These are popular quotes Latterdayhelp has made from the Spring of 2023 Enjoy!

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“Temple ordinances do not of themselves change us or those in the spirit world. But these divine ordinances enable sanctifying covenants with the Lord, which can bring harmony with Him and each other.”

— Gerrit W. Gong

The ordinances in the temple that we preform do not change us or others. They only change our relationship with Jesus Christ. Our relationship with Him becomes stronger. We receive power and blessing through keeping our covenants. 

“Friends, let us remember that each person in this earth is a child of God and He loves each one. Are there people in your path who you have felt inclined to judge? If so, remember that these are valuable opportunities for us to practice loving as the Savior loves. As we follow His example, we can be yoked with Him and help foster a feeling of love and belonging in the hearts of all our Father’s children.”

— J. Anette Dennis 

Every single person on this earth is a child of God. We are all valuable and important to Him. We need to do our best to live and love the way Jesus Christ does. We need to only judge righteously, and keep the commandments. 

“As the glorious Resurrection followed the agonizing Crucifixion, so blessings of every kind are poured out on those who are willing, as the Book of Mormon prophet Jacob says, to “believe in Christ, and view his death, and suffer his cross.” Sometimes these blessings come soon and sometimes they come later, but the marvelous conclusion to our personal via dolorosa is the promise from the Master Himself that they do and will come.”

— Jeffery R. Holland 

We must first be willing to do what Christ says in order to receive the blessings of keeping the commandments. If you desire specific blessings, you need to do specific things to gain those blessings. The blessings you seek after acting will eventually come. 

“Our joy becomes full as we feel Jesus Christ’s grace and forgiveness for us. And as we offer the miracle of His grace and forgiveness to each other, the mercy we receive and the mercy we offer can help make life’s injustices just.”

— Elder Gerrit W. Gong 

We gain a fulness of joy when we feel the grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only way to have true and everlasting happiness. No other thing or person can give you lasting happiness. When we extend the mercy and grace of Christ towards others, that He has for us, others will be able to better feel of His love and injustices will become just. 

“Whenever we care to notice, we See That Heavenly Father has given us sufficient witnesses of truth to govern our lives so we will know Him and have the blessings of peace and joy.”

— Joseph W. Sitati

We have been given the knowledge of good and evil. We know within ourselves what is right and what is wrong. God has also given us witness of the things that are right and true, prophets, apostles, and in some cases friends and family. With the knowledge of truth, and good and evil, we have the ability to govern ourselves. 

“It is the prayer of my heart that we may possess the wisdom and meekness to hold fast to the word of God and stay on the covenant path that leads to exaltation and eternal life. May we continually experience the mighty change available to each of us through the virtue of the word.”

— Mark D. Eddy 

We must remain humble, meek, and have wisdom to remain holding fast to the rod of iron, and to walk on the covenant path. It is only through this path that we are able to gain exaltation and eternal life. It is the only path that will bring eternal peace and rest to our souls. Do all you can to walk firm on the covenant path and to hold to the iron rod. 

“Gratefully, we know the living and “the dead who repent will be redeemed, through obedience to the ordinances of the house of God” and Christ’s Atonement. In the spirit world, even those in sin and transgression have opportunity to repent.”

— Gerrit W. Gong 

Those that repent from their sins and turn to Christ, either in this life or the next, will be redeemed by the atonement of Jesus Christ. All will in due time have the opportunity to accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His church, or to reject it.

“We do not need to be deceived. The miracle of intelligent life constantly plays before us. And a brief gaze and reflection upon the wonders of the heavens arrayed with numberless stars and galaxies prompt the soul of the believing heart to proclaim, “My God, how great thou art!” Yes, God our Heavenly Father lives, and He manifests Himself to us all the time in multiple ways.”

— Elder Joseph W. Sitati

Everything testifies that there is a God. The beauty of the earth to the beauty of the sky. The movement and rotations of the planets. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are greater beyond mortal comprehension, and through many things they reveal themselves to us. 

“I invite you to develop your own list as you come to know Jesus by His many names. In doing so, you will find that there are other names-along with their corresponding Christlike attributes-that you will want to take upon yourself as Jesu’s covenant disciple.”

— Elder Jonathan S. Schmitt 

Try to create a list of the names of Christ, or just a list of your favorite titles and names of Jesus Christ. As you do so, you may be inspired to take upon yourself some of the attributes that relate to some of Christ’s names. 

“Like brightly hulled steel ships at sea, we live in a spiritually corrosive environment where the most gleaming convictions must be mindfully maintained or they can become etched, then corrode, then crumble away.”

— Steven J. Lund 

This world we live in is full of sin and wickedness. There are many that do not care about God or righteousness. We need to fortify and maintain our relationship with God, and to remain free from sin and wickedness. If we do not do this, we will fall away into paths of darkness and we will be lost. 

“By submitting to baptism to fulfill all righteousness, even though He was righteous and holy, Jesus Christ demonstrated that humility before God is a foundational attribute of His disciples.”

