Having this perfect knowledge of God, he could not be kept from within the veil – Ether 3:20 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize Commentary

Having this perfect knowledge of God, he could not be kept from within the veil – Ether 3:20 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize Commentary

Having this perfect knowledge of God, he could not be kept from within the veil – Ether 3:20 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize Commentary Wherefore, having this perfect knowledge of God, he could not be kept from within the veil; therefore he saw Jesus; and he...
Follow the Example of the Savior: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mormon 7-9)

Follow the Example of the Savior: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mormon 7-9)

Mormon 7: 10 And ye will also know that ye are a remnant of the seed of Jacob; therefore ye are numbered among the people of the first covenant; and if it so be that ye believe in Christ, and are baptized, first with water, then with fire and with the Holy...
Come Follow Me, Book of Mormon Study “I Speak Unto You As If Ye Were Present” (Mormon 7-9)

Come Follow Me, Book of Mormon Study “I Speak Unto You As If Ye Were Present” (Mormon 7-9)

Come Follow Me, Book of Mormon Study “I Speak Unto You As If Ye Were Present” (Mormon 7-9) Video and Podcast by: Sherri Jorgensen I am so excited about what we learn from these chapters! This week in our video and podcast we are going to talk about … 4 important...
Know that YOU are in the Hands of GOD: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mormon 1-6)

Know that YOU are in the Hands of GOD: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mormon 1-6)

Mormon 5:23 Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God? We must remember that we are in the hands of God; therefore we have no need to fear. This is true even when life is difficult and uncertain; even when “wickedness did prevail.” (Mormon 1:13) We can reflect on...
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