All General Confernce Posts

The Story Of Momo Miller S2-E7

The Story Of Momo Miller S2-E7

This is the story of Momo aka @sassydaysaint and how she was able to find the truth during General Conference in 2018. For the first time since I became a member, I seriously dedicated my time to listening to conference. In the past, I had tried and failed and tried...

Daily Seek The Lord Through Prayer And Scripture Study

Daily Seek The Lord Through Prayer And Scripture Study

“If you are not also seeking the Lord through daily prayer and gospel study, you leave yourself vulnerable to philosophies that may be intriguing but are not true.” — Russell M. Nelson I’m still in awe of the messages shared this conference and the crazy part is,...



“You may feel small compared to the great sweep of what the Lord will do. If you do, I invite you to ask prayerfully how the Lord sees you.” Henry B. Eyring If the Lord knows when a sparrow falls to the ground, He is very mindful of you. “Fear ye not therefore, ye are...

Gen Conf, October 2021

Gen Conf, October 2021

We decide how we will treat each other…but too many voices are deceptive, seductive, and can pull us off the covenant path. To avoid the inevitable heart break…I plead with you today to counter the lure of the world by making time for the Lord in your life each and...

General Conference October 2021

General Conference October 2021

The doctrine of Jesus Christ helps us find and stay on the covenant path…..that will ultimately qualify us to receive all that God has…..nothing could be worth more than what our Father has….

Absolute, Eternal Truth

Absolute, Eternal Truth

There really is such a thing as right and wrong. There really is absolute truth.Eternal truth!

The Restoration will continue

The Restoration will continue

“The Restoration will continue. The Lord will reveal more of His will to His prophets and to His servants.” Henry B. Eyring Just seeing what absolutely inspired changes our prophet has already made over the last couple of years, gets me all excited to see what else...

The Lord’s people will be prepared

The Lord’s people will be prepared

“It is my witness that the keys of the priesthood were restored to the Prophet Joseph Smith. Servants of the Lord appeared from heaven to restore the priesthood for the great events that have unfolded and that lie before us. Israel will be gathered. The Lord’s people...

Magnify our priesthood – Know the Lord’s will

Magnify our priesthood – Know the Lord’s will

“I believe that we can magnify our priesthood service over our lifetime and perhaps beyond. It will depend on our diligence in trying to know the Lord’s will and our efforts to hear His voice so that we can know better what He wants for the person we are serving for...

It takes effort to distinguish what the Lord wants

It takes effort to distinguish what the Lord wants

“It takes effort to distinguish what the Lord wants from what you want and the other person may want.” Henry B. Eyring Preparing to give a blessing, requires effort. Priesthood is often mistaken for an opportunity to ask for or petition the Lord for a particular...

Blessings – The Spirit touches hearts

Blessings – The Spirit touches hearts

“My experience is that even when the blessing is not what the others desire for themselves or their loved ones, the Spirit touches hearts to experience acceptance and comfort rather than disappointment.” Henry B. Eyring Let me just say, that I am so thankful that the...

The purpose for our receiving the priesthood

The purpose for our receiving the priesthood

“The purpose for our receiving the priesthood is to allow us to bless people for the Lord, doing so in His name.” Henry B. Eyring Through the priesthood I have had some of my most cherished and treasured spiritual experiences. When I place my hands on someone’s head,...

9 Quotes by Henry B. Eyring – Bless in His Name

9 Quotes by Henry B. Eyring – Bless in His Name Below you will find the full talk with our memes/picture quotes inserted into the text. We have also made the text bold that applies to each of the memes. Download our new app: Enjoy!! Bless in His Name By...

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