— Joseph W. Sitati

Jesus Christ had no need for baptism, but He did it to set the path to follow. Everything Jesus did and said set forth the path and example we should follow, if we are to return to the presence of Heavenly Father. 

“One way we demonstrate our love for Jesus is by feeding His sheep. For those sheep who may be wandering, good shepherds go into the wilderness to find the lost sheep and then stay with them until they return to safety. As good shepherds and as local conditions permit, we should seek to spend more time ministering to people in their homes. In our ministering, texting and technology should be used to enhance, not replace, personal contact.”

— Jonathan S. Schmitt 

Feed my sheep, Christ said unto Peter three times. We are also commanded to do likewise. Seek out them that are lost and wandering, and bring them unto Jesus Christ. Do the works of Jesus Christ. Hold up the light of the world. 

“Through rigorous effort to look to and for Jesus Christ in my every thought and deed, my eyes were enlightened and my understanding quickened to recognize that Jesus Christ was calling for me to “come unto” Him.”

— Tracy Y. Browning 

Look for Jesus Christ in your personal daily life. Examine your thoughts, words, and actions, and see if those are the things Jesus Christ would think, say, and do. We need to do our very best to become like Jesus Christ. His behavior and works set the path we are to follow. 

“Studying the church only through the eyes of its defectors [is] like interviewing Judas to understand Jesus.”

— Neal A. Maxwell 

Why give heed unto those that have left the church, and only have negative things to say? Why heed those that are against the gospel and doctrine of Christ? We have no reason to do so. 

“Experiences like FSY conferences, camps, sacrament meetings, and missions can help to burnish our testimonies, taking us through arcs of growth and spiritual discovery to places of relative peace. But what must we do to stay there and continue to “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ” (2 Nephi 31:20) rather than slipping backward? We must continue to do those things that brought us there in the first place, like praying often, drenching ourselves in scripture, and serving sincerely.”

— Steven J. Lund 

There are many things we can do, and many places to go, in order to strengthen our testimony. When we continue to strengthen our testimony we must remember that we must frequently do things to preserve our testimony. The forces of darkness will try to demolish your testimony. Counter the things that try to destroy your testimony through sincere prayer, scripture study, and attending the temple. 

“It is one thing to “hear Him” (Joseph Smith—History 1:17) in a quiet place of contemplation with scriptures wide open. But it is quite another thing to carry our discipleship into this mortal flurry of distractions, where we must strive to “hear Him” even through the blur of self-concern and faltering confidence. Let there be no doubt: it is the very stuff of heroes displayed by our youth when they set their hearts and minds to standing upright against the shifting moral tectonics of our time.”

— Steven J. Lund 

It can be difficult to be a disciple of Jesus Christ into our daily lives. In our thoughts, actions, and words. We can easily get distracted and momentarily forget who we are, who we are striving to represent, and who we are trying to become like. We must do all we can to pray always and always remember Christ. We need to do things that will help us often remember Jesus Christ and that we are striving to be like Him. 

“I learned then, as I know now, that our Savior, Jesus Christ, directs our feet to meetinghouses each week to partake of His sacrament, to the house of the Lord to make covenants with Him, to the scriptures and teachings of prophets to learn of His words.”

— Sister Tracy Y. Browning

Christ provides us with all things that we are in need of. Through Him we are given life and life eternal. It is through Him that we walk up every morning. It is through Him we are able to walk to His house and be involved in sacred ordinances. 

“As we allow Him to direct us in all things, we receive testimony that “all things denote there is a God,” because where we look for Him we will find Him-each and every day.”

— Tracy Y. Browning

Let Heavenly Father and Christ direct you in all places and in all things. Whatever you search for you will find. If you look for Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father in your life, you will find them. If you look for the blessings that you have, you will find them. If you seek you will find.

“In contrast, those who deliberately choose wickedness, who consciously procrastinate repentance, or who in any premeditated or knowing way break the commandments, planning for easy repentance, will be judged by God and a “bright recollection of all [their] guilt.” We cannot knowingly sin on Saturday, then expect automatic forgiveness by partaking of the sacrament on Sunday.”

— Elder Gerrit W. Gong

Those that intentionally choose wickedness and to not keep the commandments of God will not be able to easily repent. Repentance is still possible, but it is not easy to repent after purposely doing evil. 

“We cherish the Bible for all it teaches us about the birth, ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. No three words embody more hope and eternal consequence for all of humankind than those uttered by a heavenly angel on Easter morning at the Garden Tomb: “He is risen.”

— Gary E. Stevenson 

I love the Bible, especially the gospels in the New Testament. What wonderful scripture we have been given that talks about the mortal life of Jesus Christ! What greater knowledge is there that He is risen?! 

“[Easter] is the most important religious observance for followers of Jesus Christ. The main reason we celebrate Christmas is because of Easter.”

— Russell M. Nelson 

Easter is the most important holiday. We celebrate Christmas because of Easter. Easter is the day Christ completely overcame death and completely overcame all things. We must hold Easter to a higher standard than every single holiday in existence, it is THE most important holiday. 

