“It takes effort to distinguish what the Lord wants from what you want and the other person may want.” Henry B. Eyring

Preparing to give a blessing, requires effort. Priesthood is often mistaken for an opportunity to ask for or petition the Lord for a particular blessing or outcome. Priesthood power is not merely praying for or wishing for a blessing or result, but rather it is the power of God given to man, to bless His children. It is God’s power, and so we must be wise in how we use His power. When we place our hands upon the head of the individual that you are blessing, you are quite literally representing the Savior Himself and are to give the words and portray the feelings that He has for that individual. That is why it is so important to prepare, to know the will of the Lord for that individual. Does that mean that every time you give a blessing you will have perfect clarity on the will of the Lord for them, of course not, but you seek, pray, and sometimes even fast to prepare yourself for this guidance. Oftentimes, the words do not come until the moment you are to say them, but you are prepared, worthy, and courageous enough to carry out the will of the Lord when it is given to you.

Another important thing to do, is to separate your personal feelings from the blessing. Don’t get me wrong, I tend to cry like a baby when I give blessings. But I do first clear my mind from my own feelings and desires, and then when I place my hands on their head, the spirit is in control. I cry because I feel the spirit so strongly and I feel the powerful love of the Father for them.

What an awesome responsibility we have to magnify our priesthood and serve God’s children. Let us not take that lightly, but put in the deep spiritual work to be ready and willing to carry out the mind and will of the Lord on behalf of all that we serve in His name.


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