15 Amazing Quotes by Tad T. Callister; The Atonement of Jesus Christ

15 Amazing Quotes by Tad T. Callister; The Atonement of Jesus Christ

The Savior’s Atonement is not only infinite in scope but also individual in reach. Savior’s Atonement. It is indeed the most supernal, mind-expanding, passionate doctrine this world or universe has ever known. It is what gives hope and purpose to our lives. When we...
Our Failures DO NOT Define Us

Our Failures DO NOT Define Us

We can’t allow our failures or mistakes define us, regardless of what the world says, we need to trust Christ and His infinite Atonement. The world is full of people, organizations, and systems that want nothing more then to pull you down as you climb up. Christ is...
Be A Good Neighbor; Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mathew 18; Luke 10)

Be A Good Neighbor; Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mathew 18; Luke 10)

Luke 10:29 ​But he, willing to ​​​justify​ himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my ​​​neighbour​? What a fantastic question to ask the Lord. I remember thinking about this as a young girl. Is my neighbor only those whom I share a fence with? Or is it also the people...
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