“Learning about Christ and His ways leads us to know and to love Him. He showed by example that with an attitude of humility it is indeed possible to know and to love God the Father with all our being and to love others as we love ourselves, holding back nothing.”

— Joseph W. Sitati 

We come to love and know Jesus Christ by learning about Him and how He lived. Christ set an example, the perfect example, of how to act in all things. Through coming to know Jesus Christ, we also come to know Heavenly Father. 

“This Easter, our family is going to focus on the first 17 verses of 3 Nephi 11, with which you are familiar. You recall the great multitude round about the temple in the land Bountiful who heard the voice of God the Father and saw Jesus Christ descending out of heaven to extend the most beautiful Easter invitation…”

— Gary E. Stevenson 

The majority of us and our families read Luke 2 and Matthew 2 for Christmas. However not very many people read the Easter story in The Book of Mormon, or Bible, on the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Let us now on this Easter day read the accounts the resurrection in the Bible and The Book of Mormon. Let us read the Savior’s invitation to those in the Americas, to feel the prints of the nails in His hands and feet. 

“In a similar way, we receive personal revelation within a framework. After baptism, we are given a majestic yet practical gift, the gift of the Holy Ghost. As we strive to stay on the covenant path, it is “the Holy Ghost … [that] will show [us] all things [that we] should do.”

— Dale G. Renlund 

After we are baptized, a person with the correct power and authority from Jesus Christ, lays their hands upon your head and says unto you “receive the Holy Ghost.” The Holy Ghost is a gift, a personage without a physical body that is meant to be your constant companion, if you are worthy. By striving to remain on the covenant path The Holy Spirit will guide us in all things. We must daily take time to feel and listen to The Spirit. 

“We become more complete and perfected as we become “saviours … on mount Zion.” As we serve others, the Holy Spirit of Promise can ratify the ordinances and sanctify both giver and receiver. Both giver and receiver can make and deepen transforming covenants, over time receiving the blessings promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

— Gerrit W. Gong 

Become a savior on Mount Zion by going to the temple and doing temple work. Help and serve those that cannot help themselves. Help those on the other side make covenants with Christ. By helping others we become more like our master Jesus Christ, and we feel more joy. 

“In addition to the important verses about Easter in the New Testament, we as Latter-day Saints are endowed with a most remarkable Easter gift! A gift of unique witness, another testament of the Easter miracle that contains perhaps the most magnificent Easter scriptures in all of Christianity. I am referring of course to the Book of Mormon and, more specifically, to the account of Jesus Christ appearing to inhabitants in the New World in His resurrected glory.”

— Gary E. Stevenson 

The resurrection in the Bible of Jesus Christ is a wonderful gift. However there is another gift of the resurrection of Christ that not very many people talk about during Easter. That gift is the story of Jesus Christ visiting the people in the Americas. That story is another witness that Jesus truly is who He says He is. 

“We become one with God and with one another through love and service. Then we can receive the witness of the Holy Ghost of that pure love, the fruit which Lehi speaks about as “most sweet, above all that [he] ever before tasted.”

— Elder Joseph W. Sitati 

We can become one with God and with those around us by serving others and through love. Christ loved everyone He came into contact with and served many while on this earth. The Holy Ghost can give us a witness of Christ and of His perfect love for us if we seek for such witness. The love of Jesus Christ can represent the fruit of the tree of life. 

“Parables are a defining feature of the Lord Jesus Christ’s masterful approach to teaching. Simply defined, the Savior’s parables are stories used to compare spiritual truths with material things and mortal experiences.”

— David A. Bednar 

Jesus Christ taught through parables many times. Through parables He could compare spiritual truths through things of this mortal world. By doing this, the audience would better be able to remember the things that Jesus Christ taught, and can help us in our day to remember what Christ taught. 

“The Savior’s promise could not be clearer: “ask, and it shall be given you; for every one that asketh receiveth.”

— Dale G. Renlund 

Jesus Christ promises us that if we ask we will receive, if we see, we will find, and if we knock, it will be opened unto us. It’s that simple! 

“As we each individually grow in our knowledge and love of the Father and the Son, we grow in appreciation and love for one another. Our ability to love and serve others outside the home is greatly enhanced.”

— Joseph W. Sitati

Grow in your love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. By doing so your love for those around you will increase! The greatest commandment is to love God with all your might mind and strength, and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself. It only makes sense that increased love for God increases our love for our neighbors! 

“Whatever God requires is right, no matter what it is, although we may not see the reason there Of until all of the events transpire.”

— Joseph Smith 

The sayings and commandments of God are right, regardless of whether it may be. The truth cannot be changed and is whatever God says. We may not understand why the things of God are the way they are, but in due time all things will be revealed. 

“Such wedding garments were simple, nondescript robes that all attendees wore. In this way, rank and station were eliminated, and everyone at the feast could mingle as equals.”

