Elk Valley Latter-day Saint: December 2020 Inspirational Quotes

Elk Valley Latter-day Saint: December 2020 Inspirational Quotes

It started out with a loving couple, who were put into a difficult spot with an unexpected pregnancy, but who stuck it out together! They simply loved one another, and faced their trials together! This Christmas, be grateful for your person, and make sure they know...
Elk Valley Latter Day Saint: June 2020

Elk Valley Latter Day Saint: June 2020

We’re all just walking each other home! But that doesn’t mean the journey is the same for everyone! Some will stumble. Others will be placed into unfair and difficult situations. No two lives will be the same, but we are each built with the strength and ability to...
Elk Valley Latter Day Saint: May, 2020

Elk Valley Latter Day Saint: May, 2020

I think that if we can recognize the sacrifice that was made by Jesus, not just for us, but for all, we can start to look outside ourselves a little more, and start to see others as Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father see them, as children of God, with infinite...
Remember, Remember: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mosiah 1-3)

Remember, Remember: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mosiah 1-3)

Mosiah 2:41 , I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into...
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