by Spencer Charles | Nov 7, 2021 | Book of Mormon, God's Love, Happiness, Jeffrey R. Holland, Keep the Commandments, Knowledge, Light, Love, Peace
“What is the key to this breakthrough in contented, happy living? It is embedded there in the text in one sentence: “The love of God … did dwell in the hearts of the people.” When the love of God sets the tone for our own lives, for our relationships to each other and...
by Spencer Charles | Nov 3, 2021 | -Spencer, David A. Bednar, Gospel principles, Happiness, Latter Day Help, Love, Righteousness, truth
“With all the energy of my soul, I invite all of us to learn, live, and love principles of righteousness. Only gospel truths can enable us to “cheerfully do all things that lie in our power” to press forward on the covenant path and to “see the salvation of God, and...
by Spencer Charles | Oct 21, 2021 | -Church News, -General Conference, -Spencer, Happiness, Joy, Latter Day Help, Temple
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Thursday, October 21st| 9 O’clock News MST| No.39 “For only an hour of travel, we will be able to visit the temple with the whole family,” Chastity Onate of the Canaga Philippines Stake, said with excitement in this...
by Todd Bruce | Oct 12, 2021 | -Todd Bruce, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, God, growth, Happiness, Heavenly Father, M. Russell Ballard, Satan, Testimony, Wait upon the Lord
“Waiting upon the Lord implies action… The personal growth one can achieve now while waiting upon the Lord and His promises is one invaluable, sacred element of Hid plan for each one of us.” — M. Russell Ballard Grow roots in God, it will help you to hold strong...
by Spencer Charles | Oct 8, 2021 | -Church Topics, -Spencer, Child of God, God, Gordon B. Hinckley, Happiness, Heaven Father, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Peace, Temple, Temple Work
Besides all of the temples looking beautiful, they have a more important and holy purpose. A temple is quite literally the house of the Lord. It is a holy place set aside from the evil world. Because temples are the houses of the Lord, he has set standards for you to...
by Spencer Charles | Sep 24, 2021 | -Spencer, Christ, Happiness, Jesus Christ, Keep the Commandments, Latter Day Help
“Following the principles and commandments of the gospel of Jesus Christ day by day is the happiest and most satisfying course in life.” — D. Todd Christofferson If you keep the commandments and follow the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ every day, you will...
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