by Todd Bruce | Aug 20, 2019 | -General Conference, Adversity, Alone, Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives, Ask, Atonement, Awake and Arise, Be Better, Believe, Blessings, Boyd K. Packer, change the world, Child of God, Choose the Right, D. Todd Christofferson, David A. Bednar, Divine Nature, Effort, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Faith, God's Love, Gordon B. Hinckley, greatest work, Hank R. Smith, Henry B. Eyring, hold fast, Jeffrey R. Holland, Jesus Christ, Keep the Commandments, Kindness, Latter Day Saints, Motherhood, Neal A. Maxwell, Neil L. Anderson, Potential, Power of God, Prayer, Progression, Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, Russell M. Nelson, Service, Spirit of the Lord, Strength, Trust, Ulisses Soares, Valiant, You Matter
Don’t think about doing it! Do it! Take time out that works for you and your family! The benefits far outweigh the costs! You might lose 15-30 minutes a day, but you also might instill a love of the scriptures into your children! Just do it! “A Father who reads...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Aug 1, 2019 | Book of Mormon, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Neal A. Maxwell, Wisdom
I would like to share with you several aphorisms with some illustrations squeezed out of experience, containing, hopefully, some inspiration. You will appreciate, from your own experience, those lines from the Book of Mormon about how we sometimes “cannot say the...
by Todd Bruce | Jul 23, 2019 | Atonement, Be Better, Child of God, Covenants, D. Todd Christofferson, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Family, God's Love, good choices, Happiness, Individual Worth, Jeffrey R. Holland, Joy, Kindness, Neal A. Maxwell, Neil L. Anderson, Overcoming the World, perspective, Press Forward, Repentance, Stiving for Perfection, You Matter
Repentance isn’t the backup plan, it is the plan! Make any effort required to have the Holy Ghost in your life. As you do so, you will move closer to your Heavenly Father and that includes repenting of things that hinder your ability to grow! “When we sin,...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Jul 2, 2019 | -Sherri Jorgensen, Come Unto Christ Artwork, commitment, Keep the Commandments, Marriage, Neal A. Maxwell, Purity, Virtue
Therefore, the keeping of the seventh commandment is such a vital shield! By lowering or losing that shield, the much-needed blessings of heaven are lost. No person or nation can prosper for long without those blessings. Therefore, being good citizens includes being...
by Todd Bruce | Apr 16, 2019 | Be Better, Byu Speeches, Child of God, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Faith, God's Love, Neal A. Maxwell, Press Forward
I am a child of God, Rich blessings are in store, If I but learn to do His will, I’ll live with Him once more! “We don’t know the meaning of all things, but we know that God loves us, and that is sufficient enough to get us by and through anything.”...
by Todd Bruce | Apr 1, 2019 | Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Faith, God, Neal A. Maxwell, Patience
Words to live by! Don’t worry if you’re not getting everything you were promised right away! The Lord knows you and knows what you need. He will bless you when the time is right, and not a minute before! “Faith in God includes faith in His timing!” –...
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