My name is Blake Wardle and this is my story. I hope you receive inspiration! My Instagram account is @blake_wardledugan

A long time ago when I was at school one day I was sitting next to my friend in class. I had just gotten out of lunch and was happily full. My friend and I talked and talked while doing class work and eventually she had brought up that she was hungry and luckily I had plenty of food in my lunchbox so I gave her a few granola bars. She told me that she was hungry because her father had lost his job and her family could no longer afford food. This has shocked me completely. From that moment on I have always packed extra food for the day for her, and every time I shared with her I could just see that it made her day a little better, her load a little lighter, and her mood a little happier. This small service that I do may not be a large project of a grand scale, but it is simple, pure, Christ-like service that has blessed the life of another. I know that by small and simple things great things come to pass. If we do simple and small services for others, then not only will their lives be blessed but ours as well, for when you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are in the service of your God. I testify that service is beautiful thing and that we should willingly help others, for something as small as a granola bar may be a great blessing to another child of our Lord. I testify these truths in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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