— David A. Bednar 

The wedding garment Elder Bednar is talking about is simular to temple clothing. Wearing the same clothing which leaves no room for who is richer or poorer than others. In the view of our Heavenly Father, we are all equal before Him, no one is better than anyone else. We are all equals. 

“A Christian author, John O. Reid, noted that the man’s refusal to wear the wedding garment exemplified blatant “disrespect for both the king and his son.” He did not simply lack a wedding garment; rather, he chose not to wear one. He rebelliously refused to dress appropriately for the occasion. The king’s reaction was swift and decisive: “Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

— David A. Bednar 

Do we intentionally disobey the commandments of God? Do we purposely not do what He says and then assume we are an exception? By intentionally not doing what God says we are disrespecting Him and His son, Jesus Christ. There is great punishment for those that disobey the sayings of God and do not repent. 

“The promise of personal revelation through the Holy Ghost is awe-inspiring, much like an airplane in flight. And like airplane pilots, we need to understand the framework within which the Holy Ghost functions to provide personal revelation. When we operate within the framework, the Holy Ghost can unleash astonishing insight, direction, and comfort. Outside of that framework, no matter our brilliance or talent, we can be deceived and crash and burn.”

— Dale G. Renlund 

The spirit of God can speak to us and give us impressions and knowledge. This is called revelation. We need to strive to understand how the Holy Ghost speaks to us. Understand communication between ourselves and Jesus Christ is extremely important. 

“Our Savior is our Mediator with God, but He also helps bring us to ourselves and each other as we come to Him. Especially when hurt and pain are deep, repairing our relationships and healing our hearts is hard, perhaps impossible for us on our own. But heaven can give us strength and wisdom beyond our own to know when to hold on and how to let go.”

— Gerrit W. Gong 

Jesus Christ is able to help us bring ourselves and each other together. He is able to help mend arguments and disagreements. He can help us repair and heal relationships. 

“The king’s judgment of the man is not based primarily upon the lack of a wedding garment—but that “he was, in fact, determined not to wear one. The man … desired the honor of attending the wedding feast, but … did not want to follow the custom of the king. He wanted to do things his own way. His lack of proper dress revealed his inner rebellion against the king and his instructions.”

— David A. Bednar 

Are we determined not to keep specific laws and commandments of God? We cannot have things our own way, we have to obey all the laws and commandments of God. Similarly to the man that refused to wear the garment, by us intentionally not doing what God says, that shows our rebellion to righteousness, to God, and to His commandments. 

“I did not need to pray about this request for one simple but profound reason: only the prophet receives revelation for the Church. It would be “contrary to the economy of God” for others to receive such revelation, which belongs on the prophet’s runway.”

— Dale G. Renlund

Only the prophet of God can receive revelation for the church as a whole. An individual can receive revelation for themselves, but not for the church of Jesus Christ.

“It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound.”

— Prophet Joseph Smith 

It is the duty of the humble followers of Christ to do all we can to make popular the things that are right and true. The things that are evil and are an abomination before the sight of God, are becoming more and more popular. We must do all we can to make those evil things unpopular. 

“Today, as our world is frequently polarized and divided, there is a great need for us to preach and practice positivity, optimism, and hope. Despite any challenges in our past, faith always points toward the future, filled with hope, allowing us to fulfill Jesus’s invitation to be of good cheer. Joyfully living the gospel helps us to become disciples of good things to come.”

— Jonathan S. Schmitt 

We need to have faith. Our world is increasing in wickedness and commotion. We need faith that all in the end will work out. We need to not fear and be of good cheer in living the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

“Personal revelation rightly belongs to individuals. You can receive revelation, for example, about where to live, what career path to follow, or whom to marry. Church leaders may teach doctrine and share inspired counsel, but the responsibility for these decisions rests with you. That is your revelation to receive; that is your runway.”

— Dale G. Renlund 

Personal revelation is personal! Personal revelation is for individuals. You can receive revelation from God on the course of action you should take for specific things. You can only receive revelation for yourself for the choices that you can make. No one else can do that for you. 

“An individual may even accept the invitation and sit down at the feast—yet not be chosen to partake because he or she does not have the appropriate wedding garment of converting faith in the Lord Jesus and His divine grace. Thus, we have both God’s call and our individual response to that call, and many may be called but few chosen.”

— David A. Bednar 

Many are called but few are chosen. The call to be apart of the kingdom of God is extended to all, however some do not want to keep all the commandments. We are invited to the wedding feast of the bridegroom, but we may not be able to eat because we have not done what Christ has told us to do. 

“…personal revelation will be in harmony with the commandments of God and the covenants we have made with Him.”

— Dale G. Renlund 

When we receive revelation from God, is isnt going to conflict with the commandments. We will never gain revelation that goes against what The Lord has said. 

“The stalwart youth of Zion are voyaging through stunning times. Finding joy in this world of prophesied disruption without becoming part of that world, with its blind spot toward holiness, is their particular charge.”

