Recent Blog Posts
During Times Of Trial And Adversity, We Can Recognize The Difficulties Of Others – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Jesus Christ showed us that during times of trial and adversity, we can recognize the difficulties of others. Moved with compassion, we can reach out and lift them. And as we do so, we are also lifted by our Christlike service.” — Elder Moisés Villanueva When...
Let Your Faith In Christ Give You A Soft Heart
“If your faith in Jesus Christ has led to a heart softened through the effects of His atonement you will be more able to feel the whisperings of the spirit in answer to your prayers.” — Henry B. Eyring A soft heart and whole hearted efforts will bring miracles! Half...
Lessons at the Well, Susan H Porter
We can turn to the Savior for the strength and healing that will enable us to do all that we were sent here to do.
You’ve Got To Regulate Your Momentum
President Nelson: “You’ve got to regulate your momentum.” Us: “We all do really.”
Almost All Will Receive A Kingdom Of Glory – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“A loving Heavenly Father has a better plan for His children. The revealed doctrine of the restored Church of Jesus Christ teaches that all the children of God—with exceptions too limited to consider here—will finally wind up in a kingdom of glory. “In my Father’s...
Things Of Our Souls
“The things of out souls are often clarified and deepened by asking questions.” — Ronald A. Rasband As we dig deeper to better understand our role in life, and strive for more knowledge, we can grow our testimony and deepen our roots in God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ...
The Story Of Rod Zberg S3-E9
Welcome back guys to next episode of the third season. This is Rod’s testimony on the plan of happiness and Christ’s mission. His Instagram account is @rod_zberg. A Righteous Mother and Two Partners in Crime. When I was 16 years old the Saylors family moved into...
Satan Does Not Want You To Think You Can Change – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Satan does not want you to think you can change. He will try to convince you that all is lost. That is a lie. You can return. You can repent. You can be pure and holy because of the Savior’s infinite atonement.” — Sister Elaine S. Dalton You can change this very...
God Loves Us
“The first great commandment is to love God, but the first great truth is that God loves us.” — Jeffery R. Holland Our Heavenly Parents love us, unequivocally and without condition. Our aim is to love Them back, be obedient and to learn to become like Them. This plan...
Serve Your Fellow Man – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“In moments of difficulty and trial, there are few things that bring us greater peace and satisfaction than serving our fellow man.” — Moisés Villanueva Serve everyone that you can on both sides of the veil. Almost no other thing brings peace and fulfillment than...
But Isn’t Self-Reliance An Adult Issue?
“But isn’t self-reliance an adult issue, how can children understand that concept?” Elder Martinez: Teach ’em well. Children are our future.
Young Adults take home a message of their true identity and overfill the Conference Center
Photo credits: @taryn.m.banks on Instagram @calebchilcutt is the person holding the ring, ‘proposing’ to Sister Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Monday, May 16th 15 O’clock News MST| No.96...
It Isn’t Selfish Spending Time For Yourself
“Your family and friends can’t draw from an empty well. It isn’t selfish to spend time caring for you, doing what you love, what replenishes you, to make sure you have energy and courage to give to those who rely on you.” — Hank Smith It’s ok to take time! It’s ok to...
Come Follow Me Overview – Deuteronomy 6–8; 15; 18; 29–30; 34
Welcome everyone to the Come Follow Me Overview! My name is Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp and I will be sharing with you guys this week what I liked about Deuteronomy 6–8; 15; 18; 29–30; 34. Suggestion: when using The Come Follow Me book, use this page for my...
Three Important Truths – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“1. You are a child of God. 2. You are a child of the covenant. 3. You are a disciple of Jesus Christ.” — President Russell M. Nelson The three most important truths for us to know, to keep our minds set on retuning back to Christ and Heavenly Father is this quote. We...
Never Forget You Are A Child Of Heavenly Father
“Never forget that you are a child of God our eternal Father now and forever. He loves you, and the church wants and needs you! we need your voices, talents, skills, goodness, and righteousness.” – M. Russell Ballard Every voice is unique and makes the church...
What Would A Holy Young Adult Do? – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“What Would A Holy Young Adult Do?” — Sister Wendy Nelson If we ask ourselves this question multiple times a day, our lives will become more holy and full of peace, happiness, and the spirit of Christ. Now then, if you are a holy young adult, what will you do to make...
Build Your Foundation On Something Solid And Eternal
“Where our foundation is really matters, and this has a decisive effect on the outcome ultimately and eternally.” – Chi Hong (Sam) Wong Make sure to build your life on something solid and eternal! Do not base it off philosophies of men or popular culture. These things...