We can’t allow our failures or mistakes define us, regardless of what the world says, we need to trust Christ and His infinite Atonement. The world is full of people, organizations, and systems that want nothing more then to pull you down as you climb up. Christ is different, he pushes us up when we get stuck, and encourages us to grab the hands of others to pull them up with you. The world says step on others to make yourself higher. Christ says as you lift others, you too will be lifted. The world says you’re not enough. Christ says you’re more than enough. The world says survival of the fittest, Christ says kindness and love makes the survival of all greater. The world says, you’re only as good as your paycheck. Christ says I’ve paid the price for your salvation, come, follow me. The world says there’s not room for you. Christ says you are the room, and I’m knocking. The world says look around, Christ says look up. The world says it’s all about you. Christ says it’s all about serving others.

“All of us will fall short of our divine potential, and there is some truth in the realization that alone we are not enough. But the good news of the gospel is that with the grace of God, we are enough. With Christ’s help, we can do all things. The scriptures promise that we will “find grace to help in time of need.” -Michelle D. Craig “Divine Discontent”

This is such an important principle to teach our youth. They need to know that the pressures they feel can be reversed through Christ’s love. They need to understand that they aren’t defined by their mistakes but by their successes. The world may focus on their mistakes, but they can just let them roll off their shoulders as if they never existed, because that’s not who they are. I give them examples; if you make the decision that you don’t cuss, and a cuss word slips one day, it’s no big deal, just recommit to the Lord and don’t cuss. Your friends may try and make that one situation a bigger deal than it is, but you can keep it in its proper place, it was nothing but a simple mistake. Then I use myself as an example to help them understand that this is a life-long pursuit. I try to have patience and kindness in my mothering, so when I lose my cool and yell, I don’t throw my hands in the air and think I guess that I’m just an upset mom who yells at her kids. NO! I recommit to being patient and kind, and then carry on with the kind of mom I know I am.

“Let us not confuse righteousness with perfection.” 

“Let us get back up every time we fall.”

“Let us keep our focus on Heavenly Father and listen to His voice.”

“Let us seek His approval and not the approval of the world.”

“Let us look for and remember the joy and the touch of God’s hand in our lives every day.”

“The gospel is good news. The Savior has overcome the world, and He has prepared the way for us to do the same. That we may we feel the optimism and joy of His gospel every day of our lives.” -T. Jeffrey Wilks  “Optimism and Joy in the Gospel of Jesus Christ”

-Sherri Jorgensen

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