— Stephen J. Lund 

It is difficult in this world to have true peace and joy. The worldly people think they have peace and joy but they do not. Their peace and joy is temporary. When Christ gave peace to His disciples in the Bible, He says He does not give them the peace of this world. Let us find peace and joy in Jesus Christ. 

“Consistency is a Christlike attribute. Jesus always did His father’s will, and His arm is constantly outstretched to save, help, and heal us. As we are more consistent in living the gospel, we will become more like Jesus.”

— Jonathan S. Schmitt 

We should already strive to develop the attributes Jesus Christ has. One is His attributes is consistency. Christ always did and does His Father’s will. Jesus is consistently holding out His hands, waiting for us to come to Him and receive peace and comfort.

“…consistent gospel living helps us to be steadfast and immovable during the storms of life. We can also demonstrate consistency by accepting President Nelson’s invitation to “make time for the Lord.” Great spiritual strength comes from small and simple things like developing “holy habits and righteous routines” of daily prayer, repentance, scripture study, and service to others.”

— Elder Johnathan S. Schmitt 

We need to remain consistent in living the gospel of Jesus in our every day lives. Doing so will help us be steadfast in the storms of this mortal life. Jesus Christ is our foundation and we need to keep Him in our daily lives. Let us all make time for The Lord, to speak to Him, and to study of Him and His words. 

“When we ask for revelation about something for which God has already given clear direction, we open ourselves up to misinterpreting our feelings and hearing what we want to hear.”

— Elder Dale G. Renlund 

God has revealed many things to us by living prophets and apostles, to the words in the scriptures. If we ask for knowledge or revelation about something that already has been revealed, we enter dangerous territory.  

“To be or to become chosen is not an exclusive status conferred upon us. Rather, you and I ultimately can choose to be chosen through the righteous exercise of our moral agency.”

— David A. Bednar 

Choose to be righteous and you will be chosen. Use your agency to do good and prove to God that you live Him by keeping all of His sayings and commandments. 

“Thankfully, they do not have to go out into battle alone. They have each other. And they have you. And they follow a living prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, who leads with the knowing optimism of a seer in proclaiming that the great endeavor of these times—the gathering of Israel—will be both grand and majestic.”

—Elder Steven J. Lund 

We, ourselves, and the youth, do not have to go into the spiritual battles of life alone. We have each other and a living prophet that is the mouthpiece of Jesus Christ. We have living revelation and direction of all things that we should do through the Holy Ghost. 

“Jacob cautioned that unfortunate things happen when we ask for things we should not. He foretold that the people in Jerusalem would seek “for things that they could not understand,” look “beyond the mark,” and completely overlook the Savior of the world. They stumbled because they asked for things they would not and could not understand.”

— Dale G. Renlund 

Do not pray for thing that you should not ask for, and don’t pray for things you don’t understand. Doing so leads to problems. The leaders of the Jews looked beyond the mark and didn’t understand what they were asking. Because of this, they ended up having Christ killed. They completely overlooked the messiah. 

“God does not have a list of favorites to which we must hope our names will someday be added. He does not limit “the chosen” to a restricted few. Instead, our hearts, our desires, our honoring of sacred gospel covenants and ordinances, our obedience to the commandments, and, most importantly, the Savior’s redeeming grace and mercy determine whether we are counted as one of God’s chosen.”

— David A. Bednar 

We choose if we are God’s chosen. To be chosen we must do what God has outlined. We must keep His commandments, and our covenants, we must be righteous. 

“I felt an upwelling of love for this clear-eyed missionary serving the last hours of his mission, and in that momentary stillness of the Spirit, I heard my voice crack as I said simply, “You don’t have to wear the badge to bear His name.”

— Steven J. Lund

We do not have to wear a badge that has the name of Jesus Christ on it, to bear His name. We can choose daily to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ. We can daily choose to bear His name. 

“Jesus’s life was a pattern of holiness. As we follow Jesus, we can become a holy one in Israel. We increase in holiness as we regularly visit the temple, where “Holiness to the Lord” is etched above every entrance.”

— Johnathan S. Schmitt 

Jesus Christ lived a perfect life of holiness, and set forth a pattern and example of holiness and how to act. We can increase being Holy by going to the house of Christ and repenting each day. 

“I invite you to have the confidence to claim personal revelation for yourself, understanding what God has revealed, consistent with the scriptures and the commandments He has given through His appointed prophets and within your own purview and agency. I know that the Holy Ghost can and will show you all things that you should do.”

— Dale G. Renlund 

Have confidence to have personal revelation for yourself. Let the Holy Ghost speak to you and tell you the things you need to know and do. 

“We are less alone when we realize we are not alone. Our Savior always understands. With our Savior’s help, we can surrender our pride, our hurts, our sins to God. However we may feel as we begin, we become more whole as we trust Him to make our relationships whole.”

— Gerrit W. Gong

We are not alone, and will never be alone. We have our Savior with us always. He went through everything so that we would never have to truly be alone, even if we don’t feel His presence. Trust Him. 

