I think that if we can recognize the sacrifice that was made by Jesus, not just for us, but for all, we can start to look outside ourselves a little more, and start to see others as Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father see them, as children of God, with infinite potential. We are all on a path, and some are struggling, some are lost, and while others have no plan and are wandering. They are still loved by their Eternal Father and completely understood and cared for by Jesus Christ.

“One reason it is so essential to understand the Saviour’s Atonement and its infinite implications is that with increased understanding comes an increased desire to forgive ourselves and others.” – Tad R. Callister


It would be great if there were no challenges or that life were easy, but that is Satan’s plan, to come to earth, gain a body, exist and return without much learning and growth. Fortunately, we’re living the great plan of happiness and we’re learning that life isn’t easy and that working with others can be difficult — but we’re learning strength through adversity and that we’re better together.

“We did not come to earth for easy. Being embodied is not easy and working with other people is not easy, but these are two of the major reasons we are here — to have the experience of having a mortal body and to work with and serve other people.” – Kate Holbrook


There are many things I’ve learned from my years as an industrial electrician, but one is that you can only do what you can do. Start with the problems the shift boss deems most important and solve them first. It is no different when working in the Kingdom of God. Instead of focusing on the issues of others, we can allow God to help us identify problems within our own lives and then set to work on them. The perceived shortcomings of others is between them and God. We don’t need to insert ourselves. Another’s problems are not ours to solve, we cannot do that work, but we can fix our own faults. Do what you can do, leave the rest to God, and give others the room to work on themselves! *** Edit – I should add that this doesn’t release us from inviting and encouraging, but that we cannot ‘fix’ anything for another! ***

“We sometimes make the mistake in thinking the Lord doesn’t know what to do to help those who feel have left the path. We think we need to save them. We can learn from what the Lord told King Jehosphophat before he went to war. ‘the battle is not yours, but God’s.'” – Hank R. Smith


It’s seems counter but it’s absolutely 100% true, the more we focus on Jesus Christ, His Atonement and daily repentance, the freer we are. Satan is only interested in binding us with false teachings, addictions and pride. Through Repentance and the Atonement, we can be made free from this things that would restrict and bind us.

“Nothing is more liberating, more ennobling, or more crucial to our individual progression that is a regular, daily, focus on repentance.” – Russell M. Nelson


Being wary and be afraid are two different things. Being wary is using caution in your life. Be afraid is designed to restrict and inhibit us. We can use wisdom in our decision making to decide whether we are being wary or being afraid. We also have the good fortune of the Holy Spirit to help lead and guide us. His comfort can help us to know if and when and sometimes even how to act, but much will still be required on our end to exercise faith. Remember, faith and fear cannot co-exist.

“Don’t take counsel from your fears.” – James E. Faust


Life is for the living. It’s the knowledge and wisdom we gain from our experiences that help us draw closer to our Saviour. The scriptures are a map, but the principles must be applied in our lives for them to be of value, not simply read about while we avoid ever having to make tough choices or deal with the consequences of poor choices, or even be in a position to need to rely on the Saviour! These are things that must be experienced to fully understand and that what life is!

“You will know more of Jesus in one sanctified trial, than in wading through a library of volumes, or listening to a lifetime of sermons.” – Octavius Winslow


If we are earnestly striving to #hearHim then we are intently trusting in Him. We will believe that He can hear us, and is invested in us and as such, knows that our ability to hear Him is key to our spiritual growth.

“In the end, the one thing we can do to increase our ability to receive revelation is to trust God more.” – Kevin J. Worthen


Your Heavenly Father created you and blessed you and those around you by placing you where you are. Don’t diminish His decision by questioning your place in this world! There is a job for you to do! You are loved and you are needed!

“Believe in yourself, and believe in Him. Don’t demean your worth or denigrate your contribution. Why? Because you are unique; you are irreplaceable.” – Jeffrey R. Holland


When you’re on the Lord’s side, you cannot go wrong. You plus God always equals the majority. Always remember that they who are with the Lord are more than they who be against Him, regardless of what we perceive. Pray to feel of His love and strength and go forward and believe!

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” – Romans 1:16


Don’t ever stop loving your family and friends who have chosen to separate themselves from the gospels. At the same time, be aware that you cannot do it for them, that’s not how this plan of Salvation works. We are each on our own course, but we can love!

“If someone you love is on a different faith journey than you’d hoped for, don’t get discouraged. They’re not lost to God. They’re likely on the path they need to be on to get to know Him. He will speak to them in their unique language. Keep loving them. Trust His plan and timing.” – Hank R. Smith


Mothers are eternal creatures! They are the closest many of us will ever get to seeing the face of God while on this Earth. They teach us about love, patience, kindness, hard work and virtue, amongst many, many other things. Mothers are a gift to humankind to help us to be better and to feel loved, regardless of our choices. I can think of no greater comparison to God than a mother. Happy Mothers Day to all the women out there. May your husbands and sons treat you with the love and respect you deserve, every day!

