

Self-discipline My wife sent this quote to me and I love it. Let us all have greater self-discipline in the little things. Self-discipline is making your bed every morning. Self-discipline is getting out of bed when your alarm clock goes off. Self-discipline is doing...
Magnify the Divinity That Is in You

Magnify the Divinity That Is in You

Magnify the Divinity That Is in You “If we are constantly aware of the seeds of divinity in us, it will help us rise above earthly challenges and difficulties. Brigham Young said: ‘When I look upon the faces of intelligent beings I look upon the image of the God I...
The Parable of the Dead Armadillo

The Parable of the Dead Armadillo

I love Armadillos! Growing up where they didn’t exist, I simply cannot believe this animal is real! Such an odd combo of a potato bug, possum, bat, anteater, and maybe dinosaur? It blows my mind! Did you know they almost always give birth to identical quadruplets?...
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