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The Passover and Easter
We are commanded to “remember always.” We have so much to be grateful for as we approach Easter and consider the Passover. He teaches us and shows us that we can trust in Him and wait upon His perfect timing for deliverance from sorrow, suffering, and pain. With His...
Eternal Education, this earthly life is our education.
Sharing my personal struggles, revelation and guidance from the Lord and lessons learned. I focus on my personal bitter cup, Anger. Also, share a talk by Nancy Wentworth called,”Our Eternal Education”.
LGBTQ- Welcome & some suggestions on how to persevere in the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Peg Branvold, “You have to have hope that things will get better.”
We Are Our Brother’s Keeper
One of the most striking principles taught by the Savior during His earthly ministry was treating others with compassion. 2 Nephi CH 31 16 And now, my beloved brethren, I know by this that unless a man shall endure to the end, in following the example of the Son of...
The Caregiver of Our Souls, Jesus Christ
I can assure you that Christ is ever aware of the adversities we experience in mortality. He understands all of the bitterness, agony, and physical pain as well as the emotional and spiritual challenges we face. We can look forward with confidence in our ability to...
Be Careful What You Ask For
In other situations, when our worthy desires are not granted in the way we had hoped, it may actually be for our ultimate benefit.I always tell my husband, be careful what you ask for! And it’s a reminder for me too… For example, Joseph the son of Jacob was envied and...
How Do You Hear the Spirit of God?
Sharing my own experiences and how I hear His voice in hopes that you will be inspired and blessed by our testimony and love for all that is of good report. Also, in the last segment we talk about a talk by Elder Brook O Hales, Area 70, titled, “Answers to Prayer”.
Mental Health Awareness
“Even though our family has enjoyed rich blessings while joyfully walking the covenant path, we have also faced exceedingly high mountains.”Elder Erich Kopischke There are so many resources available at churchofJesuschrist.org for mental health assistance. We can...
Look Down the Road, Focusing on the Lord
Updates and check-ins. We use “Look Down the Road”, talk by Elder Meredith. With all that’s happening, wars and rumors of wars, we must focus on the Lord.
Faith to Endure
“…Faith is not having a perfect knowledge of things….if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.” This year’s focus, across the quorums, is building on your faith foundation. We are so blessed to have a gospel from our Savior and teaches us...
Faith, Trust, Obedience
Men (and women) accomplish marvelous things by trusting in the Lord and keeping His commandments—by exercising faith even when they don’t know how the Lord is shaping them. Elder Dennis E Simmons
Feelings of Inadequacy?
“The scriptures are . . . full of true accounts of people who felt underqualified,” Elder Duncan said. “But when things seemed most difficult, they trusted God.” Elder Kevin R Duncan Area 70
Faith to Act & Become
Updates, stories, lessons learned, and we use the talk by Elder Ciro Schmeil, “Faith to Act and Become.” It is so GOOD to be back! Through prayer, scripture study, and action, we can unlock the blessings of heaven and become better followers of the Savior Jesus...
The Infinite Atonement
At this season of the year we particularly rejoice and reflect upon the Savior’s Atonement. It is indeed the most supernal, mind-expanding, passionate doctrine this world or universe has ever known. It is what gives hope and purpose to our lives. Loving that we are...
Hold Me Together
In those first few weeks, I felt strongly that my baby came to earth with a close connection to heaven. She knew Christ. She loved Him. She trusted Him. She knew He loved her and felt His continued influence in her life across the veil of mortality. She reminds me...
The Healing Balm of Gilead
An aromatic spice or ointment used for healing wounds. The Savior Jesus Christ has often been referred to as the Balm of Gilead because of His remarkable healing power. The Savior’s Atonement, which makes available both His redeeming and His enabling power, is the...
The Possibility of Change
Clearly the possibility of change and living at a more elevated level has always been one of the gifts of God to those who seek it.
Why do Mormons, Latter Day Saints, build temples?
Throughout history, the Lord has commanded His people to build temples. Temples are literally houses of the Lord. They are holy places of worship where individuals make sacred promises with God.
The Savior, Jesus Christ, loves YOU!
“The Savior loves all of God’s children regardless of their socioeconomic circumstance, race, religion, language, political orientation, nationality, or any other grouping. And so should we!”