“Every time we worship in the temple, we leave endowed with greater power to make our homes places of holiness. For any who do not currently have a recommend to enter the holy temple, I invite you to meet with your bishop and prepare yourself to enter or return to that holy place. Time in the temple will increase holiness in our lives.”

— Jonathan S. Schmitt 

We are given greater power to make our homes holy and a refuge from the storm, when we go to the temple. The temple will help increase holiness in our lives. If you haven’t yet, I would also recommend having a worthy priesthood holder bless your home. 

“In the busyness of our daily lives and in the commotion of the contemporary world in which we live, we may be distracted from the eternal things that matter the most by making pleasure, prosperity, popularity, and prominence our primary priorities. Our short-term preoccupation with “the things of this world” and “the honors of men” may lead us to forfeit our spiritual birthright for far less than a mess of pottage.“

— David A. Bednar 

Life quite frequently distracts us. It can be easy for us to forget Jesus Christ and the things of God, we cannot let this be. We need to always remember Jesus Christ and what He did for us. We need to remember the things that have eternal worth and value, instead of the things of temporary purpose. We need to pray always. 

“Personal and family study of the scriptures. To become converted to the Lord Jesus Christ, each person is responsible for learning the gospel. Parents are responsible for teaching the gospel to their children.”

— Rafael E. Pino 

You are responsible for learning the gospel of Jesus Christ. You are responsible for your relationship with Jesus Christ, and you are responsible for your family and teaching your children. The church isn’t responsible for any of these things. You are. You can’t expect The church to do everything for you. 

“I know that through trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ and His covenant path, we can find spiritual confidence and peace as we nurture holy habits and righteous routines that can sustain and fuel the fires of our faith. May we each move ever closer to those warming fires and, come what may, remain. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

— Stephen J. Lund

Trust in Jesus Christ and His covenant path. Keep the commandments and your covenants and you will have peace. Develop holy habits into your life so that you can become more like Christ. 

“Personal and family study of the scriptures. To become converted to the Lord Jesus Christ, each person is responsible for learning the gospel. Parents are responsible for teaching the gospel to their children.”

— Rafael E. Pino 

Personal and family prayer is important. Prayer is our way of talking to God, and it doesn’t even cost a dime! If you think you pray a lot, pray more. We need to pray always and do our best to use prayer more in our daily lives. 

“The seed we should strive to plant in our hearts is the word-even the life, mission, and doctrine of Jesus Christ, and as the word is nourished by faith, it can become a tree springing up in us unto everlasting life.”

— David A. Bednar 

The seed is the word of God and the doctrine of Christ. We should strive to plant it into our hearts. As the seed is nurtured by faith our testimony grows.

“When our faith falters, we can cry out to Jesus, “Lord, save me,” just like Peter as he began to sink in Galilee’s stormy sea. On that day, Jesus reached down to rescue the drowning disciple. He has done the same for me, and He will do the same for you. Don’t ever give up on Jesus—He will never give up on you!”

— Jonathan S. Schmitt 

When we cry out to Christ He will always  be there to help and comfort us. Just like with Peter, Jesus Christ will always be there to reach out and save us. You can always rely on Him. 

“Weekly sacrament meeting attendance (see 3 Nephi 18:1–12; Moroni 6:5–6). We do so to remember Jesus Christ as we take the sacrament. In this ordinance the members of the Church renew their covenant of taking upon themselves the name of the Savior, of always remembering Him, and of keeping His commandments.”

— Elder Rafael E. Pino

The most important part of the week is partaking of the sacrament. By doing so we should remember the atonement of Jesus Christ, and we renew our covenants with Him. By partaking of His symbolic body and blood, we put upon ourselves Jesus Christ and we abide in Him, and He in us.

“As we come to our Savior, we focus less on ourselves. We judge less and forgive more. Trusting His merits, mercy, and grace can free us from contention, anger, abuse, abandonment, unfairness, and the physical and mental challenges that sometimes come with a physical body in a mortal world.”

— Gerrit W. Gong 

Come unto the Savior and become healed. Let Him teach you and help you to become better. He will help you in all things and give you rest. 

“When we are confronted with questions, when we are mocked for our faith, when the fingers of scorn are pointed at us by those in the world’s great and spacious buildings, we remain faithful and we stay true. In these moments, we remember Jesus’s plea: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.”

— Johnathan S. Schmitt 

Remain faithful to God and stay true to Him no matter what happens. People may make you doubt, and persecute you, but always remain faithful. Look unto Jesus Christ in these moments and ask Him for help. He will help you. 

“Each of us should evaluate our temporal and spiritual priorities sincerely and prayerfully to identify the things in our lives that may impede the bounteous blessings that Heavenly Father and the Savior are willing to bestow upon us. And surely the Holy Ghost will help us to see ourselves as we really are.”

— David A. Bednar 

We need to evaluate our priorities. Are we putting God at the very top of the list? Are we placing anything above Him? Please pray to know if there is anything you are putting above Him. 

