Aloha, born and raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I stopped attending when I graduated High school at 17. In 2011, coming off of a divorce, I met the love of my eternities in a jewel of a town, Ventura-CA. We found ourselves moving into a serious relationship, so my husband wanted to learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is through my witness, during very spiritual conversion moments for my husband, that I felt the time was now to put up, or shut up, and make the decision to become Active in the church once again. You see, I knew if I didn’t, my husband would flourish in the gospel and leave me behind. I received a very distinct impression that the time was now for me to become engaged again in Christ’s church. I always knew the church is the church of Jesus Christ on earth, however I struggled living the gospel standards in my life. In October of 2013, we were married on a Friday, my husband was baptized on Saturday, and confirmed a member/given the gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday. We like to call it our whirlwind weekend of righteousness!
In 2020 I found the time to start a project of mine that I had been thinking about for two years. I started a Podcast called LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast available wherever you may Pod. My goal is to talk about tough subjects and hardships we naturally face during this experience of life and how we use the gospel of Jesus Christ to reconcile the very hard, and difficult, that we face. We are very real, open, and genuine seeking to share our experiences that the spirit may impress upon you how to maintain and build the faith you have acquired to endure as the Lord has commanded us to do.
As Brigham Young once said, I have a fire in my bones for the gospel of Jesus Christ! Welcome! We are here to help, edify, uplift, and prevail on our journey with you.
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Look Down the Road, Focusing on the Lord
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Please Pray For Ukraine
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Happy New Year 2021!
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The Healing Balm of Gilead
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