Lord, “What would thou have me do?”: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Act 6-9)

Lord, “What would thou have me do?”: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Act 6-9)

“You do change human nature, your own human nature, if you surrender it to Christ. Human nature can be changed here and now. Human nature has been changed in the past. Human nature must be changed on an enormous scale in the future, unless the world is to be drowned...
Second Commandment: Love Others

Second Commandment: Love Others

“Overcoming the world means turning ourselves outward, remembering the second commandment: “He that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” The happiness of our spouse is more important than our own pleasure. Helping our children to love God and keep His...
Easter: The Epitome of Love and Sacrafice

Easter: The Epitome of Love and Sacrafice

“Easter is the day that changes everything.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf I wouldn’t want to know what life would be like without the Savior’s sacrifice. I can’t imagine the pain and anguish that would exist without the constant tender mercies and the relief that He...
Turn on Your Brights: Come Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mathew 5, Luke 6)

Turn on Your Brights: Come Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mathew 5, Luke 6)

This winter has been excessive, with temperatures extremely low, and snow fall extremely high. These conditions make one of my jobs–chauffeur–difficult and cold. Last night I was shuffling kids around, and as the sun went down, my lights never appeared to...
2 Nephi Chapter 8: It’s Time to Wake Up and Get Excited! – Applying Scriptures to Our Lives

2 Nephi Chapter 8: It’s Time to Wake Up and Get Excited! – Applying Scriptures to Our Lives

While reading 2 Nephi, chapter 8, I felt like I was having a personal counsel with my Heavenly  Father.  I’ve learned over the years to keep my family home evening lessons short. I figure I’ve got 5 minutes to share the important thing. Even with that, I...
12 Blessing Filled Quotes by President Russell M. Nelson: The Correct Name of the Church

12 Blessing Filled Quotes by President Russell M. Nelson: The Correct Name of the Church

Jesus Christ directed us to call the Church by His name because it is His Church, filled with His power. -It is not a name change. -It is not rebranding. -It is not cosmetic. -It is not a whim. And it is not inconsequential. Instead, it is a correction. It is the...
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