“If we are steadfast and immovable in doing good, our customs will be in accordance with the principles of the gospel and they will help us to stay on the covenant path.”

— Rafael E. Pino 

Always do good continually. Make it a habit to always do good, and it will be easier to stay on the covenant path. 

“The eternal principle of love is manifested by living the two great commandments: love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.”

— Hugo Montoya 

The two greatest commandments revolve around love, loving God and your neighbor. However every commandment God has given is an appendage of these two greatest commandments. 

“In our relationship with the Savior, He looks on the heart and is “no respecter of persons.” Consider how He chose His Apostles. He didn’t pay attention to status or wealth. He invites us to follow Him, and I believe He reassures us that we belong with Him.”

— Elder Ryan K. Olsen

Jesus Christ looks to the heart, from the inside, not the outside. When Christ chose His apostles during His mortal ministry, there were not wealthy. They were not important in social status. They were fishermen, tax collectors, normal every day people. But the thing that made them different from the rest was their hearts. Look to the heart.

“Thankfully, when we are weak or incapable, the Lord can strengthen our faith. He can increase our capacity beyond our own. I have experienced that.”

— Elder Carl B. Cook 

The Lord can strengthen our faith. He can uplift us in times of weakness. Jesus Christ is willing and able to help us if we just reach out to Him. 

“Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus wants for us to know Him because His is the only name under heaven whereby we can be saved. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life—no one can return to the Father except by Him. Jesus is the only way!”

— Jonathan S. Schmitt 

Jesus is the only way. It is only through Him that we can return to the presence of The Father. This makes is crucial that we don’t just learn about Christ, but that we know Him. 

“It is not enough to avoid being a stumbling block for others; it is not enough to notice the needy on the road and pass by. Let us take advantage of every opportunity to help our neighbor, even if it is the first and only time we meet him or her in this life.”

— Hugo Montoya 

Take action, don’t just notice that something needs to be done. Take every advantage to help someone in need, to relive the burdens of others. As you serve others, you will begin to feel the love of God for those around you, and you will become more like our beloved Savior.

“The answer to the simplest questions and to the most complex problems is always the same. The answer is Jesus Christ. Every solution is found in Him.”

— Ryan K. Olsen

Jesus Christ is the answer to any and every question. He is the way. He set forth the perfect example. He walked the perfect path. Every solution to every question and problem is found through Jesus. 

“A man filled with the love of God, is not content with Blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race.”

— Prophet Joseph Smith 

If you have the love of God inside of you, you will go out to the world. You will see those that need help and take action. You will uplift the saddened, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort. You will treat all like The Savior does. 

“We are willing to help each other because we love each other, and my brother’s needs become my needs, and mine become his. No matter what language my brother speaks or what country he comes from, we love each other because we are brothers, children of the same Father.”

— Hugo Montoya 

We serve because we have love for all men. We serve because we follow Christ who set the perfect example of service. We should have charity for all, regardless of who they are or what they look like. 

“I invite you to look at the Book of Mormon in a new light and consider the profound witness it bears of the reality of the risen Christ as well as the richness and depth of the doctrine of Christ.”

— Elder Gary E. Stevenson

Look at The Book of Mormon differently. Look at the words inside of that book that testify of Jesus Christ. Feast upon those powerful words. Let them become part of you. Be filled with the spirit of God. 

“May we draw closer to our Savior in the holy house of the Lord, and may He draw us closer to God and each other as we knit our hearts together in Christ-given compassion, truth, and mercy in all our generations—in time and eternity, happy and forever.”

— Gerrit W. Gong 

Through going to the temple we are able to draw near to The Savior. Receive His peace, comfort, and power by going to His house. We don’t have to be perfect to enter into His presence in the temple, we just have to do our best. He doesn’t care that we are making mistakes because that’s apart of the learning process. He only cares 

“And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female.”

— Matthew 19:4

We have been created in the image of God. We have been created after the form of our Heavenly Parents, which are male and female. Gender is eternal. A male in the pre-mortal life will remain a male in this mortal life, and will continue to remain as a male in the eternities, the same applies for females. You cannot change who you are and switch your genders. 

“You could have given me diamonds or rubies but nothing is more precious to me than this additional knowledge about the Lord Jesus Christ.”

— African Tribal King, speaking to President Nelson 

The most precious thing we have are the words of God, especially the gift of The Book of Mormon. Everyone knows about the Bible, but not everyone knows about this additional scripture about Jesus Christ. Nothing is more precious than this additional knowledge about Jesus Christ.

“We might ask, How can reading Book of Mormon scriptures at Easter bless our lives and those of our loved ones in a meaningful way? More than one might realize. Anytime we read and study from the Book of Mormon, we can expect remarkable outcomes.”

— Gary E. Stevenson 

The Book of Mormon is powerful. By reading it often we gain power. Feast upon the words of Jesus Christ, for His words will tell you all things that you should do. 

“As we appropriately seek for the spiritual gift of eyes to see and ears to hear, I promise that we will be blessed with the capacity and judgment to strengthen our covenant connection with the living Lord. We also will receive the power of godliness in our lives—and ultimately be both called to and chosen for the Lord’s feast.”

