Because My Father Read the Book of Mormon: A Short Story by Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitismk

Because My Father Read the Book of Mormon: A Short Story by Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitismk

I consider June 2, 1940, to be a very important day in the history of my family. On this day my father was baptized into this Church. Writing to his father, Elder Jack McDonald, one of the missionaries who baptized my father, described the day with these words: “Last...
Full of Purpose, Heart and Mind: Mosiah 7:33 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

Full of Purpose, Heart and Mind: Mosiah 7:33 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

I was reading a book about the travels of Lehi from the point that they left Jerusalem until they sailed to the Americas. The authors spent years and years in following the passages written by Nephi to chart the course that the family took in the desert...
The Courage to Persevere (Applying the Scriptures to Our lives -Alma 58)

The Courage to Persevere (Applying the Scriptures to Our lives -Alma 58)

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of a good ​​​courage​, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the ​​​​​Lord​​​ thy God, he ​it is​ that doth go with thee; he will not ​​​fail​ thee, nor ​​​forsake​ thee. As a parent of 7 children of my own and an aunt of over 80 nieces...
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