My name is Spencer and I am the owner of Latterdayhelp. You can find the social media accounts only on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. Latterdayhelp is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. I have always been excited about helping others and that is why I have made the Latterdayhelp organization. I also created Latterdayhelp because I had a feeling to do so that didn’t go away. I eventually gave into the Holy Ghost and decided to make Latterdayhelp and post church related content on the Latterdayhelp social media platforms. I have faced opposition from people making fake accounts of me on social media to people spreading false rumors about me and trying to shut down Latterdayhelp. Just like the prophets of old, we all will face opposition if we try to do what is right. I can testify that God is with us no matter what and he will always stand with us when we choose the right even if it appears that we stand alone.
Most Recent Posts
The Lord Can Strengthen Our Faith -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Thankfully, when we are weak or incapable, the Lord can strengthen our faith. He can increase our capacity beyond our own. I have experienced that.” — Elder Carl B. Cook The Lord can strengthen our faith. He can uplift us in times of weakness. Jesus Christ is willing...
We Belong With Christ -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“In our relationship with the Savior, He looks on the heart and is “no respecter of persons.” Consider how He chose His Apostles. He didn’t pay attention to status or wealth. He invites us to follow Him, and I believe He reassures us that we belong with Him.” — Elder...
Eternal Principle Of Love -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The eternal principle of love is manifested by living the two great commandments: love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.” — Hugo Montoya The two greatest commandments revolve around love, loving God and your...
Be Steadfast And Immovable -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“If we are steadfast and immovable in doing good, our customs will be in accordance with the principles of the gospel and they will help us to stay on the covenant path.” — Rafael E. Pino Always do good continually. Make it a habit to always do good, and it will be...
Evaluate Your Priorities -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Each of us should evaluate our temporal and spiritual priorities sincerely and prayerfully to identify the things in our lives that may impede the bounteous blessings that Heavenly Father and the Savior are willing to bestow upon us. And surely the Holy Ghost will...
Remain Faithful And True -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“When we are confronted with questions, when we are mocked for our faith, when the fingers of scorn are pointed at us by those in the world’s great and spacious buildings, we remain faithful and we stay true. In these moments, we remember Jesus’s plea: “Look unto me...
Come To Your Savior -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“As we come to our Savior, we focus less on ourselves. We judge less and forgive more. Trusting His merits, mercy, and grace can free us from contention, anger, abuse, abandonment, unfairness, and the physical and mental challenges that sometimes come with a physical...
Weekly Sacrament Meeting Attendance -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Weekly sacrament meeting attendance (see 3 Nephi 18:1–12; Moroni 6:5–6). We do so to remember Jesus Christ as we take the sacrament. In this ordinance the members of the Church renew their covenant of taking upon themselves the name of the Savior, of always...
When Our Faith Falters -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“When our faith falters, we can cry out to Jesus, “Lord, save me,” just like Peter as he began to sink in Galilee’s stormy sea. On that day, Jesus reached down to rescue the drowning disciple. He has done the same for me, and He will do the same for you. Don’t ever...
Plant The Word In Your Heart -Latterdayhelp Quotss
“The seed we should strive to plant in our hearts is the word-even the life, mission, and doctrine of Jesus Christ, and as the word is nourished by faith, it can become a tree springing up in us unto everlasting life.” — David A. Bednar The seed is the word of God and...
Personal And Family Prayer -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Personal and family study of the scriptures. To become converted to the Lord Jesus Christ, each person is responsible for learning the gospel. Parents are responsible for teaching the gospel to their children.” — Rafael E. Pino Personal and family prayer is...
Trust Jesus Christ And His Covenant Path -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“I know that through trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ and His covenant path, we can find spiritual confidence and peace as we nurture holy habits and righteous routines that can sustain and fuel the fires of our faith. May we each move ever closer to those warming...
To Become Converted To The Lord -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Personal and family study of the scriptures. To become converted to the Lord Jesus Christ, each person is responsible for learning the gospel. Parents are responsible for teaching the gospel to their children.” — Rafael E. Pino You are responsible for learning the...
Don’t Let Life Distract You -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“In the busyness of our daily lives and in the commotion of the contemporary world in which we live, we may be distracted from the eternal things that matter the most by making pleasure, prosperity, popularity, and prominence our primary priorities. Our short-term...
Holiness From The Temple -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Every time we worship in the temple, we leave endowed with greater power to make our homes places of holiness. For any who do not currently have a recommend to enter the holy temple, I invite you to meet with your bishop and prepare yourself to enter or return to...
Our Savior Always Understands -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“We are less alone when we realize we are not alone. Our Savior always understands. With our Savior’s help, we can surrender our pride, our hurts, our sins to God. However we may feel as we begin, we become more whole as we trust Him to make our relationships whole.”...
Have Confidence For Personal Revelation -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“I invite you to have the confidence to claim personal revelation for yourself, understanding what God has revealed, consistent with the scriptures and the commandments He has given through His appointed prophets and within your own purview and agency. I know that the...
The Opportunity To Be Sealed
In the church, one of the most important ordinances is being sealed in marriage. This sealing is a sacred covenant between a husband and wife that is performed in a temple. This sealing binds couples together not just for this life, but for eternity. However, not all...
Holiness In Our Lives -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Jesus’s life was a pattern of holiness. As we follow Jesus, we can become a holy one in Israel. We increase in holiness as we regularly visit the temple, where “Holiness to the Lord” is etched above every entrance.” — Johnathan S. Schmitt Jesus Christ lived a perfect...
You Don’t Have To Bear The Badge To Bear His Name -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“I felt an upwelling of love for this clear-eyed missionary serving the last hours of his mission, and in that momentary stillness of the Spirit, I heard my voice crack as I said simply, “You don’t have to wear the badge to bear His name.” — Steven J. Lund We do not...