Recent Blog Posts
You Are The Guardians Of Your Homes
“Today’s popular culture tries to erode and demean your eternal role as a patriarch and father and minimize your most important responsibilities… fathers, you are the guardians of your homes, your wives, and your children.” — Elaine S. Dalton There is a reason the...
Experiences In The Scriptures Are Foundation Stones – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“That is the miracle we seek—when one person has an experience in the scriptures and that experience is blessed by the influence of the Holy Ghost. Such experiences are precious foundation stones for our conversion to the Savior. And as President Russell M. Nelson...
Do We Truly Love Our Neighbor?
“It has only been in recent times, since people started saying they loved all mankind, that neighbors have suffered so much neglect.” — Neal A. Maxwell Love one another, as Jesus loves you, try to show kindness in all that you do, be gentle and loving, in deed and in...
Season 5 of The Book of Mormon Updates
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Saturday, June 18th 15:00 O’clock News MST| No.103 “The Book of Mormon itself, and the Book of Mormon Videos are produced with the express purpose of bringing people closer to their Lord Jesus Christ,” Elder Rasband said in...
Satan Opposes What Is Most Important To God’s Plan – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The restored Church’s positions on these fundamentals frequently provoke opposition. We understand that. Our Heavenly Father’s plan allows for “opposition in all things,” and Satan’s most strenuous opposition is directed at whatever is most important to that plan.” —...
Faith Is Developed When We Cannot See What Is Ahead
“Faith is developed in a setting where we cannot see what lies ahead.” — Dallin H. Oaks We cannot expect to grow unless we let go and press forward! What we must let go of will change, and having faith in and trusting God is trusting that He knows better and we’re ok...
Our Efforts To Hear Him Need To Be More Intentional – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“As disciples of Jesus Christ, our efforts to hear Him need to be more intentional.” — President Nelson We need to Hear Him. We need to be more intentional in hearing what Jesus Christ is telling us. He is speaking, but are you truly listening? More Latterdayhelp...
You Are Able To Act For Yourselves – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“…whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doth it unto himself: for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free.” — Samuel The Lamanite We...
Build Your Spiritual Fortification
The enemy is near and approaching you and your home. The enemy never sleeps, pressing forward constantly to destroy you. They stand against everything you stand for and feed off of the hate they have for you. The enemy wants to destroy you and make you miserable. They...
Judges 4:21
“Then Jael Heber’s wife took a nail of the tent, and took an hammer in her hand, and went softly unto him, and smote the nail into his temples, and fastened it into the ground: for he was fast asleep and weary. So he died.” — Judges 4:21 And that’s when I realized how...
The Best Way To Gain Truth And Wisdom – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The best way to gain wisdom and truth is not through spending time with the wise, and immersing yourself in books, but asking God in prayer to obtain truth and wisdom. It isn’t bad to spend time reading books and spending time with the wise, but that can only get you...
Begin A New Life In Christ – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“God invites us to cast our old ways completely out of reach and begin a new life in Christ. This happens as we develop faith in the Savior, which begins by hearing the testimony of those who have faith. Therefore, faith deepens as we act in ways that anchor us more...
He Continues To Care For Us
“He continues to care for us even when He cannot approve of us.” — Neal A. Maxwell Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Redeemer of the World, who suffered all things and descended below all things, atoned for each and every one of us. Because of His love and His grace, we...
Mighty Change of 🧡
The Book of Mormon is our handbook of instructions as we travel the pathway from bad to good to better and strive to have our hearts changed Elder David A Bednar
Oppose All Social And Legal Pressures To Retreat From The Truth – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The Lord has required His restored Church to oppose social and legal pressures to retreat from His doctrine of marriage between a man and a woman, to oppose changes that homogenize the differences between men and women or confuse or alter gender.” — Elder Dallin H....
Truth Is Truth
“Evil, error, and darkness will never be truth, even if popular.” — Russell M. Nelson Truth is truth. The compass needle will always point north, unless something interferes with its ability to do so. The sun provides life, warmth and heat, but may be obscured by...
With Faith In Jesus Christ We Need Not Fear – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“So what about us? Should we be intimidated or afraid? Should we live our religion at periscope depth? Surely not! With faith in Christ, we need not fear the reproach of men or be afraid of their revilings. With the Savior at the helm and living prophets to lead and...
Let Your Hearts Be Comforted – D&C 100:15
“Therefore, let your hearts be comforted; for all things shall work together for good to them that walk uprightly, and to the sanctification of the church.” — D&C 100:15 There is no need to hide your beliefs and the truth or be afraid of people that threaten you...
Life Will Be Better If You Go To The Temple – Latterdayhelp Quotes
“I know your lives are busy. I know that you have much to do. But I make you a promise that of you will go to the house of the Lord, you will be blessed; life will be better for you.” — Gordon B. Hinckley Life oftentimes gets busy, but even if you are busy you should...
BYUI Students In Spring When It Snows Like Crazy
BYUI students when it snows like crazy in the middle of spring “Well this sucks.”