All topics and Images were made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find him on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. This post is part of the LDS Topics series made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find more parts of the series on this website or on Instagram.

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First off, God loves you so much that if you do not accept the gospel, you will still have a chance to do so in the next life. When you die, your body will be left on the earth until the resurrection. Everyone will be resurrected. All spirits will be sent to the spirit world. The spirit world is made up of spirit paradise and prison. Your spirit will go to spirit paradises if you accepted the gospel and if you were righteous. The righteous will experience happiness, rest, and peace, without troubles, care, or sadness. (Alma 40:12)

If you did not accept the gospel or you were wicked, you will be sent to spirit prison. 
The wicked will experience “hell” (Alma 40:13-14)
Hell isn’t actually what most people believe in. Hell is a separation from God whether it be choosing evil over good or not being able to dwell with him. Everyone will live in one of God’s kingdoms even if it isn’t the best place.

Before you came to earth, your spirit had an adult form. You will have that same form in the spirit world even if you died as a child. If you are sent to spirit prison, you can still have a chance to change your ways and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. The spirits in paradise can preach the gospel to those in spirit prison. (D&C 138)

In order for you to accept the gospel, someone on earth will have to represent you getting baptized. This is why baptisms for the dead are important. If we do not do them, no one in the spirit prison would have a chance to leave. 

Heaven is not spirit paradise. God does not live in spirit paradise. Heaven and spirit paradise are two different things. 

When the final judgment comes you will end up in one of the three kingdoms God has created. God is so merciful that you will live in one of his kingdoms! 

Celestial kingdom: the home of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and all of those that have qualified for eternal life by making and keeping all the gospel covenants as well as doing what is right over wrong. (D&C 76:59-79)

Terrestrial kingdom: this will be the home of those good people who did not accept the gospel of Jesus Christ but received it in the spirit world or who were not fearless in the testimony of Jesus Christ in life. Most people will end up here. 
(D and C 76:71-80)

Telestial kingdom: the unfortunate home of those who were wicked and evil and did not accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. (D&C 76:81–89)

There is one more place that exists where some where go but it is not one of God’s kingdoms. Only the most evil people might possibly end up here but it is very unlikely. 

Endless punishment: this is the final state of the sons of perdition, as well as the devil and his angels. Those that did not choose to come to the earth will end up here. This place is also know as outer darkness. (D&C 76:31–49).

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