“As we climb the mountains, especially those in our own backyards, let us look to the Lord, who is the light.”

“Show that light to your family and those who feel like family, for the brush at our feet will snag us, and obstacles will surely bruise us. But warm and steady, the light beckons us on.”

“Follow it, knowing the challenges are real, but so is the Lord. Light a torch of faith at home and keep it burning brilliantly, even when the night is long and the journey difficult.”

“We shall scale our spiritual peaks with courage. Courage is a powerful tool. With it we can dig into the bedrock and stand steady, even when the footing is treacherous.”

“I see so much of courage in you. You walk miles to church. You rebuild a home ruined by floods. You go to school, sometimes with your desk on your head. You stretch limited money so you can feed your family. You face death, survive drought, and forgive after a divorce. You repent when that’s what is needed. You let go of old habits and espouse the gospel instead.”

“You pay tithing when your children need shoes. You live through winter without warm clothes. You raise children alone. You accept a Church calling when you have no idea how to do it. You work to feel good about yourself, even as you feel so imperfect. You reach out to someone who may not extend a hand to you.”

“You patch up a long-standing family argument. You put your family first, even when other options entice you. Cultivate courage, for it will help you live confidently and well” -Elaine L. Jack

This post is copied directly from this talk:https://www.lds.org/general-conference/1992/04/look-up-and-press-on?lang=eng

-Sherri Jorgensen

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