then a few steps into the darkness; then the light will appear and show the way before you.” -Boyd K. Packer

This is one of the most important aspects of walking by faith: we sometimes have to step into the dark before seeing the light, it’s not always easy, it’s not always clear, and it’s not always natural. Walking by faith takes our trust in the Lord that he knows what is best and will love us enough. Over the years I have found that he truly does have our best interest in mind–always, and he truly does lift the burdens and lighten our load. Often, just like the soft whispering of the Holy Ghost is hard to hear in a chaotic life, the soft tender mercies are difficult to recognize during the rush of life, especially when tough times are upon us. Those are the times that the Lord is carrying us, and yet, we feel alone and in the dark. I have found that the only way to feel and see his loving grasp, is to intentionally watch for his lift. “Count your many blessings” is a valid statement that has lasted through the years as the ultimate way to find joy during trying times. As we look up to the Lord, the step into the darkness seems easier, for our gaze is not at the darkness but towards the light. We can see the end of the tunnel, even if the bumps along the way are difficult. 

“His refining light saturates our souls. His grace uplifts us. Our burdens are lightened, our peace deepened. When we truly behold the Man, we have the promise of a blessed future that inspires and upholds us through the bends and bumps in life’s journey. Looking back, we will recognize that there is a divine pattern, that the dots really connect.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

As a runner, when the pace was the fastest, the hills the longest, and the weather the wildest, this is when I would focus my gaze forward, sometimes only a few yards in front of me. I just wanted to make it to the next tree, or the next light post. When I got there I would look ahead again, to the next tree, and this is how it went for the entire race. The end eventually came, one tree at a time. 

“I envision Peter responding fervently and immediately to the Savior’s invitation. With his eyes fixed upon Jesus, he stepped out of the boat and miraculously walked on the water. Only when his gaze was diverted by the wind and the waves did he become afraid and begin to sink.

We can be blessed to conquer our fears and strengthen our faith as we follow the Lord’s instruction: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (D&C 6:36).” -David A. Bednar

Often in life we want so badly to know that we will make our destination back to our Heavenly Father, but along the way it becomes discouraging, for all kinds of mortal situations, emotions, and temptations cloud our vision of eternity. My daughter learned at EFY, that “enduring to the end” is the step in front of us. Eternity comes one step at a time, one tree at a time. Even during the darkest moments of life we can still trust that we will reach our destination, if we are just looking up and taking one step. Even if it’s the tiniest step. Forward movement is the best. 

“Faith is the very fiber that gives strength to this work… We are a people of faith. We walk by faith. We move forward on our eternal journey, one step at a time.” -Gordon B. Hinckley

I will always remember one race in particular that was terrible. I wasn’t feeling well from the beginning, but my team needed me. So I started the race. I was tripped at the start, I had bowel issues, and my legs felt exceptionally heavy. I didn’t want to give up, because I knew that my team needed me to do the best I could. As I was running, I focused on all the tips that my coach had given me over the season. I knew that she had been a successful runner in her day, and that she knew how to push through difficult times. As I ran past the finish line, straight to the restroom, I remember being amazed at how I had won the race on pure trust. It was the most difficult and uncomfortable race I ever run, but I made it through because I knew that my coach loved me enough to prepare me for this moment. I also knew that I had put in the training, and hard work. I was ready to do my best, whatever my best looked like. 

In life we don’t have a winner. I believe we are all winners. As long as we are moving, trusting, obeying, and doing our best, the end result will be amazing, as we push through difficult times. We can trust our Heavenly Father to love us enough to give us all the tips we possibly need to get through the most difficult times. We also need to trust ourselves during these moments and know that we have worked hard our whole life to prepare us to make it through the darkest moments. With this preparation, and trust in our Heavenly Father, there is nothing that we can’t survive. He will fight our battles if we will but follow Him. 

“Obedience makes us progressively stronger, capable of faithfully enduring tests and trials in the future. Obedience in Gethsemane prepared the Savior to obey and endure to the end on Golgotha.” -Robert D. Hales

-Sherri Jorgensen

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