Besides all of the temples looking beautiful, they have a more important and holy purpose. A temple is quite literally the house of the Lord. It is a holy place set aside from the evil world. Because temples are the houses of the Lord, he has set standards for you to follow before you can enter the building. You must be interviewed to see if you are worthy to enter the house of the Lord. If you are worthy, you will receive a temple recommend, which will allow you to enter the temple. 

 “Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths”(Isaiah 2:3)

Some gospel ordinance are so sacred that we are only aloud to receive them in the temple. This is why many things in the temple are so sacred, we can’t talk to others about them. In the temple, you can learn and experience many wonderful things. You learn about the Plan of Salvation and how to follow Christ. 

“Everything that occurs in the temple is uplifting and ennobling. It speaks of life here and life beyond the grave. It speaks of the importance of the individual as a child of God. It speaks of the importance of the family and the eternity of the marriage relationship.” 

—Gordon B. Hinckley

From the scriptures, we can find the God has told us to worship in temples. People did this in the past and we continue to do this. Members of the church can come to know that the temples are of the most scared and holy places on the entire earth. Without temples, couples would never be able to be together forever and families would also never be able to continue after death. Without temples, many people that have died would never have the chance to be baptized. 

Temples aren’t just for temple sealing and baptisms for the dead, they are also where we can feel the spirit like we have never before felt it. Even if you don’t enter the temple and you stay on the temple grounds, there is something special that you can feel by just being there. It is so peaceful and calm. Temples are also a place where we can become closer to God and his son. If you aren’t a member of the church, you can still go to the temple grounds. I hope you have now learned why temples are important. 

Latterdayhelp made this article. Please follow him on social media! 

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