— David A. Bednar 

Seek for eyes to see and ears to hear the things of The Lord. By doing so we will have the ability to strengthen our connection to The Lord through our covenants. Christ wants to tells us things, but He can’t if we aren’t able to see or hear those things! 

“Look for Christ everywhere-I promise He is there! True joy rests on our willingness to come closer to Christ and witness for ourselves.”

— Bonnie H. Cordon 

Seek for Jesus Christ and you will find Him! We receive joy when we desire and try to come closer to Him. 

“At that time, I had been concerned with how to be a better missionary. This was the answer: to know Christ, to remember Him, and to serve Him.”

— Ryan K. Olsen

Know Christ and remember Him. Serve Him and do what He did. Truly become a representative of Jesus Christ and of His church. 

“He also allows us to be tested and tempted. But whether we are making some mistakes or falling into temptation, the plan provides a Savior so we can be redeemed and return to the presence of God.”

— Hugo Montoya 

Apart of this life is to be tested and tempted. But we can find peace in knowing that Jesus experienced all temptation, and that we will not be tempted more than we can bear. Jesus Christ is always there to help us, even if we make a mistake and fall into temptation. He can help us through the atonement. 

“I pray that you will seek for the Holy Ghost to guide you in your study as you contemplate the truths taught from the pulpit. They have truly been heaven sent.”

— Russell M. Nelson 

Seek for the Holy Ghost. Let Him guide you   through studying the scriptures and the words of apostles and prophets. Let Him speak to you. 

“Enoch ultimately became a mighty prophet and a tool in God’s hands to accomplish a great work, but he did not start his ministry that way! Rather, his capacity over time was magnified as he learned to abide in and walk with the Son of God.”

— David A. Bednar 

We may not start off strong in many new things, but overtime we can become experienced. We may at first be weak but we can become strong with the help of The Lord. 

“The exaltation and happiness of any community, goes hand in hand with the knowledge possessed by the people, when applied to laudable ends; whereupon we can exclaim like the wise man; righteousness exalteth a nation; for righteousness embraces knowledge and knowledge is power.”

— Joseph Smith 

Righteousness brings to pass knowledge. The wicked loose knowledge and basic understanding of many things, we can already see this with the mind blowing confusion of gender. 

“Do you know what I am grateful for? That I didn’t give up—or resist. If I had given in to my desperate desire to escape from those meetings, I would have missed an opportunity to increase my faith and receive a rich outpouring of love and support from my Heavenly Father.”

— Carl B. Cook 

Don’t give up despite oppositions and don’t resist the spirit of God. Let the spirit guide you to have experiences to increase your faith and to feel of God’s love.  

“We live in a fallen world, with distractions coaxing our eyes and hearts downward instead of heavenward. Much like the Nephites in 3 Nephi 11, we need Jesus Christ.”

— Bonnie H. Cordon

The world we live in is fallen and corrupted. It is full of wickedness and abominations. This world needs to repent and follow Jesus Christ. Make the change by starting with yourself. 

“Wise beyond their years, these young girls understood truths that come to us through the Easter message and ministry of the resurrected Savior and the words of the prophets as told in the Book of Mormon.”

— Gary E. Stevenson 

Jesus Christ is risen, and we will also rise from the dead, as well as every creature that God has created. When Christ returns there will be no more death, death will die. Death is not the end. 

“Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ extends that same invitation to you today. I plead with you to come unto Him so that He can heal you! He will heal you from sin as you repent. He will heal you from sadness and fear. He will heal you from the wounds of this world.”

— Russell M. Nelson 

Come unto Jesus Christ so that He can heal you! He wants you to come unto Him. He will heal you of all things.

“We begin to abide in the Lord by exercising our moral agency to take upon ourselves His home through the covenants and ordinances of the restored gospel.”

— Elder David A. Bednar 

How to we abide in Christ? Take upon yourself His yoke that He may lift your burdens. Keep your covenants and His commandments. Worthily partake of the sacrament and ponder about His sacrifice.  Feel the spirit as you do so.  

“During the Council in Heaven in the premortal existence, the plan of salvation was discussed and sustained. It included certain laws and ordinances of the priesthood instituted before the foundation of the world and predicated upon the gathering. It also included the overriding principle of agency.”

— Quentin L. Cook

We were there in the council of heaven. We witnessed Heavenly Father presenting His plan, Jesus Christ accepting His role as the savior of all, and Lucifer and one third of heaven being cast out. We relearn the plan that Heavenly Father presented to us, and if we take the needed steps, we can return back to His presence. 

“Whatever questions or problems you have, the answer is always found in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Learn more about His atonement, His live, His mercy, His doctrine, And His restored gospel of healing and progression. Turn to Him! Follow Him!”

— President Russell M. Nelson 

The answer to whatever problem or question you have can be found in the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is always the answer. Study His life and teachings and you will eventually know what to do.

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