11 Quotes about Becoming Shepherds by Bonnie H. Cordon (October 2018)

11 Quotes about Becoming Shepherds by Bonnie H. Cordon (October 2018)

Bonnie H. Cordon invites us all to “Become Shepherds.” “It is about making certain each person feels the love of the Savior through someone who serves for Him. In that way. All can recognize that they are known by a loving Father in Heaven.” “I hope those to whom you...
12 quotes from the Worldwide Devotional for Youth by President Russell M. Nelson, 2018.

12 quotes from the Worldwide Devotional for Youth by President Russell M. Nelson, 2018.

You are the hope of Israel, “children of the promised day”! Now, we would like to talk with you about the greatest challenge, the greatest cause, and the greatest work on earth. And we want to invite you to be part of it! Take your questions directly to your Heavenly...
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