by Spencer Charles | Sep 18, 2021 | -Spencer, God, Happiness, Latter Day Help, Path, Righteousness, Stay the Course
“We need to stay on God’s path!” — Latterdayhelp All of us need to stay on God’s path of righteousness. If we leave his path we will only find misery and more pain than if we stayed on his path. You can’t find happiness outside of God’s path. We all need to stay on...
by Todd Bruce | Sep 5, 2021 | -Todd Bruce, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Eternal Life, Happiness, Joy, life, Repentance
“Find the joy! If we’re not joyful, we need to repent! Don’t just serve, be inspires!” — S. Gifford Nielsen We are not meant to stroll through life simply filling roles and bouncing from one obligation to another. We must find the joy; in your life, in your callings...
by Spencer Charles | Jul 30, 2021 | -Spencer, God, God's Love, Happiness, Joy, Latter Day Help, Plan of Salvation, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
“You can’t find happiness outside the plan of happiness!” — John Bytheway God’s plan is called the plan of happiness because it will bring you joy if you follow his plan! The less evil we do the more happiness we will receive. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is...
by Spencer Charles | Jul 20, 2021 | -Spencer, Christ, David A. Bednar, Eternity, Gospel, Happiness, Jesus Christ, Joy, Latter Day Help, Latter Day Saints, Righteousness, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Download Our App: ”With all the energy of my soul, I invite all of us to learn, live, and love principles of righteousness. I know that the doctrine and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ are the foundational sources of direction for our...
by Spencer Charles | Jul 9, 2021 | -Spencer, God, God's Love, Happiness, Latter Day Help, serve, Service, serving
The more we serve others, the more happiness we will feel! Service is one of the best ways for you to feel good about yourself and for the other person that you are serving to feel good about themselves. Service can also help us become more like God. Unfortunately, no...
by Spencer Charles | May 19, 2021 | -Church Topics, -Lesson, -Mini Devotionals, -Spencer, Action, Agency, Answers, Earth, Eternal Life, Eternity, Exaltation, Family, Family Home Evening, FHE, Glory, God, God's Love, Happiness, Heaven Father, Heavenly Father, Holy Ghost, judgment, Kingdom of God, Latter Day Help, Morality, Mortality, Plan of Salvation, questions, Salvation
All topics and Images were made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find him on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. This post is part of the LDS Topics series made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find more parts of the series on this website or on Instagram. Link to Latterdayhelp on...
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