“One cannot remember mother and forget God.” – Thomas S. Monson


There are few things as Christlike as being kind to everyone. This is where the rubber hits the road as far as being a Christian is concerned. Can we disagree with someone and be kind? Can we maintain our emotional control and turn the other cheek when others won’t? If you think it’s impossible, just compare the experiences you are struggling with to the last day of Jesus’ mortal life and how He handled it.

“Kindness is the ability to love people more than they deserve.” – Joseph Joubert


Be prepared! Be prepared today! We don’t need to be perfect in order to meet Him, He’s all too aware of our shortcomings, but we must prepare by working on those shortcomings! The Lord loves effort and if we are earnestly striving to be better, then we are doing what is within our control to be perfect. So prepare!

“For ye know neither the day n or the hour wherein the son of man cometh.” – Matthew 25:13


What is the endgame for each of us? What are we, individually attempting to accomplish in this life? Why are we here? Christians often get derided for their naive views on God and the eternities. But there is nothing naive about hope, kindness and love. We are made better for believing and if there was no revelation or Spirit involved, living such a life would be highly commendable and applauded. But there is such a thing as personal revelation by the Holy Spirit and we can know for ourselves of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Knowing that simple truth and living your life according to it, will never lead you astray and when you are old and wise, you will see you have made the right choice!

“Never did I meet a christian who, in his old age, said that he made a mistake in relying upon Christ as his Saviour.” – Charles Spurgeon


Hope is an integral part to faith but it is not the whole of faith. Faith requires action. And having that motivation to act is powerful.

“I have come to know that faith is a real power, not just an expression of belief.” – Boyd K. Packer


Every day we have opportunities to stand tall or the shrink. We can push forward or rest. We can grow closer to our God or move away from Him. The choices we make each day help define who we are.

” What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” – Ralph Marston


I’m not sure too many will say that COVID-19 is a blessing, but the byproduct of a forced isolation is slowing down and spending more quality time together as a family. I hope that when life is returned to normal and we can all do as we please, that we’ll remember the lessons learned and focus on things that should be our greatest priority, our families.

“Satan will distract you with all you need to do today so that miss chances to slow down and love your kids.” – Chelsea Stanley


The mistake that is often made in our families is we replace what matters most with things of lesser value. We need our actions and our choices to reflect our priorities. Is teaching our children the Gospel of Jesus Christ priority and does our schedule reflect that?

“There is nothing in this world as important as the creation and perfection of family units.” – Bruce R. McConkie


When we come unto Him, we should recognize that serving our brothers and sisters is what He is all about. Help them to see Him through your service and love. Be kind, be gentle, be meek and serve others!

“The best and most clear indicator that we are coming unto Christ is the way we treat other people.” – Marvin J. Ashton


Through Jesus Christ we can be made better! He works best in the cracks in our life, those imperfections we try so hard to hide. Allow Him to do His work in your life!

“There are times you cannot mend that which you have broken. Perhaps the offense was long ago, or the injured refused your penance. Perhaps the damage was so severe that you cannot fix it no matter how desperately you want to… Restoring what you cannot restore, healing what you cannot heal, fixing what you cannot fix is the very purpose of the atonement of Christ.” – Boyd K. Packer


There is nothing that can be done about the past, except to learn from it and move on. The future can only be managed by our decisions today. Our choices and how we respond to difficulties and what we choose to do with our time will dictate our successes in life. Move forward, be better, and strive to Hear Him, every day!

“Moments are the molecules that make up eternity.” – Neal A. Maxwell


We are asked to do great and marvellous things in these latter-days. But really all that is asked is that we’ll live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and hold on to the covenants we’ve made. The miracles will happen because we are found doing the right things! Seek Him. Hold fast to what you know and be found doing the right things! Oh, and be undaunted!

“If correcting all of the world’s ills seems a daunting task, so be it. Go out there and be undaunted!” – Jeffrey R. Holland


We must not dwell on all that is wrong today! Look to tomorrow with hope and peace. God will lift you up and help you to overcome today! Have faith. Stand strong. Move forward.

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” – Psalm 30:5


The beautiful thing about the Plan of Salvation is that Heavenly Father knew we’d err, even more so, He knew we’d learn and know, and still err. He and His Son provided a way for us to do better and be better. Apply the Atonement into your life by repenting and being better. Remember who you are and what you know, and move forward!

“Why do you do the things you do, when you know the things you know?” – Meg Johnson


There is nothing we can do that will cause our Heavenly Parents to love us any less. They might be disappointed, but that’s not the same as love. They simply love us, and will continue to love us through thick and thin, good times and bad. The question then is, do we love Them in return?

“I have given God countless reasons not to love me. None of them changed His mind?” – Paul Washer


You are never too old, or young, to pray to Heavenly Father! He will always listen and He wants to hear from you! Take time to talk to Him.

“Pray, He is there. Speak, He is listening.” – A Child’s Prayer


Life is tough! The world is failing and there is no shortage of problems, especially in 2020. But, we are not destined to fail. We are meant for greater things and have the opportunity to learn and grow because of the difficulties we are facing!

“Though we live in a failing world, we have not been sent here to fail.” – Neal A. Maxwell


~ Todd Bruce

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