Follow the Path Cleared Of All Dangers: Alma 37, Part 2 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

Follow the Path Cleared Of All Dangers: Alma 37, Part 2 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

Alma 37 is so jammed with goodness…I can’t seem to get enough. Part one finished with the Lord fulfilling all His promises, which is a super awesome blessing if we are following him, and a super scary consequence when we fall in the destruction zone. One...
Stripling Warriors of the Latter Days are in Our Homes: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

Stripling Warriors of the Latter Days are in Our Homes: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

As I read this story to my kids, I was able to relate it to their lives right now. To help them see…how special they are, and to help me see who lives in my home…The Stripling Warriors of Latter Days! What does Stripling mean? Youth, adolescent, youngster,...
Handbook for Raising Teens: For the Strength of Youth

Handbook for Raising Teens: For the Strength of Youth

The hardest part about parenting is that these kids all come different with their sweet spirits….but no handbook. We have to figure it out through trial and error and what works for one child doesn’t work for another….even though they are from the same two...
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