“I fear however much we revere this record as the keystone of the restoration, we haven’t revered it enough.” Jeffrey R. Holland

I love this picture so much. Moroni praying in a cave as he hides himself from the wicked lamanites that seek his life. This picture only captures the smallest amount of hardship and trials he went through to preserve the gold plates so that we could have the Book of Mormon. I have such gratitude for this great man, and one day I will have the opportunity to tell him, and my words will fail me. Now, take the sacrifices he made and then look through the Nephite history and you will see the hand of the Lord preparing and preserving this record in miraculous ways. We can only image a fraction of what actually took place.

Let us show Moroni, and the other prophets whose blood and tears stain the leaves of of gold, and most importantly our Savior, Jesus Christ how much we love this book. Let’s start today by reading, revering, and loving this great book even more than we do now.

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